Familiar Atrocities
Society has a way to legitimize the most outrageous behavior if enough people buy into it…..the thinking, “ we will make room for anything and anyone” thinking inclusion will hold the society together…. too self directed to realize it actually will be its undoing. Ttucro
Read MoreWater from a ruptured pipe……
I know you were about to burst and I decided to wait until the pipe ruptured…….and it did All the lies and psychological abuse wouldn’t stay in the box you tried to put it in and I knew that going in and was preparing myself to listen without comment….. hopefully…
Read MoreReady to use it….
Well I suppose I could lament about the things I would rather forget….. but then those times would be in vain and nothing would be gained…. and I just can’t look at it that way Some mistakes were made by impulsive decisions that paid no attention to the warning signs…
Read MoreYou just never know…..
You never know how someone will perceive you you never know if someone will receive you That fear can handicap you … or push you on If your self worth is tied to someone else’s approval you’ll probably have a tough go of it If you adapt yourself to fit…
Read MoreSocial has little to do with Media
I see no point in compiling a list of people I will never meet and sharing with them secrets that I should keep I have never understood the validity of gathering as many acquaintances as possible so I can say I recognize their face and perhaps their name Friends are…
Read MoreRestricted….
Excuse me. But I hope you read the sign. “ This person has restrictions on those he can offer time, so if you are miserable with your lot in life, feel damaged or the victim of and unfair fight, I choose for you to continue on and do your best…
Read MoreWalking Swiss Cheese
When you’re involved in a situation where people get hurt emotionally because of your actions….justified in your mind….debatable You feel like Swiss Cheese……holes everywhere Things just pass through you and there is a cool breeze that passes through you and you feel chills I purposefully inserted “walking” in the title…
Read MoreChange Captains
When your ship is sinking and you think it’s a good idea to drill more holes….. perhaps it’s time to change captains….. ttucru
Read MoreRecovery Wisdom
There are those that are so smart……..they are stupid…….knowledge is only as valuable as you are willing to learn from it ttucro
Read MoreSerenity……starting bids
This notion you will find yourself bathed In serenity…… after you have adjusted your thoughts and kissed The family tree is a novel way to portray living in harmony and…
Read MoreRoller Blades
This morning I put on “rollerblades”.. at least in my mind I kept that image with me and the day turned out just fine So I did what was required of me and whizzed along my way So tomorrow there’s a good chance……I’ll repeat today Rollerblading ttucro
Read MoreFair Trade
I’ll give up my life for you / if you’ll give up your life for me….but we better be damn sure….that together will be better then what we give up it has to be a good trade for everyone involved and few have the courage not to settle for less…
Read MoreNo kidding…..you don’t have a clue
Until you’re alone and it’s a comfortable place to be Until a can of beans consumed looking at a spectacular Sunrise is the best meal you’ve eaten Until the hum of the tires is your favorite lullaby Until you stop placing things on a mental list Of your favorite places…
Read MoreHe didn’t ask your permission
God didn’t ask your permission today and He won’t ask for it tomorrow when you tell me what He will and won’t do I wonder when He called to tell you This God I know His Little Toe wouldn’t fit into the compartment you set aside for Him So I…
Read MoreReligion….or Rum
He was stumbling down the street and dressed like a bum… he veered into my lane and I made a uturn I rolled down the window and asked him to get in and that was the day our friendship began He calls himself “Martian” because he says he never fit…
Read MoreWisdom has no expiration date…
When we recall words that direct or redirect our paths we don’t consider how old they are …or where they come from….pertinent and applicable is all that matters there are always answers….always the question is are we willing to wait and work for them….getting half the answer is often…
Read MoreNo more flowers
I ran the lawn mower over the flowerbed…. It almost sounded like they were crying… I know I was I was grateful that the mower was loud so no one could hear my sobbing the flowers reminded me of you and I just couldn’t take it It is maddening to…
Read MoreGood vs. Like. (The great paradox)
To everyone that struggles with “liking” things that are “good “ for you.. you have my support and understanding. I am part of your herd. I also offer the suggestion that you end your self torture and lean towards acceptance and dismiss the thought of enjoying eating “humble pie.” Stop…
Read MoreImposter
Wandering through previous manuscripts I am puzzled as to what has happened to my work I have become a parody of a poet…what I have forgotten is that I am still discovering more about life ….. than I know That observation requires thought and explanation…not shoot from the hip arrows…
Read MoreThe worst thing you could say….
Seems far fetched but it can be this way… sometimes “ I love you is the worst thing you can say.” You may actually mean it but it doesn’t erase other things that have already been said. By all means there is a time and place….. but it’s best not…
Read MoreSpirit….”your time is not my time”…
Oh little man with the little mind why are you putting things on your time…..instead of mine Can you know what is in others hearts, it is obvious that you don’t So I suggest you do your best in monitoring your speech….what you say often leaves doubt in what you…
Read MoreTransfer of energy……#4Lamhappypants
It seems apparent to me that we are transferring energy….. I have experienced such events and it’s the result of concern, love, and respect or it can be negative and disparaging. The advantage of emotional maturity is the ability to recognize the source and receive or reject..that is a choice…
Read MoreLost……. But found
Tomorrow had me puzzled and confusion ruled the day…..major changes coming and I wasn’t sure about the way… but I just had a feeling that I was heading in the right direction . We never really start over, we just decide what to keep and what to give away. My…
Read MoreThe basics never go out of style
The simple things are easy to misplace and it’s good to be reminded from time to time Appreciation spoken is much more validating then implied Assuming others know is akin to talking in tin cans with a wire strung between…little is intelligible and most is lost… say it clearly Little…
Read MoreThe perfect poem……
A poet first affirmation is to profess with much trepidation that the tag “poet” is appropriate. Therein begins the quest to secure and participate in the forming and development of the perfect poem. Much debate could be discussed about what constitutes a poem. As to my way of thinking no…
Read MoreInvisible chains….
One might consider it a bit strange but often I am tethered with invisible chains And I am the person who has placed those chains when I am bound to impossible things Goals are an intricate part of the way we progress but they need to be for our best…
Read More“ Even Socrates…….”
I was engaged in a 10’ ft deep conversation with a trusted advisor and I was dialed in. I kept noticing my mentor turned his head from side to side and had a puzzling look and a slight smile. Our conversation was in the pursuit of balance and humility an…
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