Nothing…… doesn’t exist
Show me a space ………….. show a place where there is nothing . something is there Even if it’s just air because nothing doesn’t exist when…
Read MorePraxis…….the practice of principles
We can talk a good game but what does it mean if our actions don’t match what we say talk is cheap nothing is reaped when words that we speak Are mere wind in the trees All the knowledge in the universe amounts to little if I am not earnestly…
Read MoreAdapted…….”cake tester”
The job I am most perfectly suited for: professional “cake tester” but I couldn’t find a job that would tolerate my work schedule and habits either I would come upon a group that I hated and wouldn’t evaluate them or a group that seduced me into gorging myself and was…
Read MoreThe last car 🚗 in the Parade
I opted for the last car I like bringing up the rear…….. To see the results that the marching bands, the majorette’s and the animals and how they have for a few hours taken thousands of people on a magic carpet ride to the “land of happy endings.” I’m driving…
Read MorePerdurable
I have no recollection of the beginning and no idea of the end Somehow I don’t think either exists I am continuous the spark that originated has gone through many changes but the ember glows from time to time and erupts in a flame as circumstances and people Cross my…
Read MoreThe Demons are Sleeping
The Demons are sleeping don’t wake them up They’re very tired from stirring things up 🔝 they tried to reek havoc and when that didn’t work they went back in their hole so let’s be honest and careful, don’t wake them up ————————————__________________ yes they do snore 💤 ttucro
Read MoreA few nice things…..
Time is the best teacher it has taught me better to have a few nice things than to be inundated with too many to enjoy collecting is for exhibitions not for living the only collection that factors into life is our collection of friends and family they are our treasure…
Read MoreThe gift of “nadir”
When me thought I was at my lowest point a beautiful thing occurred having been stripped of outward things I was able to see what remained the opportunity to redirect my mind to the attributes that cannot be taken away like gratitude and respect for the life before me today…
Read MoreWhen you know. No need to ask
When you know the answers there is no need to ask so you let that confidence grow and what happens is that anchor has enough line to to let you move without concern about being swept out to sea when you know the answers to the questions that can lead…
Read MoreIt’s all about choices
Intentions have a way of making their own path however only the brave follow them Few have the courage to live their life….. they exist following “the requirements”……. According to which ones they choose to follow life is a series of opportunities…….. the adventurous realize the doorway and open it…
Read MoreFern Meadow
I found a fern in a meadow that I had previously explored I was surprised that I hadn’t spotted it before so I cleared away the brush and the weeds by its door and gave it a drink of water from a spring nearby I am still able and drawn…
Read MoreInvest……in me
Invest in me and you will see the dividends as they grow not seeking physical things because they come and go but I ask for your care and time for these are the investments that help me learn and grow Invest in me Ttucro
Read MoreIn the Flow
It isn’t an illusion or a trivial pursuit there is a place where you are in sync with the rhythms of your life…….or you are out of step it is in the “flow” when you experience the sensation of almost effortlessly gliding through life you will compare those times as…
Read MoreJust talking……..43.3
Why?………do these lessons take so long to learn because I am oblivious to all the directions I receive until now I am not owned nor wish to own what is given is given from good intentions or not given at all the more I uncluttered my life the happier I…
Read MoreSharing the Caring
If my focus is entirely on you won’t take long before I’m confused because I can easily get lost in you and you can get lost in me so we are both far along enough to see that if we are to succeed We must let the world see what…
Read MoreApothecary
We could be smart if we went about this the right way we could dispense what the other needs you know give it away pretty sure what we would get in return Is a healthy relationship where we both help each other as we grow and learn Apothecary Ttucro
Read MoreSelf Analysis…….careful with that 🪓 axe
If I dare to be honest with myself as I go along I find I grow in stages Forward…..placing land mines in my path then trying to remember where I planted them with mixed results…… why my clothes often smell like smoke I am a young man in an old…
Read MorePrayer for the Weary
I cannot fathom why my eyes are tired but my heart wants to fly these wings aren’t new but they have survived Taking me from valleys to mountains and rainbows in the sky i know this is a season but I long for it to pass to return to the…
Read MoreCompendious……is my goal
To say what I mean….. to mean what I say…… and to not say it in a mean way to be concise and clear…. To transmit and receive because what others think and say is important to me because it shows respect If I want respect It is imperative that…
Read MoreSpiritual Fast Track
My personal experience In my quest to have a”spiritual awakening” is getting on the “fast track” of that process by the care and consideration of others Love opens the door to “spiritual enlightenment” Ttucro
Read MoreQuality Living vs. Quantity
There was a time when I tried to experience as many various activities as possible……and I did Running from one thing to another……but I realized that I was missing the complete experience because I was in a hurry for the next “thing” I have come to appreciate each encounter and…
Read MoreOsculate Life
Each morning….. when I arise I direct my mind to the skies and Osculate the Clouds They open up their eyes and through their smiles the sun shines and brightens up the day By embracing what has been placed before me I connect to a “Power” that surrounds me and…
Read MorePhilosophy vs. Teaching
Teaching is the transfer of knowledge……… Philosophy is the interpretation of that knowledge which should be left to the students Teachers cross the line when personal beliefs invade knowledge Teaching is the transfer of knowledge Philosophy is the interpretation of that knowledge Two different fields to plow in…… ttucro
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