Why not?
Did you enjoy your day?……. oh I see……that happened…..and then you did what? how did you think that would play out? Oh…..you didn’t think……well I can……relate to that……. ——————— but…….. perhaps you could find these occurrences a bit easier to digest in seeing what you could learn from them…… just…
Read MoreSeparating the Wheat from the Shaft
People tend to be Along your way………………………………or in your way ttucro
Read MoreJust put it on the Pile
Sometimes seems to me you often look for the least little gestures or remark as an opportunity to put it all together as lack of concern for you…….poor disrespected you for someone who claims to be fearless…. Like I have done……. You’re just like the rest of us…….fearful So make…
Read MoreThe greatest tragedy…….but it’s not to late
The greatest tragedy……is at the end of your journey realizing you never new yourself ttucro
Read MorePut it on your Résumé…….”Maker of Rainbows”🌈
Of course people would laugh and think you cracked But the reality…….is just that…… we make and color our world with the choices we make and the people we keep —————- I met a vagrant on a walk through town He pulled a grocery cart with everything he owned I…
Read MoreIt’s a lie……
How many times have you heard it said “Everyone can’t be a star” perhaps not to millions or thousands or hundreds but to one or a few you can be a star in their eyes so go out of your way for some or someone don’t believe it…… everyone can…
Read MoreSit…….still and listen
Sit still and listen something is trying to reach you to help and teach you Call “ it” what you want Wars have been fought over the correct verbiage The cosmos is a collection of the energy and wisdom of the Ages you can access that library of Information the…
Read MoreYou never know…..
You never know about a beginning you never know about an end so best be prepared to give your best or its just a game of pretend people often want more than offer but it becomes clear if they care for them to look at things with the motivation to…
Read MoreThe Correct Answer…..
The correct answer is not you know you can’t have everything…… the correct answer is ……… you don’t want or need Everything Ttucro
Read MoreHard to explain….. guess you’ll have to trust me
I don’t know why …………………. it makes you so uncomfortable to be close I’m sure there are a ton of reasons…….. but toe to toe means something to me I know that will have to be and inside job it if changes but…. being the black and white person…
Read MoreThe Splinters of Life……
Those little things (don’t…….. give …………me…………that ………crap) everyone has them And they change we’ll call them splinters of life for example; Someone trimming their nails or filling their nails in public places, the way someone chews their food or gum, the peculiar habits we all…
Read MoreReal Love…….
Real love is bittersweet has to be real love is Like a 🍋 or A strawberry 🍓 Or. Both. Real love is bittersweet ttucro
Read MoreIt is going to Rain
Sunny days aren’t here to stay sometime it’s going to rain Relationships if they are going to last have to have an umbrella……of patience an communication People won’t do what you want them to people won’t do what they really should do there will be consequences for things you do…
Read MoreOne Potato 🥔
That potato seemed lonely on the counter You asked if I could pick another up ………..to join it —————————————————————————— what you didn’t say was “you know I care for you and my love language” is spoken with my hands and the care I put into the food I prepare for…
Read MoreNot the Wizard of Oz
I know you think you have the answers or at least you know where to look But there are times when everyone needs help so I know you think you got this and you probably do but even the smartest people sometimes… don’t have a clue just saying ttucro
Read MoreSafe bet………
Whatever you aren’t grateful for you…………………………..,.will…………………………..lose
Read MoreAffirmation…….
Not an exhibitionist …….. it’s dark……. just drove 200 miles in my boxers it is wonderful and freeing…… the older I get the younger I become I will never stop being wild 🦅 that seems appropriate to me. ttucro
Read MoreI suppose that makes sense.
I’m different than I was yesterday and actually so are you the wheel of time has left it’s mark rolling over me and you but I’m changing and uncomfortable as can be kinda leaving myself open because if you don’t … ….how can you receive I suppose that makes…
Read MoreMistaken Identity
There is more to everyone than the eye can see before you conclude what you think you know I have found better to go slow take the time to get the right information or you probably end up with A mistaken identity time takes time ttucro
Read MoreNo such thing….
Totally free,……doesn’t exist unless your a robot…….it wouldn’t matter anyway there is always something……..or someone you miss or misplaced and that invisible cord connects you if you can’t leave it…….either you’re codependent or you’ve decided what you get from that relationship…..is important enough to warrant coming back the biggest problem…
Read MoreSomething I’ll keep working on…
I’m determined to do my best to refrain from finishing the test I’m not that fond of what they suggest This crap about Growing Up l look around and around and around I do a fair amount of looking most aren’t having a lot of fun of course looks can…
Read MoreThe not so great…….debate
As I sit in your chair 🪑…..I become aware the picture over your couch isn’t straight do I bring it to your attention……do I need to shift my focus on our conversation? I would offer the picture is none of my business and it is your place to position it…
Read MoreUnfolding………
I think me likes the feel as I reflect on life today of my description of this time…….perhaps life is best lived this way I gravitate to a word that describes the way it feels not to push ……..not to pull…….. but letting life arrive…… in all its many facets…….up…
Read MoreConfession…… Laundromat of the Soul
Seems to me that talking about my past Is meant for people who have been through similar experiences otherwise people don’t understand and they judge that’s pretty normal……… the reprieve comes that after all ……..whatever people think of me is none of my business kinda strange the people you thought…
Read MoreNot finished crying ….
Oh Yellow Moon don’t leave so soon 🔜 I haven’t finished crying when the morning light breaks through the night I want this sorrow to be over yesterdays tears have no place here the world keeps turning and it won’t stop I cannot control time or the clock so I…
Read MoreConfession
Humble yourself…….or God will do it for you Like is a dangerous word…..it can sometimes keep us from doing the right thing…..if… we let it doing the right thing can often be confused with feeling good…… they sometimes coincide but not always when we ignore what we know to be…
Read MoreJust the way it is…..
Comes a time when you are faced with accepting that time has passed and some of the things you use to do ……. You can’t do anymore……. Or perhaps not well I don’t know if Women handle it better or different than men……. But it is both humbling and freeing…
Read MoreHas to be more than that….
Has to be more than that because outward beauty will fade away and when I am old and tired I need someone who will stay someone who understands me and I feel the same about them we will love in deeper ways ……much deeper than our skin so I will…
Read MoreFiguratively speaking 🦁
If you could bottle good will would you spend some time and do it? Give it away and help someone’s day be a little better we all could you a dose of kindness from time to time Everyone tells me how good it feels to do something for someone anonymously…
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