Cash the check

Cash the check I wrote to you…… It is written on my heart…… just a small repayment for the contribution you made for a new start I couldn’t come up with a sum that was sufficient for the determined efforts you have shown so I left that line blank and…

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It has become apparent to me that words of kindness…… words of encouragement…….words of love are meaningless unless accompanied by….. Sincerity ttucro

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Donuts and Habanero’s

Walking my dog in the park I came upon a curious little man sitting on a bench by the lake. He seemed overcome with excitement and gravitated from laughing to despondency… was very interesting. Passing he exclaimed “ Senor would you care to join me for a magical experience?”  I…

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A basketfulofhope

Our hearts are a basket to carry things we want to keep Allowing us to share those gifts with others that we meet From time to time others share what their hearts decided to keep That give and take is the fellowship we all are trying to seek So carry…

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Or adding to the story —————————————————————————— when I get to the pearly gates……..I wonder how many excuses I will make……for misbehavior I passed off as living before the Keeper of the Path shakes his head and begins to laugh…..  “ we already know everything you’ve done…… so don’t sham us…

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It’s fear……. However you want to spell it

Anger……. Retaliation……abuse………emotional rampages………jealousy ………almost all negative responses all driven by fear. It can be spelled in many ways but at its core all the aforementioned are motivated by…. Fear However you care to spell it….  It’s Fear Ttucro  

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But what good would it do

I could be upset and disappointed because my plans fell through I could let it determine how the next few days will go i could turn the situation into a full blown crisis…. but what good would it do Already a bit weary from a reshuffling of the deck I…

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Chasing Away the Shadows ….4xIronM

You help me chase away those shadows that I tried to shoo away I needed an example of what it was like to be considerate and caring and trustworthy and you gave me that Those shadows come but they don’t stay because they are no longer my friends…… they lead…

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Pleonasm ……..not me

Sparse and clear my silent vow to let the words speak…….and not me For when I release my hold on them they take me places I’ve never been Once you understand that you aren’t the writer….. They are There is a bond few will ever know… be part of the…

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The Man inside of Me

The man inside of me longs to be free from the constraints I put on him he doesn’t care what people think, but I do he isn’t afraid to step out of line….. but I am he treasures the times he made a fool of himself,  but I don’t he…

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The nuts and bolts of maturity is the ability and the willingness to focus on what matters In your life Leaving others to find their own way offering opinions or much preferred……..observations only when asked The well matured mind can recall youthful thoughts without resorting to them I never want…

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The Switch.

The “switch” to the light in your mind ………. is in your heart ❤️ the power of Love and Kindness cannot be underestimated Doors impossible to open have succumb to the locksmith of compassion It is amazing to watch people, places and things take on a brand new level of…

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Time bomb 💣

Our lives are governed by a time bomb 💣 The longevity of one’s life or fuse is contingent upon some things we can control and some we cannot Does little good to fret over the reality that we are on a schedule and it isn’t of our own making conditions……attitude………

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Wiggle Room

Every relationship needs a little “wiggle room” so that it flows So trivialities don’t get caught and impede the stream if we have decided to let the little things go we save our energy and time and recognize that most of what we find offensive isn’t worth it…….best to let…

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One Ear……..what Im shooting for

if I can entice one inquisitive soul to peruse a note I’ve penned…….to give them pause to consider my words……. Then these offerings will accomplish what “I was shooting for” One Ear ttucro

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Watching Mannequins Eat

While sitting with my mother a very strange thing occurred When food was placed before them I actually saw mannequins eat I was astonished because no words had been uttered before Mechanically they raised their forks and waited for the aides to cut their meat and to my surprise mannequins…

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Yes…….. there is much to be learned from different faiths but only one way to the “PEARLY GATES” I admire the peace it brings to those who realize they need help on their way I won’t argue and I won’t say….”you’re wrong and I know the way” but if you…

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Walmart Kat

I’m just a Walmart Kat that were I call home I eat pretty well from the things people throw down A lot of Kats couldn’t fathom living these way but I have my freedom and lots of room to play I hang in the shadows during the day and stay…

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Salad Bar Life

I characterize my life kinda like a salad bar. Multiple choices and opportunities to taste and experience different flavors from different people. Everything and everyone has a different color, texture and smell. Grateful that I have always been willing to try new things and various dressings. Life is delicious and…

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How would you know?

How would you know how good things are unless sometimes they were bad How would you know gain unless you’ve experienced loss How would you know hate unless you’ve been loved ———-          —————-          ———————————— Life is a mixed bag to offer you…

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This is the time

If the notion comes to mind perhaps this is the time if not to act……maybe to reflect on where or when to proceed there are seasons in every life where times are fast and slow …….. the path gets wide than narrows…..the days drag and then they flow As we…

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Every now and then

Not that often.                        But every now and then the marbles rolling around in my head stop and give me inspiration and instruction on what I’m to do or say                    …

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Gods a Show Off

I don’t mean that in a disrespectful way Everything he does Is magnificent He couldn’t possibly do anything else after all He is God We are the beneficiaries of His Splendor I have a habit of bringing to attention His beautiful handiwork I am amazed because often it seems they…

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If you say so….

Best way to keep the peace when someone is talking from a box when what they say amounts to a bag of rocks 🪨 with a smile and a note in my head…… I respond in a monotone……..”if you say so” doesn’t hurt anyone and an argument doesn’t ensure so…

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Bungee Cord

Needed to secure some things to keep them together in my van So I grabbed a bungee cord that was close at hand it struck me that I could be the same…holding things together to keep them in their place isn’t that what we are supposed to do to help…

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Used Halo

I was glad I made it….. I dunno 🤷‍♂️ I thought it could go either way The guy who checked my ticket smiled but only half way He said when the cloud stopped to go through the gate on the left… to which I replied “ but I’m more of…

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Gratitude Break

I will pause……. to appreciate the little things I take for granted I am blest and need to express the gratitude for blessings that have been given to me make no mistake I forget these gifts until there’s a bump in the road then I shake my head remembering that…

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Barbed Wire

I have seen the disadvantages of surrounding my heart ❤️ with “barbed wire” it works to protect myself from being hurt…..but it also prevents intimacy and the joy of relationships Unless I am willing to let others in….. the “me” I want to come out will remain hidden behind…. Barbed…

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I am more than happy to pay the postage for this note worth every penny to get this message to you Fragmented and fragile and with the “glue” of kindness and care you help hold the pieces together until the “glue” dried the postage was paid with respect and gratitude…

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From Eagle 🦅 to a Snail 🐌

I once was an Eagle 🦅 and soared in the sky above majestic and powerful and proud of my agility and skill at hunting I spent hours among the clouds and my vision rivaled the best binoculars then one day a hunter shot me by mistake thinking I was a…

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