Try turning on the Light 💡

So I see you have scrapes on your knees sad to say it reminds me of me stubborn and willful and determined to have my say I was walking into things just about every day couldn’t figure it out so I spoke a friend they said perhaps the “light” is…

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I sent him away……

That man who stole my face pretended to be a saint but He ….. and I know it just isn’t so I let him have his run and often it was great fun but everything has a price and soon it didn’t seem right like always taking and not giving…

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Still……… a learned discipline

It is easy for a lethargic soul to embrace the act of sitting still But for those of us who are prone to “do” that discipline is something not easy to do often we reflect that spinning one’s wheels has little effect…… if your wheels aren’t on the ground so…

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Seems ironic when the disillusions of my youth have waned ……. And my willingness to listen is fully developed…….. that my ability to hear clearly is dissipating Perhaps it is a hidden suggestion…… pay close attention to everyone…… especially the ones think have nothing to transmit… you are probably Wrong…

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For years I kept my “flair” locked in a box and professed I didn’t care but in reality I had given in to the calls from others to rein it in you see people are uncomfortable when they see a person living a life happy and free because it makes…

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The best mistake you’ll ever make….

I don’t care how many times your heart breaks love is the best mistake you’ll ever make what you give might be significantly more than you take I don’t care it wasn’t a mistake If you learned ttucro

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Under the wire….

They put the wire across my path thinking it would keep me from passing but I slipped under the wire as they were plotting my demise the demon cattle rustlers always show up to gather my herd of angels and make them watch reruns of “my favorite Martian” until they…

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Always…… one step away

We are always one step away from happiness don’t let people situations circumstances determine your ability and desire to be happy you will be graced with the things you continue to reach for reach for Happiness ttucro

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I mean you have to figure out a way to make it amusing….. you know the life thing the good thing about looking like Elmer Fudd …..I’m recognized 🦁 ttucro

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Emotional barbwire

Nothing worst to be around a person with no response….. no emotion but not bad to be around someone slow to emotion indicative that they are in control of their emotions a trait I am seeking earnestly because emotions unchecked are equivalent to wearing a necktie of barbed wire barbed…

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The things we give away…..

They alway return many times in different forms but a portion of those moments return the hands that are reluctant and give haltingly may as well toss them to the wind….. they are gone but the hands that push them to their new homes with new owners have set the…

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Skirr 💭 thoughts

New cities alway send my thoughts into a skirr Scattered and whirling in rapid cessation like someone turning flip cards. Takes a day or so to acclimate to new sights, new people and new experiences I have been overwhelmed in the past in similar situations but I consciously stifle my…

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Hot Sauce

I think the “hot sauce” in life is passion to be passionate about life…. friends and partners that’s “hot sauce” and it’s spices things up yes you can put to much and burn yourself everyone has to find the right amount that works for them…….. but you can definitely tell…

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Re awakening …….. daily routine

Sometimes I find myself in a spin taking the world to seriously There are many things I find disconcerting Then the matter goes into the “What can you do about it file” I do what I can and what I can’t I accept that frees me from the illusion that…

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Leaving the scene of an accident

I decided to leave the scene of this accident and start to heal and start over the “king” of starting over would suggest I’m afraid to weather the storms in a relationship that isn’t true…….. I’ll go through a few floods, A hurricane or two…..and even an “ice” storm but…

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a smaller filing cabinet

I realize the importance of accepting, and implementing the knowledge we garner from our experiences but I don’t need to label, determine suitable categories and file every thing that happens in my life keep the big stuff close, learn from the little stuff and forget about filing it just live…

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Nobody told me……

Nobody told me when I was young that things would happen that make no sense  Nobody told me that people I loved would become people I don’t recognize nobody told me that life would turn me and mold me into a better person and it wasn’t always going to be…

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I paint a picture in my mind when you are far away I try to imagine colors that are muted because I know you appreciate a softer palette then the fireworks I am drawn to we both know how different we are I think the connection is appreciation for what…

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I Heard you……..4c

I heard you but I can’t see you you words bring more confusion than clarity And the more you say the faster you fade away you are disappearing I tried to hang on but the commercials got to long and you wouldn’t change the channel your subscription ran out and…

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I intend to protect the years I have spent trying to breathe under water they are my best gage when to turn the page and start over these are taxing events but I refuse to settle for less than fulfilling so again I clear the path to the direction I…

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Pull the Cord

I see you jumped from the plane but your parachute didn’t open do you realize you are falling do you feel the wind you are coming closer to the ground please pull the cord before you hit Your parachute didn’t open ttucro

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Time Out

Take a time out …..when you start answering questions that no one’s asking time out ttucro

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Mental Gumballs

When I was young playing with friends the wind would would start blowing and the bombardment would begin between the acorns and gumballs we scattered like flies and tried to take cover and put our hands over our eyes when it stopped blowing we all had survived and now that…

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Throw it in the wind……

Just when I was ready to give in throw up my hands and scream as loud as I can a small voice said ” throw it to the wind “ so I took a deep breath and washed my face Made a decision to finish the race, that I would…

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Life. ………the ultimate game of Pickup Sticks

Life simply put Is the Adult Version of Pickup Sticks what sticks you pickup determines what you can build and how well it will be built so choose your sticks wisely and be selective because a house…..a relationship……a life build with inferior or questionable sticks is sure to leave you…

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If I didn’t know better

If I didn’t know better I would think God has forsaken me that I had lost favor and I was getting my due but I do know better…..and I know that a plan is in place that I currently don’t have access to…. But it’s there if I didn’t know…

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The paint is peeling……

The effects of the winds of life and the heat of your confusion coupled with the chill of long nights alone have caused your exterior paint to crack and peel it was only a matter of time before the facade faded and left you exposed I’m angry for you and…

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Are You Ready?

Are you ready? Good question to ask yourself whenever you disembark on a trip…or any endeavor And often because of commitment obligations we go anyway Realizing that we are probably going to have to do a little tap dancing and attempts at walking on water realizing we are going to…

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You did it again…

Jumping out of the plane is difficult to explain because you have been through this process before hard when you land…….and you have to determine where you are…… with the same mind that said it was a good idea to jump out in the first place hoping for a moment…

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The World of “things”

The World 🌎 of things has lost its bling everything gets old and grey……like me time gives us a choice….. to wear its marks with dignity and respect….. because we earned them or to be endlessly consumed with taking them away fighting time is like a man urinating in the…

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