Fearless Clown Club

The “Fearless Clown Club” has many notable members  I however am not one them as far as notoriety but I do ascribe to their tenets which are I will seek things that make me happy and the joy is often transferred by my enthusiasm People have the misconception that comics…

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Waiting for Columbus

I’m waiting for Columbus to return…….. and rediscover America because we the “Americans” have lost our way we are divided and relish in those divisions we don’t talk about differences anymore we label each other and take sides the middle of the road shows little wear because no one dares…

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Never Enough

Satan I don’t want to be your friend and I have a healthy concern for you but I think I understand how you ended up where you did out of heaven to have power……. But not the ultimate power is either accepted or sought   people like us mortals aren’t…

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Fallen Angel

Why of course you fell the pedestal I put you on was way to high slightly elevated would have been sufficient but no……..not Mister Extreme You were up in the nose bleed section ——————- you have wings….I don’t yeah yours show some wear but what would you expect……you’ve been doing…

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I suppose there are potholes in many places in our lives sometimes we don’t see them sometimes we just close our eyes but they are put there for a reason In the roads we travel to remind us to be careful and watch out where we are going so take…

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Rain will fall……..

If your smart you’ll realize there’s nothing you can do about it so catch it and do something good with it water your soul ttucro

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Treasure Chest

We are are gifted with a treasure chest inside our hearts, beneath our breasts and the key to unlocking it Is by sharing with others who don’t seem to fit ——————————————————————————-   love and kindness build bridges   ttucro

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Someone else’s shoes…..

Before you open the lion’s cage and call the gladiators to the ring take a break from tying the noose and set the rope aside it is so much easier to judge than understand because finding the answers takes time and that would mean we would have to control our…

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I talk to much……

I talk too much …….. how about you do you suffer from loose lips too? I suppose it’s not that uncommon but do you think others ever as the question? How many times do you wish you could take back all the words spoken in haste …… when emotions were…

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Fire Walker…….

There is no use beating around the bush ……. if you are true to yourself…..if you are authentic if you speak clearly and speak the truth if you aren’t a pretender and say what you mean if your have the courage and backbone to be a healer, instead of a…

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All Good Fences

We all construct fences……sometimes physically…..sometimes mentally and sometimes both all fences are for protection  because we fear something getting in or something getting out but all good fences have one thing in common they have gates because things change…..people….places and thoughts so something we wouldn’t consider letting in at present……might…

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Yesterday’s Mistakes…….

Yesterday’s mistakes are today’s keepsakes treasure them as gold for remembering where you have been and the trouble you were in may keep you from making those missteps again Yesterday’s mistakes………. today’s keepsakes treasure them as if they were gold ttucro

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I try to plant wherever I go seeds from the fruit that has helped me to grow because there is so much to learn and know and it’s good to share your lessons not on a soapbox or an attitude of “knowing it all” but from a desire to help…

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Travel 🧳 Plans

We are one moment away from ecstasy……, just a matter of gratitude and attitude…… ps. who are you flying with today ttucro

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Early in the morning when I open my eyes the gift of life stirs me and inspires my soul to fly so I make a firm commitment to give thanks  By giving back and the joy of living is enhanced and shared by loving and simple acts from early in…

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No expiration date…….

Only one thing that lasts forever God no expiration date ttucro

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2 for one

This tendency that had me in its grip where I was beating myself with it has now become my friend because acknowledging the troubled part of me has opened doors I couldn’t see and life has begun again and I no longer quarrel with my deficiencies they are a vital…

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Agnostic…….without knowledge

That’s what the definition is…….. the only way you couldn’t believe in God is because of lack of understanding……. protest all you want but I dare you to ask for proof and you will get it the trick is having the willingness that permits the thought that something is greater…

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Comfortable in Second Place

I did my best to run the race…….and ended up in second place I could lament and lope off in disgrace but I did my best to win the race so I will examine what I need to do to improve in the races that I choose but I have…

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Use your Power ?

What? own it.        Use it.       Don’t abuse it.     Share it. we are not helpless.           We can be helpful. The people you look down upon you will be looking up at one day you give abundantly and you…

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Safety pin of life…..

I’ll start at the bottom and work my way up the safety pin of life is…….. experience In our formative years we are doubtful and perplexed not sure how a situation will be resolved or if it will be resolved and honestly that doesn’t change a lot as we grow…

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The Skill of “letting go”

I am painfully aware that I do not excel at the skill of learning to let things go my need to be heard was suppressed for a time now I practice it to a fault I am in the midst of a personal revolution and often the correction can be…

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Run an ad……. the dog walker Quit

The dog walker quit…..said he will miss the dog And that he didn’t mind picking up the dogs crap But he got tired of picking up the owners some people just have a hard time being honest with themselves the dog walker is in recovery……he knows what being honest is…

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Harder to hit a moving target

I know you’re a good shot I’ve been grazed before that’s why I keep moving harder for you to score but every now and then I get just inside your range and the arrows fly and I do my best to avoid them but occasionally they hit right between the…

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This most important skills in life Are only learned by living and one that gets my attention at this moment is the skill of finding amusement in every day living I find it amusing how something can be outrageous to me and everyday life to someone else all predicated by…

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Reify……coming together

Things seemed fragmented I suppose most of that is because of me my life had been in the valley and now I see the top of the hill Life is never like you thought it be and that’s probably a good thing if it was always what we expected it…

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Rubber bands

Old man by the side of the road suitcase in his hand…….money in his shoes and a pocket full of rubber bands sits underneath a willow tree and puts a band on his hand thinks about life and the things he can’t understand open up his fingers and feels the…

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Binoculars and Crystal Balls

Perhaps if I had binoculars or a crystal ball 🔮 I could see into the future and avoid snares and pitfalls but….that isn’t going to happen so my best bet is to focus on today and leave tomorrow in its place……tomorrow not sure knowing the future would be that beneficial…

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What do I often should require an appraisal often to make sure that what I am doing often is worth doing often because often I am often distracted And often have to remind myself often ttucro

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Post It Notes

I use a lot of post it notes to remember and remind me of the requirements of the day I try my best to follow them but I often go astray seems like life has a way of hypnotizing me when something or someone catches my eye the notes get…

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