Don’t make a thing……….a thing

When it looks like something you would rather forget……..your hands are shaking and you just what to quip let me explain…” don’t make a thing…….a thing save the worry for things you can’t change, no matter what you do nothing don’t change so you just accept and move on catch…

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Reality doesn’t care…….

Reality doesn’t care if it’s not your preference Will make no effort to accommodate you Will never ask for forgiveness Isn’t offended when you protest or hurl profanities Has no intention of starting over Reality and “ like” know each other but they don’t talk much And the thing most…

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Lean In….

If you are interested in learning lean in Act as if you are interested before we begin show some enthusiasm for your life is a gift If you want me to hang around show me                     ——————————————— lean in ttucro  

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Life is full of apostrophes and that’s a very good thing for me because they make me pause and help me to see there is much to learn from an apostrophe Gives me a chance if I am willing to look at things missing and things I want to put…

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The River in Me

You can’t see it but it flows sometimes it rages and sometimes it’s calm but it brings me things and it takes things away The River in me makes its own way I realized the River inside when something in me was born …….and something died it brings me laughter…

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Priceless Art

The discerning eye has learned to recognize “priceless art” In unusual and unexpected circumstances the beautiful thing about art is that it is appreciated individually some see and some don’t in different situations I enjoy in discussion the impression that others have on things I may have missed or undervalued…

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Less is best

Less of me is better for all that come in contact with me less talk…… more listening less judgment…..and more service less thinking……. More doing less of my agenda…….and more flexibility less time focusing on what I don’t have and more time being appreciative for what I do have ——————-…

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Patience always wins

If patience always wins maybe that’s why I’m losing things I think rightfully belong to me areslipping from my grasp I have no interest in extortion or deception my ability to sit and wait is leeching as the days of contention drag on so if patience always wins …..I have…

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Hate doesn’t work…….

Hate doesn’t work it enslaves and the animosity you generate is energy that is lost and non productive Prayer is more powerful than hate and produces  much better results the emotions that generate hate have their foundations in fear I cannot hate you because I don’t hate myself and having…

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Knowledge is expensive……..

We whine at times in the predicaments we find ourselves in but over time we are resigned to accept that knowledge is expensive those memories we regret over time they are met with appreciation rather than disgust                          …

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Unplowed Fields

I once languished when I could see the unplowed fields ahead of me but now I see them as an opportunity the unplowed fields in front of me the mud I have deposited on my feet from the roads I have trod are welcomed now because I see the fields…

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Apodictic Faith

This ole world may rattle and shake turn on its belly and crawl like a snake it can do what it wants but it cannot take My apodictic faith there are many things that make no sense to me and many things I cannot see but underneath this debris is…

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It has to be done

Making peace with reality has to be done or one is in a constant battle to change things they find unacceptable……. that’s fine if they are truly not going to work but if it’s just a matter of not what you would prefer you are going to be in a…

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The Better Way

I have times when I don’t want to pray for people that get in the way of living the life I seek but when I humble myself and offer a prayer for their health and sanity then the obstacles they place, crumble away and their barricades no longer stand in…

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Fertilizer for the Soul

The mistakes I’ve made and the wounds I have saved are fertilizer for my soul Pains me at times to unroll them and recall the events when fear was in control and I was to stubborn to ask for help but I am grateful and resigned that we learn in…

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Accessing the Oddment…… what’s left to

Well now my pretty look and you will see the wonderful opportunities In front of me shorn by the shears of a vindictive world I did my famous skip and switch and left the intruders lying in a ditch so I see a bright morning sun a reminder my life…

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It’s okay……and I can prove it

It’s okay if you didn’t plan it this way it’s going to work out…. either way so go on get in…..the meter is running take a spin go on with your life it’s not waiting besides there is a lesson to be learned….. you could do that instead of grieving…

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Why are you ,….lying to me

Why are you lying to me I’m here…I see what you see I don’t get it….. why are you lying to me you just got new glasses and you don’t drink anymore…. So what in the world are you trying to do I know you you know me but this…

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When I look at the word “relationship” I separate it into two parts. relation… communicate in ways that convey feelings and thoughts in the quest of understanding ship….. transfer of those feelings and thoughts ——- Now the problem: Fear and everyone has it putting yourself in another’s shoes is a…

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Best I Can Do…… Just Passing Through

I am committed to do the best I can do to live a life that is honest and purposeful I will offer help as it comes across my path support others suffering health or financial difficulties but….. I am determined to enjoy and discover all the beautiful things life has…

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Phlegmatic……a way to go

Emotion is part of everyone……… an the level of maturity in a person can easily be measured by their ability to constructively channel those emotions it is an ongoing process to recognize when emotions are gaining control and need to be suppressed Restraint is a hallmark trait of a person…

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Beyond the most obvious…….

There is so much more beyond the most obvious the most obvious is a rock that only a few will bother to turn over under…… over ……..around drives me to look beyond the most obvious there are dimensions…….crevices…….holes and alleys that hold treasure that isn’t hiding just off the beaten…

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Many Worlds

It is something that has become part of me There are many worlds I cannot see But I know they are there it just doesn’t make sense to me that everything that exists would be apparent to me when I first looked into a microscope 🔬 my mind opened to…

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Many always becomes a few

Many are the desires of a young person’s heart but time makes it evident that we never accomplish or experience everything we would like to so we determine what is most important and pursue those goals life is full of realignments and changes in direction isn’t uncommon…… because our needs…

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Coming up for Air

Swimming in new waters I’m not sure how deep and strong are the currents it will be awhile before I feel comfortable in the present situation because so much is in the formative stage the unknown is puzzling and disconcerting……and the best plan is to see how it unfolds before…

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First Step in Healing

So occasionally things happen to throw me out of sync so I acknowledge it and adjust my attitude to direct me towards resolution I stop fighting and give in to the path my body shows me to wellness I don’t feel well and that’s the gist of it…… but I’m…

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Where’s your star ⭐️

Where did you put your star ⭐️ Everyone has one…… some wear it more than others it isn’t about being better or special….it’s about the the light the light gives hope the light gives concern the light gives confidence Wearing that star heals others and reflects back to you don’t…

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Why I Love God

Sometimes I question if my friends have my back I never question if God has it sometimes my world 🌎 comes unraveled God rolls up the yarn 🧶 when I feel a sense of loneliness my Spirit reminds me I’m never alone. when it is all said and done  …

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Fair Trade Agreement

Most of us would agree that what pleases you doesn’t always please me so somewhere in the middle is a good place to start all relationships are a series of gives and takes  Best not to offer what you wouldn’t accept consideration is the key ….. I’m looking out for…

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It turns out…..

In the middle of a storm when we have moments of doubt somehow or another it always turns out most of the time in ways we didn’t see A door opens up and we didn’t need a key so I don’t let life live me I have situations placed in…

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