not Einstein
SO you had a good day, the Spirit sent you a number to play, seems like everything is going your way………….don’t let it go to your head most of us have moments of clarity where it’s easier to follow the course, but take your eyes off the road to wave…
Read Morenews flash:”shoe thief strikes again and again”…………..
i hate to break it 2 ya, but here’s the news, your worst enemy is wearing your shoes he didn’t steal them and they are the right size and u have to deal with the knots he has tied you get up in the morning and he has already dressed…
Read MoreGod’s Janitor
i was not given spirituality to take the stage and preach to thee rather to go about my day walking His walk and cleaning up messes along the way a harsh word, a despairing thought can be cleaned up with a smile and a soft touch and not to be…
Read Morefading away
Papa is fading, he’s going away, where he is going i cannot say as he travels along through his day, i often remind him that he is loved by many,in so many ways Papa is fading he forgets my name, the children don’t understand what’s happening to him, they only…
Read Morenot interested
not interested in your issue nor your attitude you say you don’t have a problem, in that case you’re screwed because if you don’t recognize that you are a little off kilt, then you can continue on your merry way and i’ll hang out with someone else i don’t appreciate…
Read Moreclarity:cleaning the lens
i am coming to clarity by clearing away the debris that blocks my vision and keeps me from an accurate understanding of what i see distorted thinking and my companion ”fear ” escort me through my daily walk and constantly utter restraining thoughts that i must send away,…. or they…
Read Moreyo’/sailor
i am the master of this ship, from time to time i run aground so i have to wait for the tide to change to turn this boat around i set out on this voyage to be the best i can, and as soon as i left the dock the…
Read Moresurrender #10946392
humbling to admit it’s true, but only after i have done all i can do, do i accept the fact, that i need You and come i could go on and on and berate myself for taking so long but stubborn as i am…………i think i have a plan what…
Read Moreinteresting to watch
my life is interesting because of you…………and what you do and don’t do it inspires me when i watch you and how your life is broadened by the things you do i am not as interested in what you say………… often words take the magic away…… trying to describe something…
Read Morebeliefs are worthless….if you don’t practice them
oh of course you have your beliefs and that is great you do, but if you don’t use them…….what good are they to you you know how to handle situations and yet they get the best of you…… all that information, and all the reading that you do might as…
Read Moreon it’s way
i prayed today for a way out of the situation i’m in and so with confidence i wait to see the path you clear asking that you mark it plainly to leave no room for doubt it is the direction you want me to take and i will follow your…
Read Moreall expectations are unrealistic
i heard you protest before i finished the title……………but in fact… are they not to have an expectation one must assume…………therein lies the folly because a + b = c yesterday may make it a good bet, but it is no guarantee what a pleasure it would be if i…
Read Moreprostitute
i and constantly surprised at how my thinking changes when similar things happen to me………………………………..ttucro i go to work each day, doing a job i really like and am pretty skilled at…………the person who is the owner and person i report to is a bully and super control freak………………………we have…
Read Moredoesn’t take much
amazing to me, it doesn’t take much to lift or suppress to offer a hand to help or push, to speak a kind word or choose to be harsh there is not a great distance between up and down it just seems that way when you are trying to find…
Read Morei’ll pray for you
i’ll pray for you………….even though i don’t want to because that is what you have taught me to do and i follow what you say, because it has proved to be a blessing to me i set aside what my fears and resentments what me to do and instead of…
Read Morehide and seek
there are things one should retain and those that should fade away when one continues to endeavor in games that only children should play we acquire advanced skills never intended to display, and we becomes masters in,…………………………………….games only children should play adept in hiding from the truth as well as…
Read Morecaptured by words
words have me enthralled and have owned since i was young they take me places i have never been and help me understand what i have learned i let them hold me captive because it is with them i am free, to travel across the universe or sit with them…
Read Morethe gamblers creed
i watched Gus as he walked from a room down the hall, i said well Gus how did the cards fall and he said ”tonight they kissed someone else, but that’s okay, i stayed true to myself……i didn’t let my emotions come in and i didn’t lose more than i…
Read Morelearning to sit still at the barber
i’ve had a hard time ever since i was young, sitting still at the barber until he was down and the reality even today, i have a hard time sitting still watching things change and some of it is lack of control and most of it is fear i tried…
Read More”walkie talkie”/for jim goodwin
i have a friend he’s a little offbeat but people listen when he speaks…..because what he says in his talk is backed up by the way he walks i gave him his name years ago when i was trying to get sober with no place to go…….he said i got…
Read Morewrite yourself a note
write yourself a note, seems like a funny thing to do to remind yourself how good God has been to you and if you don’t believe in God then your already screwed, because that would mean you think He is you i have played the God Role for bits here…
Read Morestop lying to yourself
you can’t get help……………………………until you stop lying to yourself……………….you can lie to me and that’s drag, but more than that what makes me sad, after everything we have been through…………….you’re still lying to me and you’re lying to you when we get so twisted up that the lies we say…
Read Moreyour not the only one
just a reminder, didn’t want you to forget, a relapse happens long before you slip so i thought i would remind you before you fall you’re not the only one God answers when they call your connection is no better than mine…… but sometimes my attentiveness leaves a lot to…
Read Morethe hungry rat
the hungry rat plans his attack after he smells the cheese, he doesn’t really need it, his cupboards are filled to the brim but he has gotten greedy and not it is a part of him heavy rains caused a flood that trampled his neighborhood, his home was situated in…
Read Morefired and hired
i can’t work for him anymore…….. so i guess i will go to work for You we don’t have the respect people need to do the best we can do so today i’m resigning from him and going to work for You still have to see him in the office…
Read MoreGod loves us…..but don’t push it
Yes, He is kind, long-suffering, forgiving, gracious……….. but don’t push it don’t be the kid in the supermarket whose Mom says pick out a candy bar and he gets an attitude because he can’t pick two don’t push it you get a raise and it wasn’t what you expected…’s still…
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