Your Dog Loves Meā€¦ā€¦4Scout

Funny little dogā€¦ā€¦.funny ownerā€¦.so whadaya expect Demandingly charming he doesnā€™t actually runā€¦..more like a grey tumbleweed rolling along the thing about animalsā€¦..they knowā€¦and they know sooner than most humans that youā€™re basically good or notā€¦.easy going or notā€¦ā€¦self consumed or notā€¦ā€¦..and last but not least loving or not He made…

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Good onesā€¦ā€¦and bad ones

I have never met anyone who wasnā€™t addicted to something ā€¦ā€¦.call them habits if you prefer it The trick is to be addicted to good thingsā€¦and good behaviors ttucro

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Touching the wall

When you get older one thing you realize if youā€™re honest with yourselfā€¦. Is when you getting close to the ā€œwallā€ it isnā€™t necessary to slam into itā€¦.. you get close enough to touch it and you stopā€¦.. sit down and regroup you have had the experience of not heeding…

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Apparently the fruitā€¦ā€¦.for Vincent

Apparently it isnā€™t hard to see the fruit doesnā€™t fall that far from the tree and by getting to know you Iā€™m pretty sure I can see the bits and pieces of that tree those people that got you here are in embedded in the way that you live itā€™s…

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What do you think you needā€¦ā€¦but you donā€™t

We all go through itā€¦ā€¦. times when we reach for something to try in dissuade a feeling or a confusion that we seek an immediate resolution forā€¦..and we arenā€™t particularly fond of the dreaded ā€œwaitingā€ maybe halfway through the quart of ice cream or the fifth of vodka or the…

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Closing the Gate

When we find what weā€™re looking for carefulā€¦. Not to want more so in respect and reverence we close that gate that gate is put there to keep things in and there is no need for a lockā€¦.. time has taught that the best gifts in life are given willingly…

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Mother, time has shaped and scraped us Your experiences were different than mine Often we neither understood nor accepted each other and that created tension that could have been avoided but we both were stubborn I was a challenge to parentā€¦. And the defiant attitude challenged direction and I paid…

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I try not to have an opinionā€¦..on things I donā€™t understand Neutral Ttucro

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You Need to Know

Sometimes in life our paths cross and strangers become friends we interact in different ways and share experiences that help us grow the amazing thing about having faith we are drawn and connected to other believers Sometimes Ā it is important to take the time to say ā€œ in many ways…

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Better than you thinkā€¦.

Rarely do we appreciate the many blessings we receive The usual ā€œthanksā€ and the frequent ā€œpleaseā€ but weā€™re hesitant to stop and absorb the sweetness of the fruits of life we receiveā€¦ā€¦..something all of us are guilty of so I thought it appropriate to pause and reflect what a blessing…

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We flowā€¦.

What I have come to know I love the way we learn to flowā€¦..and take turns steering because maturity has made it obvious to me that sometimes itā€™s hard for us to seeā€¦..what we want, and what we need so anotherā€™s eyes help me to understand things that are a…

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Only if you believe ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.xImai

Only if you believe can you manifest your dreams and if your thoughts are focused and clearā€¦.. those dreams will actually appear I have had this happen a few times and from poor decisions my life was in a bind so I cleared a path from the rumble I had…

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That Song šŸŽµ You Sing

You looked at me strange when I proclaimed ā€œI love that song you singā€ā€¦ā€¦so I thought it best to explain what I meant about the song you sing We all have a special gift and only a few tune into it But every time youā€™re near I hear it soft…

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Things that remain

Sometimes itā€™s hard to explain those things that remain Sometimes misplaced or seemingly lost only to reappearā€¦ā€¦.. those things that remain We may go weeks or years before they catch our eye or fall into our hands šŸ™Œā€¦. Ā Bringing back a moment or events that shaped our life those things…

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Socrates Cried

After addressing the assembly he walked in the Olive Grove and sat under a tree overlooking the valley below contemplating the wisdom acquired by listening to mentors and research He realized that only the surface of many things of interest had been explored His eyes weld up and tears streaming…

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Waiting for Columbus

If youā€™re waiting for Columbus to help you discover life you might as well find a comfortable seat and watch your life pass by no one is going to take you by the hand and promptly guide you to the ā€œPromise Land ā€œ so the last time I checked my…

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I suppose your a little different when your favorite hotel is Walmart Van Man   ttucro

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Getting Over Me

Much as I would like to think I could beā€¦ā€¦everything to everybody I am limited to what I can do by time and space my ego wants to expand my sphere of influenceā€¦. My reality is my span of influence is about an arms length around me so instead of…

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The Logistics of Love

The quickest way to someoneā€™s heart Is to give them yours Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ttucro

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You donā€™t have to..

I have walked these streets alone despondentā€¦ directionā€¦.no home without a purpose and the willingness to go on Until a voice said ā€œyou donā€™t have toā€ so I prayed to the God I had made and He said ā€œ weā€™ll get to that later ā€œ I started taking advice and…

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The Pastā€¦.not a lock, but a key

The past is a part of me but it no longer owns me because if I look closely it holds the key to the things that hinder me so no longer is it a foe, teaching me many lessons I need to know So making friends with my past gives…

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Smiling through the mazeā€¦ā€¦ā€Peripateticā€

IThere are many things I donā€™t understand and not sure about whatā€™s going on I hear the gunshots outside the maze but I quicken my pace and move on the things I thought were very simple seem confused with right or wrong and I am still determined to live the…

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The Logic of the šŸŒ“

I see you like to exercise your authority over me but if you were quiet and listened to me, you would hear what I need so if you want me to be the best tree I can be stop trying to force me to grow like you want me to…

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Iā€™m riding this carousel and I see your riding one too wave to me as you pass by and Iā€™ll wave back at you Sometimes it seems to move very fast and sometimes painfully slow But I take it in stride and enjoy the ride itā€™s the only carousel I…

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The Disease of Time

Take care of yourself and do the best you can to keep the motor tuned and the filters clean we all are dealing with the disease of time it doesnā€™t care who you, what you k know or what you do how much you own or what youā€™ve been through…

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The Upper Room

The Upper Room in my head has been remodeled and cleaned I am sure there are spots that will require extra time to remove the stains that remainā€¦..some will never completely disappearā€¦..and I am working to make peace with them the old furnishings were worn and frayed and soiled with…

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Makes a differenceā€¦..

Makes Makes a difference what you say and how you say makes a difference what you do and how you do it makes a difference how you live and how you do it Makes a difference about your attitude and how you show it Makes a difference about your gratitude…

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Today is enough

Tomorrow has nothing to offer me because it isnā€™t here For all I know it may not exist for me, it may not even show so I think itā€™s best for me to focus on today and do with it the best I can before it slips away when my…

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Pillar talk

The Pillars in my life that I count on and trust The Father, Son and the Holy Ghost they shore my failings up   thank you ttucro

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Your Castle is Crying

The dream house on the hill spends most of its time alone and still the laughter is gone ā€¦ā€¦dropped into boxes that have no new home It had high expectations that it would serve you well but all itā€™s memories are surrounded by arguments and accusations that greet everyone at…

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