now do it again/practicing life
taking the time to read between the lines has allowed me to see the story i didn’t tell about being afraid of what people would do or say if i traveled the road to myself you see we were born with a dream and through time and conditioning we let…
Read Moreunder new management
this business was failing, the future looked grim, then i got out of the way and had new management come in i’m still the owner but i stay out of the way and do what i’m told and listen to what they say the big decisions are still left up…
Read Moreme first / for o.j.
”me first” the children say but as we grow that should fade away for if i am always at the head of the line, everything from that vantage point always looks fine and that isn’t reality when we get upset because others won’t follow our lead, or fulfill our needs,…
Read Morewrite them in my heart
i read these words in the Bible before i start the day and i ask You to send the Holy Spirit to help me understand what i have read that helps me with understanding what it is You would have me do but as i go about my travels, Your…
Read Morei’ll send it to you
if you need a reason to continue down this road of recovery take a moment and think back about how your life used to be i know the unknown is a scary place to go, but remember others have gone before you and they will help you along the way…
Read Morei know they are there/one
i am not the little boy in the street that doesn’t have a crumb of bread to eat, that fights off the cold with cardboard and leaves, but i know he is out there i am not the woman who sells her flesh to buy a drug that she injects,…
Read Moreauthenticity
few have the courage to be the real person they are supposed to be between pressure from the world around and the confidence to sometimes go it alone, we give in the hippest of the hip are on their own trip and they refuse to be defined or corralled into…
Read Morekindness / it pays well
doing for others does more for me gives me purpose and sets my heart free to do what it was intended to do be a beacon for hope and hand to help someone up shallow life indeed when i am consumed with me but to get my life back on…
Read Moreyou should call more often
you only call Me when you arse is in a jam and that’s too bad for I AM THE GREAT I AM I saw you in and I’ll see you out, it’s the in between that I could help you out but you have a plan and what do I…
Read Morewherever i go/there i am
run,run,run as fast as i can but wherever i go there i am so it makes no difference where i stand, i stand arm in arm with the same old man wasn’t expecting a miracles just a few days in a row when i didn’t regret being me or the…
Read Morerebirth day
my past is part of me and had a heavy hand in determining my present but recognizing the power of affirmation or the lack of it i see how my desire to be loved and needed as well as my desire not to be overly exposed has been in a…
Read Morethe God n me /the God n u
may the God n me see the God n u in everything we say and do when we are confused and life comes unglued may the God n me see the God n u we humans get confused, short on patience, shorter fuse if we can resist the temptation to…
Read Morecommon ground
we’re not lost, don’t need to be found far as i can tell we stand on common ground i don’t really care about your politics, i would like to know your name we breathe the same air and rise to the same sun let’s put all this division aside and…
Read Morewe are always saying something
your walk, your facial expression, what you are thinking, your hands, your eyes are saying something long before you open your mouth the stage is set for you oration, you set it and most of us are unaware what we are saying i cannot come to you in confusion or…
Read Morealmost there, then what?
one day before my birthday, a thought crosses my mind about tomorrow, it’s almost here, then what? seems like i have been living and waiting all my life to get somewhere, and i am already here tomorrow may be my birthday, which at 64 is just another day and i…
Read Moreit’s called ”looking for God”
you have the best doctors in the world, you really do, but it seems use could use a little more help your wife is driving your son back to school, a 1,000 mile round trip and you want to protect them work is changing everyday and you are worried about…
Read Moreempty: holding pattern
empty: not filled depending on your attitude, which everything depends on ones’ attitude, can be a rough place or a new beginning grateful not to feel less than or down, just sorta level…………………………and that’s not a bad place don’t feel the necessity to hurry to the next place or start…
Read Morecrossroads
they seem to come and go don’t they the clock spins, the world rearranges itself and we protest, fume, accept and adjust not necessarily in that order i am at a point in my life, where i am questioning why i do the things i do what’s my motivation, my…
Read Moreother eyes
i must admit i cannot see most of the things that lie ahead of me so i must depend on a knowledgable friend that has that ability i often forget that i am ill-equipped to handle much of what comes my way but if i have the presence of mind…
Read Morehey over here
artistic people do what they do, because they are compelled to doesn’t matter about applause, or cause, you just have to get it out so i’m over here, look if you dare, something could strike a nerve or pluck a heart string but it’s up to you what you do,…
Read Morein the back of the drawer
in the back of the drawer is the stuff that has been kept but pushed aside most of it is worthless papers and coupons never used some of this is relevant enough to keep but never filed in its appropriate place …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. the aforementioned is also an accurate description of…
i struck out again, when it comes to being controlled by my emotions i hear the train a comin’ and it’s rolling down the track, and before everyone can get out-of-the-way it knocks them on their backs doesn’t matter about the issue, it’s a common one that comes up frequently,…
Read Moreno substitutes
after one has opened the door there is much to know and terrain to explore and i didn’t move to a distant shore, i turned my life over to You to You who created everything known and unknown, who sends messengers to direct me and lead to a life that…
Read Morethe wedding of sugarman
run, run , run, as fast as you can………………….hurry here i come again it isn’t hard for me to see i by far am my worst enemy often i like to think there are two, the one that wants to do right and the other that loose but in reality,…
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