Spiritual Fast Track

My personal experience In my quest to have a”spiritual awakening” is getting on the “fast track” of that process by the care and consideration of others Love opens the door to “spiritual enlightenment” Ttucro

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As time goes by I realize I often try to hold on to things that need to be leaving Although I know they no longer work for me I know them very well So it is bittersweet to see the “old me” walking down the road but honestly after the…

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Quality Living vs. Quantity

There was a time when I tried to experience as many various activities as possible……and I did Running from one thing to another……but I realized that I was missing the complete experience because I was in a hurry for the next “thing” I have come to appreciate each encounter and…

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Osculate Life

Each morning….. when I arise I direct my mind to the skies and Osculate the Clouds They open up their eyes and through their smiles the sun shines and brightens up the day By embracing what has been placed before me I connect to a “Power” that surrounds me and…

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Philosophy vs. Teaching

Teaching is the transfer of knowledge……… Philosophy is the interpretation of that knowledge which should be left to the students Teachers cross the line when personal beliefs invade  knowledge Teaching is the transfer of knowledge Philosophy is the interpretation of that knowledge Two different fields to plow in…… ttucro

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Momma Lisa

Momma Lisa works the night shift at the tire factory as an inspector Her kids are in bed by ten o’clock after homework and chores which they do resolutely out of their respect for all she does for them Dad is an alcoholic and has been out of the picture…

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Dancing with the Alphabet

Sometimes when I want to fret i have a dance with the Alphabet turning and twisting to and fro, never quite sure where it’s going to go I give it full rein and l let it go ….and often it takes me to places I never knew before so it…

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Don’t jump in the pit……

Occasionally you will slip but be careful not to fall into the Pit….. Everyone trips and falls but as you tumble and roll Avoid the holes and don’t fall in the Pit Stay away from people, places and things that make you feel less of yourself and others There are…

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Dropping Petals Along the Way……

It’s a pleasant experience for me to drop petals along the way, from the beautiful flowers that have given to me to share of the bounty ascribed is the task assigned to those whose cups will never run dry Drop petals along you way it is a joy to often…

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Gustatory…….Heavens bequeathed

Oh what pleasure it gives to me to taste the gifts God has provided to appreciate the ability to partake of the wonderful food the Earth makes and to share this delight with others The offerings of the waters and the skies….. bring   tears to my eyes Seems such…

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Genuine……. Authentic…..for XIM

Generally it isn’t hard to see the difference between duplicates and the “Real Thing” Sometimes the imposter is a close match but use and time reveals its shortcomings  I have the good fortune of being the “caretaker”of a few objects that stood the test of time and continue to serve…

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Blossoms on my tree……

Oh what a blessing to me to enjoy the blossoms on my 🌳 tree to watch them grow and share their splendor it is a great compliment to see the respect and kindness they offer in the way they glow and smile Everyone grows their 🌳 by what they do…

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The Exchange

I made a decision that tested my reserve I had to choose between love and things I enjoyed many of the articles that had been acquired But a person is lost without someone or something to love The “ things” camouflaged what was lacking for a time But the Heart…

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PAUSE……that means STOP 🛑

The space between………thought…….and action Is a place where the magic of restraint can happen and that is a victory to be cherished And actively sought Pause……a pathway to happiness ttucro

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Delphic………sometimes on purpose

If is part of my makeup because  I like ambiguity……. Concerning myself I like the room around presenting major ideas and leaving the details to evolve And whereas it drives some people absolutely crazy I find the minutia of life both interesting at times and sometimes bothersome …….. go figure…

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Can you see it ?

Often I fail to see the things in front of me I  am grateful for the people that remind me how blind I can be Distracted by the simple things that others take in stride I obsess and resist the things I cannot change Until at last I fail the…

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Occasionally anything and everything can happen the most beneficial mindset Is not to let “Occasionally” become a determining factor In how you conduct your life Deal with “Occasionally” like a visiting relative you’re not that fond of treat it with respect and don’t take it personally And send it on…

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All attire is lacking……. Unless accompanied by a smile ttucro

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Succor…….assistance in difficult situations

It is a divine thing to be of service to others It is a privilege to be blessed by someone who offers their assistance and compassion with such Humility As if ……………it’s no big deal Amazing Grace Succor Ttucro

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Lost in translation

Important to be aware that what is written must be very clear or given the opportunity to embellish or rearrange the recipient can send the intended message down the DRAIN ttucro

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Patience……the greatest escape artist

Pursue…… but it continues to escape me when I think I have it cornered it slips pass me like a greased pig……I can’t catch it…… occasionally when I do …… I can’t hold onto it it is painfully apparent when dealing with challenging situations I run short and I am…

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The Grass is Message

The Grass is a perfect example Of how my life should be lived to put more into being than the doing the grass isn’t concerned with the rain or the sun it has no control over either It just is Worry isn’t part of its scenario Ttucro

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The Positive in the Negative

Grateful for adversity A New perspective it gives to me allowing me to see the positive in negativity for lessons to be learned   often they are preceded by an awkward turn but if we muddle through and anticipate that something new will come to light 💡 that attitude will…

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This comma, designates a pause, a space between so we take this time to separate the past from present with no intention of dismissing the previous we choose to focus on the present Living in the present focusing on what is before me Is a better plan for me It…

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My Favorite Meal

It is my fortune to experience and enjoy fine cuisine The array of colors and tastes are enhanced with correct amounts of seasoning and spices but regardless of the ethnicity or venue….. my favorite meal is always seated across from you Bon appetit ttucro

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Just to keep you in the loop thought it appropriate to give you the latest scoop you have been adopted I have always been open to a larger family You made the decision easy my life is measurably better because you’re In it there are no papers to sign and…

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The Mathematics of Life

Life is a series….. Of additions and subtractions what to keep and expand on what to dismiss as non productive the mathematics of life are only as effective as our willingness to be rigorously honest with ourselves Life is a series of additions and subtractions If you aren’t happy with…

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The Magic of Comprehension

When the right information meets the desire to learn……magic happens and the attraction is intoxicating Learning is love personified ttucro

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Father’s Day

I’m fairly sure most Fathers would say I should have found better ways to teach without preaching I suppose most of us could agree on that but I am blessed to be part of your life As you are a special part of mine Now you are a Father you…

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The truth of the matter is that I am under a refurbishing …… or being reconditioned it became apparent to me that many things internally needed updating minus unnecessary phobias and fears that were inhibiting my growth So pardon the mess  but this person is way overdue for Reconditioning TTucro

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