TARGET by choice

i didn’t say victim that word is a cop out to me……we choose our indiscretions and our penalties………line me up against the wall and i will even load the guns…………….pain is just a part of life ….no reason to get undone………………….i’m not trying to be a connoisseur of pain, but…

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fair trade agreement/for at. and cat

i know you feel they should demand respect from me but i could give a shit about your advanced degrees…………..why common sense has escaped you?, ………it didn’t escape me……… confucius said ” knowledge without wisdom is like a stack of books on the back of a donkey’s ass” maybe you…

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my badges/not pampered

”God forbid that i could have lived never earning or deserving a scar”…………………….thought it would make a nice tombstone…..but they are going to let students probe and prune my ass………. this world made it clear it would not cosset or coddle me and that pissed me off a bit………..until i…

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the meteor is coming

when you feel your life is slowing it’s spin…..and you are feeling comfortable in the space your in………better enjoy because that’s not how it will end………the meteor is coming and you won’t have a choice whether to let it in……….your Orrery didn’t allow for the particles you can’t see and…

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don’t wait….till it makes sense

i understand /believe it or not/why you are hesitant to interject………..because you haven’t found your ”tag line” yet has to be there to hold everything, keep it together and give order and meaning……………..if you don’t have and idea how it will end……………they is no way…… would begin……….. that heading, description…….just…

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someone could suggest a script and then insert you name and it would be rather easy…………… finish what ”your” character would do that consistency may seem admirable, but i look a little deeper than what appears to be………….. your predictability scares the hell out of me……………… now some would say…

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no…….a tool i am learning to use

interesting how things change…………….slow to maturity quick to change what had seemed harsh ……………has become rather tame never underestimate the power of…………….”no”………….. i used to think it offensive but actually it can be sweet……that someone would have the courage and respect for me to be clear and straight……….that you value…

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the family secrets

why was i in that car……..with a man i did not know why did my Father tell me to go and it would be okay what were we looking for and why was i taken away i do not remember much of anything and i wonder to this day………..did something…

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”why’d you come back”

sitting on a bench at the Trailways station going back home after a summer with grandparents in Cleveland, Tenn… my ticket….. be home by Midnight……brother will pick me up….. a young freak… down my back and i’m young enough not to be intimidated and stupid enough not to leave well…

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don’t have a clue

i watched you with your cardboard sign, dirty clothes and tattered shoes…….your sign said”needing food”…your face said ”need a drink”……..i watched as a few cars stopped and then came reality……….someone handed you a mask quickly drove away………i saw you shake your head……and throw the mask by you sack……..i could see…

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sitting on top of a gift/ the world

i’m sitting on top of the world……….not the creator…….nor a king……………………..a single dot that appreciates everything[okay…..okay…… this moment……check back with me]…………………………the minute and the majestic……… a person in their right mind should find, if only momentarily, peace and comfort gazing at the amazing world around them…..if not consider reevaluating your…

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getting comfortable in my own skin/ finding freedom

my hair is out of place …… feels great………no desire to run to the mirror and get it straight….getting comfortable in my own skin socks don’t match, pants a tad bit short……….not a fashion show just disrupting my yard……….the world seems to like my clear disregard………for things that don’t amount…

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raw/unvarnished #77

you kings and queens listen when the bell rings……. whether butt…..[yeah butt]……..or mind……. your best efforts leave some behind……… ttucro

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suicide by food/ for sugar man

we humans tend to be very strange……..the same mind can be a savant or an idiot at the same time…….often minutes apart……. the same one who reads of others taking their life, while chopping on a donut……….dismissing the fact they are diabetic some parts loves me…………….some parts hates me…………….and most…

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blood on our hands

not a pleasant thought, but not as hard as Calvary when a lamb without blemish was Crucified for you and me when we have the nerve to say we just can’t comprehend, look down brother……look down sister…….we have blood our our hands when we scorn the centurions…. remember you hand…

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lost manuscript/the dead sea scrolls/force majeure

while i was taking a leave from work i decided it would be a good time to clean out my old files….. while combing through them i came across the original script in it’s unaltered form……. i realized i had begin to depart from it around the age fifteen it…

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oh really…..compared to what………….

sometimes you use advice long after it is given…….and you tend to keep it if it is good, even if you don’t realize at the time…………… for instance…………….stay in your lane.… my journey is my journey………..and your journey is your journey……………..i can admire, inquire and enjoy your travels.. but they…

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filtered or raw

the question will always persist…………….open the flood gates or resist……………..for you know some will be drowned if you let it all come down………….ttucro then the question will arise what is lost when we divide the torrent from the flow………..sometimes i filter and sometimes i let go…………….. not surprised at the…

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wasn’t mine to take/stolen beauty

the warm spring sun had ushered the blooms from their stems…………so i have thought to gather some to adorn a table within…………was about to sever some of the beautiful limbs when a twinge inside spoke to me………………” i would prefer you not to touch them, they aren’t yours to retrieve”………

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the Pilate in my head/ kudos to carlotz

the Pilate in my head……condemns me everyday………..i try to follow the rules he makes…… but they change like the wind……..just when i feel i am getting settled and both feet are on the ground………he sends his guards and i am arrested, convicted…………..placed in shackles and back in prison again….. there…

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Easter bunny/4 carlotz

the Easter bunny borrowed your cross and showed it to many hearts……..and some came to believe………. but all were able to see that something strange was up and left them with a lump…….that seemed to appear…. in their throats when someone who believed was near……………………… once you know…..try as you…

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the frail soldier /for Gill

the frail soldier takes his place…………..guiding others to the heavenly gates…………….his wounds from this world have taken their toll…………………but he continues to serve as an example to us all…………………………………………….. the nights are long at his post………..and the Savior watches with Him to chase away the ghosts of past events that…

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the most precious thing

i ask of you and you ask of me…………………might help if we examine that request……………….i have no control of the amount or quantity………………but have control of the quality, so i suggest that we are aware of what we say and what we share because i would hate as i gasp…

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to contemplate a turtle/for ”tut”

on a walk through the woods i happened to see a turtle walking the path with me…………and as i came up to his side…….he looked up to me and sighed…………… ”i suppose we shall never trade the circumstance in which we were made……………but me thinks it would be quite the…

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”i wasn’t doing it for me”

i recently read how a sculptor worked for years, producing thousands of pieces……….worked in obscurity for 50 years before gaining recognition for his work………….becoming famous, a celebrity….and wealthy, almost overnight…… he confessed the attention didn’t bring the satisfaction he thought it would, he set up a foundation to support artists…

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God Spare Me From Their Praise

G spare me from their praise………….that may separate me from You…………….that would tend to foster the illusion the gifts are mine…………..and didn’t come from You……. may i be a good caretaker and water the seeds you gave and recognize as other seeds are offered to give thanks and plant them…

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how deep is this well?

how deep is this well, that provides me with thoughts…. that stir my hands and excite my heart………. how far can one look inside……….into corners where the boogeymen hide…….and coax them into telling their tale…..that may give us a clue……………how deep is this well…. the depth of this well is…

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the art of life

the art of life,……… is determined through the clarity of the lens through which you see, make sure that lens is clear….. best way to do that is ask God to wash it…….ttucro

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tomorrow starts today/for Cheryl

tomorrow isn’t here and we can live but one day at a time, but much of what tomorrow will bring depends on what we do today……………….i dare to say no one feels that they tell their mate enough………..of how fortunate they are to be the recipient of their love……………….it goes…

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