Tripping over minutiae

Sorry to say sometimes things slip away before we catch them everyone suffers from thin skin from time to time, part of the human condition so we find ourselves bent out of shape and stumbling over minutiae so in reflection we shrug our shoulders offer apologies and move on realizing…

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I dare you

Go outside a let out a scream Walk in the rain till soaking wet try to remember what you tried to forget buy something nice and give it to someone you don’t know pay for the next guy in line buy a ticket to a place you don’t know call…

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Wading in darkness

Wading in darkness because you lost you light something startled you in the water and it went out as it sank i told not to go there but I knew you were going anyway I recognized that distraught look on your face and you were crawling out of your skin…

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Lost……. Without a purpose

I have come to believe A person without a purpose is like a balloon waiting for air It may never come because it is contingent on someone doing something heck of a way to live it doesn’t matter what your passionate about as long as you have something to live…

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Return the Gifts 🎁

Return a portion of the gifts that have been bestowed and give to others for the debt you owe and be grateful that what you receive is to be shared with those in need for a pot of stew or a bushel of wheat is better enjoyed with a hungered…

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Would you know the real thing if you saw it would you recognize the signs has life given you the expertise to adequately evaluate what you find how many fortunes have we let slip through our hands because we didn’t know what we were looking for and didn’t value what…

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The Art of Suffering….

What? oh yes…….. every facet of your life……especially hard times and disturbances can be Art…. Art simply put is the arrangement and combination of vision and imagination the medium can be anything….. my favorite artists are “life artists” …….they live their lives artfully and take every moment as a lesson…

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You say you are……so go don’t use the excuse….out of town…… so google should it feel awkward… yes….if you’re not spiritually fit….. comforting if you are so it means different things at different times today…..I’m uncomfortable and the service isn’t moving me….obviously a sign I’m dealing with some garbage 🗑️…

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Currents of Life

When I was a kid A family moved next door they had a daughter about my age Well couldn’t imagine at the time about hanging out with some  “icky” girl but Gail was different…….she was cute but not real “girlie” I saw her playing catch with her Dad and had…

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Most Quit to Soon

Your dream is awaiting you but it isn’t always clear your fears and misconceptions Are covering it……..but it’s there so be honest about what fears you have and beliefs that have come undone and replace them with love and hope and they will fade as time goes on ———— but……..…

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Taft’s Disease

I have it………your Son has it to so much to see….so much to do some people call it “Wanderlust” and I call it “Taft’s disease after a grandfather I saw him once in my life on my way hitchhiking to Los Angeles Made a few calls and found him opened…

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Just Give More Than You Take

Kills me how people dislike the unvarnished truth we all use people…..all ……..everyone People attached negative conceptions and the word is “tainted” we couldn’t get along or accomplish things if we didn’t use people….. hear you already….” That’s different” not really…….. how people are treated when we use them and…

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You never get over…….. you get under

I try to speak on topics I have experienced with nothing worse than someone speculating about things they haven’t had any experience in like to say I’ve lived a clean cut life and my underwear was always clean but that would be a lie Ex…….. a lot of things…..  I’ll…

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The only limits God has in our lives……… Are the limits we……….place on Him Making…….the Unlimited Limited get                                Out.                Of   The Way ttucro

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Now I lay me down to sleep…. but my mind is rambling through the wreckage of the past I pray my soul for Him to keep….. that’s the problem……. When I go against my soul If I should die before I wake……. I have a lot of stuff to explain……

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I see you think you’ve box me in but where there is a way to get in there’s a way to get out you still want to be Queen but I could care less about being King you go ahead crown yourself there is a price for everything and you…

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What are trying to say?

Yeah I heard what you said it hurt my head but what are you trying to say Leads me to believe that is only a twig of the sticks you would like to throw so let them fly and I’ll gather them as they fall and I’ll see what I…

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Pinocchio’s Sister

Allow me to introduce myself I am Pinocchio’s sister Yes I k know you know him……everybody knows him for his uncanny ability to exaggerate anything and everything he’s not a bad guy…..really he does a fair amount of volunteer work and is active in the community but when he gets…

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Not for everyone

The life I lead isn’t for everyone but it’s not their life, it’s mine learned a long time ago trying to please them was a waste of time so I do what I think is best for me and help others when I can But conforming to the rules of…

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Night Off……

Tentatively they agreed…. so I’m giving my Guardian Angels the night off I promised not to say a word or get anyone pissed off Gabe said he would check on me and not to wander off so I’m sitting here writing a few lines and the Angels have the night…

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Self consumed

The problem with being self consumed…. you devour yourself ttucro

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Kiss……….. today

Kiss today…… you work and as you play you have the chance to sing or cry to elevate or take a dive Either way……you’ll survive go on kiss today… joy and sorrow are best friends when one leaves the other comes in but let’s be honest before it ends this…

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Heard you don’t drink anymore

I heard you don’t drink anymore well that’s a good start are you ready to open the door and explore all the confusion and chaos your created by trying to escape yourself I’ll give you a mulligan and hope for the best this is your life brother, can you pass…

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Boxing with Myself

I enter the ring not knowing my opponent…… but he looks vaguely familiar after the introductions something about him is a bit unsettling looks to be in fair shape and he has a good amount of spring in his legs we go back and forth for a few rounds feeling…

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Fearless Clown Club

The “Fearless Clown Club” has many notable members  I however am not one them as far as notoriety but I do ascribe to their tenets which are I will seek things that make me happy and the joy is often transferred by my enthusiasm People have the misconception that comics…

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Waiting for Columbus

I’m waiting for Columbus to return…….. and rediscover America because we the “Americans” have lost our way we are divided and relish in those divisions we don’t talk about differences anymore we label each other and take sides the middle of the road shows little wear because no one dares…

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Never Enough

Satan I don’t want to be your friend and I have a healthy concern for you but I think I understand how you ended up where you did out of heaven to have power……. But not the ultimate power is either accepted or sought   people like us mortals aren’t…

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Fallen Angel

Why of course you fell the pedestal I put you on was way to high slightly elevated would have been sufficient but no……..not Mister Extreme You were up in the nose bleed section ——————- you have wings….I don’t yeah yours show some wear but what would you expect……you’ve been doing…

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I suppose there are potholes in many places in our lives sometimes we don’t see them sometimes we just close our eyes but they are put there for a reason In the roads we travel to remind us to be careful and watch out where we are going so take…

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Rain will fall……..

If your smart you’ll realize there’s nothing you can do about it so catch it and do something good with it water your soul ttucro

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