Evening squib…….life is the sculptor

The best thing about getting older is you donā€™t have to make excuses why you look tired and sleepy…..because you are tired and sleepy….ttucro

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If you want to

If you want you can go beyond the places that only a few know and experience things that many dream ……..but they can be yours know for the nominal price of obedience….it is a purchase that only few make….thatā€™s too bad ….that is sad…….fly with the eagles ? they will…

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Afternoon squib…… perhaps….someday

Perhaps there will come a time when I can go about my day to day activities without expectations……then everything would either be ā€œas it isā€…..or ā€œa joyous blessingā€……no disappointments or delusions…. because there were no ā€œexpectationsā€……..maybe someday ttucro

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Morning squib…..3/11…21

Spirituality would have us believe we are all connected……if you believe that then helps those around you to succeed and walk on their own….. otherwise you will be burdened with the weight of their needs…… ttucro

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Evening squib……reality is contingent

Reality is contingent upon many things……the initial response is ā€œcmon reality is just that….realityā€….. but what factors into the perception is mental health….spiritual health….and the degree of honesty one is both able….and willing to apply…… our reality in fact is different for each of us …..now isnā€™t it……ttucro

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Morning squib…….fraud

A frozen smile thaws….ttucro

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Morning squib……constipated

One thing worse then to be bodily constipated……mentally constipated….ttucro

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Evening squib….3/9…21. Two sides of the ?

Be grateful for the devastating events in your life……hard but they will pass……for they make the mountains of joy that much higher…..one without the other would leave us without the dimensions that keep life germinating…….ttucro

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Afternoon squib…..trust

Every time you give someone the benefit of a doubt……and they break your trust…….they lose and you get a bye from heaven…….good karma………ttucro

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Afternoon squib…..always searching

I will always be on this journey to find my true ā€œself ā€œ …….the one that has so many layers of false teachings……fears…….and misunderstandings…..it will be a challenge but without challenges we merely exist…….ttucro

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Always room to grow

When you are on a spiritual high note ……. be grateful and enjoy the time…….then try to go a day without a negative thought or word…..realizing there will always be room to grow……donā€™t linger long on the pedestal…..ttucro

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Morning squib……3/9…21. Wishful thinking

We are only equal in Godā€™s Eyes….anything else is wishful thinking …… ttucro

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Evening squib…3/8…21. Denial

A rock ? is never in denial …….but I am not a rock and my emotions and how I handle them often put me in situations that I handle poorly and do my best to justify my behavior…..until honesty prevails and I admit I cannot move forward until I right…

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Afternoon squib…..less than zero

Often my behavior is such that I think about removing myself from society…..and I have a cabin in the middle of nowhere waiting for me….but Iā€™m a debtor….and I am indebted to God for His Grace in removing the compulsion to use…..so He has work for me to do……so it…

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Morning squib…..3/8….21. Safety ? Box

What a great place to be….sigh of relief…. that the things I treasure most cannot be taken from me…..my appreciation for my faith…..my assurance of salvation……the love of family and friends….they are safely protected in my heart, Ā  Ā  I can give them away…..but they cannot be taken from me…….ttucro…

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Evening squib continued ……not for sale…

I laugh when I hear the expression ā€œbuying timeā€……when most of the time the person speaking canā€™t afford it………. ttucro

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Evening squib…….steel pigeons

Lined on the ledge overlooking the parade….the steel pigeons have long lost their ability to listen….the constant barrage of broken promises and empty rhetoric have left them deaf and done……something is happening…. one is beginning to sway….and soon the momentum carries them over the edge and seconds later a loud…

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Morning squib continued 3/7…21. Hidden to the eye

Gifts from God often come in ugly packages…..ttucro

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Morning squib continued……problems need air and light

Little people sit uncomfortably on their problems…..mature ones talk about them seeking resolution….ttucro what did you say?

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Morning squib…..3/7……21. 1st thing out of your mouth

Bothers me when people complain how early it Ā is…… never a bad time to be grateful…..should be glad for another day……drink some coffee and get over yourself….. ttucro

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Evening squib 3/6..21. Accepting reality

Many people make the foolish mistake of not accepting things they donā€™t like…..what is…is …..like has nothing to do with it….ttucro

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Afternoon squib….3/6…21. the right action ….the right response doesnā€™t elude us…we elude them……ttucro

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Anger Axe

Anger is one letter…….away from danger….. ttucro

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Morning squib continued…..the anger card

Looking in retrospect…..anger has played a larger part in my life than love…..therefore the results…..today I choose not to live that way…..and it shows……ttucro

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Morning squib…3/6/21

ā€œ letting go ā€œ is an indispensable part of life….but it is only as valuable as the clarity of what you are letting go of……ttucro

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Evening squib…….u spot it u got it

Nothing more alarming then seeing your behavior in someone else and finding it appalling…..seeing is believing…but only if you can be honest with yourself….. ttucro

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Afternoon squib…..some thing for ā€œnoā€ thing

When you think about it the idea seems preposterous…….yet we expect it all the time…..get real ……nothing in….nothing out. ttucro

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Morning squib continued………oh really!

New age thinking would have us look inward for answers…….duhhhh isnā€™t our thinking what got us in trouble ? in the first place …..look to God…… ttucro

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Morning squib…….3/5/21…… taking the edge off

We can lament about our pain or we can rejoice that we are alive to feel it…..friends help us take the edge off……..this too shall pass ttucro  

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Afternoon squib…..3/4/21…..it is possible

The ā€œkeyā€ to maneuvering through life with as few mountains as possible….is acceptance of what is before you…..ttucro

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