Put the whip away
I am putting the whip away…….the self loathing got in the way of my service and benefit to others i was never all that good at being bad…… but my ego likes to think so i make mistakes and often disregarding obvious outcomes….and I own it the constant flailing has…
Read MoreQuilting
The remnants are on the table but they aren’t stirring fear……..I pick one up with excitement to join it with needle and thread….. then something happens and it seems sort of queer something inside is choosing the pieces and guiding my hands and a rag tag tapestry appears the stitching…
Read MoreStudent
Well it is said when the student is ready the teacher will appear……….I am listening and I can hear…… what used to be confusing now seems clear……wasn’t because I didn’t know it was because I feared understanding my purpose didn’t require anyone’s approval…..only their respect. The most important lesson I’m…
Read MoreParticipant
I pledge to be a participant in this mysterious game of life…..and though I don’t always show it…..I know the difference between wrong and right I pledge not to blame others for how my life unfolds, for this life is like a ball of clay it evolves the way it’s…
Read MoreFinders Keepers…….
Not used to being heard and respected for what I need……..swimming in new waters and it feels very different for me to have someone that is comfortable and confident to be themselves and not be threatened or intimidated by me that is a level of understanding and respect that is…
Read MoreThe Magic Carpet
Seemed like I was going nowhere fast I wanted more from myself and more from life A voice I hadn’t heard before said softly……. “Start by being honest with yourself and then you can be honest with everyone else……. Be grateful for what you have and it’s important to share………
Read MoreMore than flowers……..the “look”
The “look” says things the flowers try to say….. but the flowers die and fade away But you will know what is in someone’s heart….. when they give you the “look”……… and you see sparks. ttucro
Read MorePick one word……..resilient
Pick one word that would describe the perfect mate for you……… just one word…….that would give a reasonable overview After some thought and a hit and a miss…… I suppose I have arrived at this……..Life has its up and downs and no matter how hard we try….. there will be…
Read MoreSimply Elegant
To appreciate the simple elegance of simple things.. Is an exercise of appreciation that leads to ordinary things becoming extraordinary what had become routine has taken on new meaning…….because I have changed The disappointments of life have caused fractures that resulted in the dismantling of many things and the repositioning…
Read MoreShe thinks I’m great…….. maybe I could be
She thinks I’m kind…….. maybe I should be she thinks I’m thoughtful…….. maybe I could be she thinks I’m intelligent…….. maybe she’s right she thinks that there is something about me worth knowing…… maybe there is she says I need to take another look at myself I think I will…….…
Read MoreThe Currency of Time
Time pays its dividends in information Life pays its dividends by applying that information If you got it…….use it……if you don’t….you’ll lose it ttucro
Read MoreDilemma……#3278.4
Change is hard………not changing is much harder ttucro
Read MoreUntil now……….for Johnny C.
That feeling that surpasses all understanding is impossible to describe…….until now the things you thought were important dominated your life…… until now the idea you could or should trust someone completely was a course in wishful thinking…..until now the thought that someone would accept you and share with you intimately…
Read MoreBroken Arrow
Just wouldn’t fit in the quiver anymore and I knew I couldn’t keep it I thought about firing it at you but you were already bleeding profusely I took stock of what it had done to me and honest appraisal revealed the anger I had towards you was hurting me…
Read MoreLost and Found
Things that we lose or give away……are stored in the locker of the Lost and Found ……and when we are ready they are returned and if we are wise…… through their loss……… we learned ttucro
Read MoreThe River is Reversed
That river that swept everything away….. uncovered many things that made you afraid….. Time has a way of smoothing jagged stones and slowly it has changed course….. The river that once took everything away…….is bringing things back is a more complete and beautiful way……. the tide has turned ttucro
Read MoreYou opened the door…….
I came knocking……..screaming “let me in” …… You said…….. “ that my happen….. but it depends” I was reluctant to let you determine when it begins ……. but when I backed off……you let me…. in when I stopped pushing……you let me in…….. – nothing is more enticing……. than Respect- Ttucro…
Read MoreI dare you…..
Open up your heart… ….open up your mind….. the things we have been searching for …….are not that hard to find…… if we start at what we want……..and work our way back…….when we take the time to look……we realize somehow we are on track for we manifest our goals and…
Read MoreCaution ⚠️
Be very careful around people who are never critical of themselves……. Very careful ttucro
Read MoreAmazing …… greater than myself
My issues lose weight when I give them away to a source that has the answers that I don’t….. I pause and step away and things that seemed to stay…….. somehow lose the power they once seemed to hold. Greater than myself
Read MoreRealignment
An outburst of anger fueled by fear disrupted the balance and caused a scare but few things can stand in the way of a sincere willingness to accept responsibility…….and a desire to change things happen….. what we do with them determines their worth realignment
Read MoreCleaning out the attic
It’s unnerving the things I’ve kept that tether me to the past……. they never served a purpose….. I’m throwing them in the trash……. so before I begin to gather things I will reflect upon their worth…… and if they don’t enhance my life I will leave them where they are…
Read MoreGood Enough?
Two sides to the question of good enough……settling ….and doing one’s best there are many things that meet the”good enough” requirement…… things that aren’t important enough to spend an inordinate amount of time on them there are also things that should merit the extra attention to achieve the best they…
Read MoreNot Fragile
Because of the choices I have made….. life has presented challenges that have changed and shaped me in different ways so I can take a hit…… sometimes I slip… but I brush myself off…. Laugh and get on with it I appreciate that my experience has helped me be…. not…
Read MoreActually
Actually…….referring to what we know we remain skeptical that fortune could, would or should favor us with such a situation that being said…..how dare we doubt the boat 🛥️ will float……when we haven’t even left the dock Actually we are so cautious the life preservers are out and we try…
Read MoreShare the Apple
One apple fell from the tree two were there and decided…. Half for you, half for me Never crossed our minds that either would claim the find …… as theirs we came to the tree from different directions and we both left together full ……….of possibilities take what the tree…
Read MoreWhipping Post
You became the whipping post when you merely called to check on me Defending your friend rubbed me the wrong way….. but isn’t that what friends do…. Fortunately or unfortunately friends see the good in us and glance over the rest You were right about the anger…… justified?….yeah a lot…
Read MoreBeautiful Soul displaces everything
External beauty cannot compare with internal beauty……… External is taken with time …… Internal is enhanced with time….. The dig is the light within overshadows the light without……. ttucro
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