Election Results……… credit to Nessiah
“The most efficient liar always win the election 🗳️” Nessiah
Read MoreTrading places…….
In life many things are strange at least they are to me seems that things get turned around I guess that’s because of me and when I can see…..I’m almost at the end the last thing I did ….. should have been the first wish I had started at the…
Read MoreI really don’t know….until I ask
Much as I like to think I can read your mind by looking at your face the problem is we portray ourselves often as something and someone we’re not so I can suspect anything and everything but the truth is ……until I ask I…….really don’t know – Assumption is always…
Read MoreWishing well…..
If when you rise as you open your eyes do you go to the wishing well ? asking for things that you really don’t need thinking they will make your life full that hole in your soul can only be filled by someone you should get to know because you…
Read MoreSafe to say….
Overwhelmed by the slightest breeze? You can stand solid like a big oak tree 🌳 because what my life has continued to teach me its going to be ok when life wants to give up a bump or a lump, it’s an opportunity to grow so while your passing through…
Read MoreBest Sandwich I never ate…..
Old man sitting forlorn sitting on a park bench I was enjoying the day and had intended to eat a sandwich I brought and meditate Initially tried to walk in the opposite direction but my feet said…..”nope” and I approached the man who was obviously homeless and destitute – “…
Read MoreThe Power of Words
The most powerful 3 words you will ever speak aren’t “ I love you”……. Rather: “ I forgive you “ ttucro
Read MoreWhen Big……isn’t big and small isn’t Small
When Big isn’t big and small isn’t Small Occasionally it can happen to us all and the world 🌎 seems upside down because we are never on solid ground If you care about how you live then there are times to take and to give and when we become consumed…
Read MoreMy way…….whatever that is
Obviously if you’re not doing it my way it couldn’t be the right way, whatever that is so you see the root of all our problems Is me because I …
Read MoreA little piece of hell….?
We humans are a funny bunch…… we get ourselves into a tight spot …. torture ourselves to find a way out….. and when we are about to shut the door on it….. we grab a bag…..and shut the door – then we proceed to nurture that little piece of hell…
Read MoreKeep it very plain and simple…
In all applications…………… you want to go up…………. you want to go down……. it is that simple ttucro
Read MoreSap from the 🌲 tree
My energy level is directly proportional to my ability to control my emotions tired……….emotions probably unstable ttucro
Read MoreHeart transplant…….
Time to acknowledge that inside of me is a heart that stores animosity keeps me confused and separates me from the Sunlight of my spirit so it doesn’t bode well when I try to proclaim what the Lord has done for me when I lean on Him so it’s way…
Read MoreDeath won’t find me hiding or waiting
Can’t say I want out of here but I’m not scared of dying My beliefs released me from that fear But if I can walk…..I’ll walk if I can talk ….ill talk it I can write I’ll write it I have the strength to move…..I will, I have the willpower…
Read MoreSet of your sail……#354.4
Are you one of those people who drive like a crazy person to get to work – then complain all day about your job? – you have a car……and license….at this point you have a car be grateful…… ttucro
Read MoreOn second thought……
On second thought ….. which usually means “should have been your first” I recommend not beginning where it should end and take it slow ………..and for what it’s worth because most things have more value then we are apt to bestow upon them I knew you were a wrangler…..wondering if…
Read MoreAttributes…..
The strength and assurance of a person isn’t revealed in their appreciation for complements… but in their acceptance of criticism…….. ttucro
Read MoreSelf determination…….disaster waiting to happen
You think you know away you go into the wild blue yonder as you fly you see the clouds then you hear the thunder As you tumble in the storm you wonder what went wrong and then it comes to mind you never bothered to check with the tower of…
Read MoreIn somebody’s bed…..
Nothing is worse……. Than sleeping in somebody else’s bed……. alone….. ttucro
Read MoreThank you God……for Stuart
Through thick and thin you’ve been my friend when everyone else left me when we had words ….. you were always quick to forgive me….. you have fought death like the little lion 🦁 you are I wouldn’t consider ever replacing you that would be impossible I know you are…
Read MoreAlready been there…..
There are times in my life that seem to intersect as tho I’ve been in that place and time ……….before somewhere in the recesses of my mind I recall certain characteristics colors and sounds the picture was of that nature perhaps I will go again but…..somehow I have already been…
Read MoreScion……a new shoot or branch
Everyday when I arise I look to the sun to fill my eyes another opportunity to be the person my Spirit wants me to be my nourishment and strength comes from a belief that a Supreme Power walks with me if I am attentive to those gentle and guiding hands…
Read MoreNot a chance……for Nurse Rachet
Some would say the planets 🪐 were aligned others just coincidence But I would laugh at such remarks and answer…….”not a chance…..no…. Not a chance” ttucro
Read MoreOn the table …..
On the table for everyone to see i know I know God is talking to me there are many directions for the wind waiting for what direction He will send much work to do and the disasters break holes min people’s souls and they need to have them repaired…..so we…
Read MoreLittle………becomes more
When I am spiritually fit….. I able to see the beauty of enough enough to fill a need enough to fill a tank enough to go out to dinner enough to share enough to travel enough is actually “wealthy” in disguise when I am spiritually fit to……
Read MoreOpportunity……..
Today I have choices with what is presented to me Was a time when it wasn’t that way but as it turns out …I can accept and grow our engage in a battle I cannot win….reality so this little bump could cause me stress our I can just deal with…
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