cosmic banker

i used to ponder what my life would be like had i not made some of the decisions and taken some of the actions that i did i got a visit from the ”cosmic banker ” one evening when i was struggling to fall asleep he laughed,”i like to visit…

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are you in the Peace Corps

never really considered it, but things happen at certain times so up front i am telling you i am not always kind considerate and loving/ when my mood and opportunity coincide but i can be an animal when i speak and when i drive so before i leave today and…

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not a squirrel

not a little squirrel searching for food listening for something to come and devour me from the woods i pay attention to what’s going on but i am not constantly worried about impending harm i suppose that the difference between animals and us we gain knowledge that allows us to…

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my good intentions

my good intentions should be enough because i have no control over how people receive love and if i am attached to how something should end then i need to start at the beginning again my good intentions should be enough

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small feats

i take delight in experiencing things that age has allowed me to consider, experience and embrace doesn’t sound like much of an achievement, but i am able to sit and look out windows without feeling pulled, vexed or convinced i am wasting time i am enjoying time achievement isn’t always…

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doesn’t seem big enough or deep enough or wide enough to cover what i want to say and i have ceased long ago debating if it is Allah, Power of the Universe or Yahweh but i know but one thing that never waivers within There is a God, who loves…

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take time……..or it will take you

take the time afforded you,squeeze it and let it dry wipe away the ugly things that keep beauty from your eyes you own this time but it isn’t free what you do with it will determine what kind of life you lead not suggesting to be in a hurry oh…

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warranty your life…………………………………………..focus on helping others ironclad protection policy

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come now to this place in time be open and redefine, things that have lodged in your mind that are limiting and half-truths example 1 we walk with our hands, eyes and mind as well as our feet for long before our feet move the decision and direction have been…

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one thing in common

here’s an interesting thought: good an evil have one thing in common they both grow if you are unsure about a situation give it some time, won’t take long the fruits will speak for themselves evil produces evil and good produces good i like sure things……………….and that’s a sure thing…

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stretch a rope between two poles make it taunt so it is not so hard to control pretend the two points are the beginning and the end and practice transversing it again and again life isn’t so different as you stumble and fall when you think you have it, you…

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funny thing about control, requires a lot of effort extracts quite a toll usually stems from fear and a desire to direct generally speaking life is never as bad as i think and more often better than i could have imagined the attempts of others to control me are met…

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price tag

what are we willing to pay to get and have our way to what extent will we go to be the director and star of the show ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… only to find that i was blind what i gave to have my way cost me more than i can say and…

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the big lie

we are encouraged to go and do, see and feel and we run ourselves crazy until that precious moment of clarity ”where in the hell have i been and what did i learn” one can experience many things and remain empty it is not what we experience……………..get this it is…

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watching dogs play

these lofty thoughts that i entertain cause me to wonder and sometimes pain but in spite of the notion that ”enlightenment” is near the truth is when i remember the basics i’m already there the small and simple things when i take time to reflect give me joy and astonishment…

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that arrow in the night

that arrow in the night i have learned to accept it when it strikes i remove it, examine it and pray about how to stop the bleeding it often concerns something i have or haven’t done to keep my inner light shining that light is governed by how i act…

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you’ll never know

you’ll never know what makes me tick throw my hands up and pitch a fit but there is inside me a tiny flame and in spite of my efforts and the pressures of this world it remains flickering inside my soul i can only tell you it has kept me…

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i look out the window and i see a tall tree sometimes i wish that tree was me laugh at the storms that push and try to twist my limbs and be a safe harbor for animals and their kin strong enough to weather the wind and bathe in the…

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the mirror is in my mind

i spent a great sum of money for a mirror at my home it went from floor to ceiling and was framed in solid gold and i would look into every morning and never felt like i seeing what was there so i actually started everyday not feeling very secure…

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scratch pad

i think so many thoughts and they cannot all be good so i try to write them down and examine their influence and their cause when i take the time to do so it becomes clear to me it is imperative that i examine my words before they strangle me…

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life lessons:

to prefer one broken heart over two the ultimate beauty of aging ………… can enjoy the wonder and excitement of thoughts, without the consequences of action grateful that i’m not as stupid as i sometimes sound

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the right thing is it’s own reward

doing the right thing is a prerequisite for things going well but it doesn’t mean they will i laugh when i think of times i did the ”right ” thing and things were still a disaster the joy of doing the right thing is being true to oneself……………………that’s it if…

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dying to stay young

seems a strange proposal, but is it worth examining in order to feel better about the effects of time some resort to transforming alterations only problem is rarely do they look better just different like a canvas stretched over a frame to the breaking point inflated lips that look like…

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should vs.could/ my mind isn’t always my friend

”DENNIS THE MENACE” WOKE UP TODAY and in his mind i could hear him say, ”that mode of travel might give things a jolt, but i probably should consider that it will leave a lot of smoke” and if i remember lessons of the past, although it’s fun, fast doesn’t…

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connected/ v

when i express my distress i marvel because you never interrupt me i never feel that my feelings are considered frivolous or juvenile and your explanations entice me to consider a different perspective what you give me are angles and not straight lines often find myself flying as a crow…

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the paper doesn’t fight

the paper doesn’t fight doesn’t judge whether i’m wrong or right won’t turn me away when the words carry little weight invites me to try again and prods me along to color its’ canvas with life i can be glad or i can be sad be dramatic or docile as…

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sitting on the beach i watch the waves sometimes pushing sand and sometimes taking it away reminds me of the seasons that happen in my life sometimes the calf is fattened and sometimes it on the stake things are constantly being added and some are taken away sometimes i get…

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light a candle

Lord light a candle that i may see the way looks dark and lonely to me i suspect that i may stumble and fall with no one to hear my call and i should parish because the way i could not see the voice rained down like a cloud that…

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separating the silver from the dross

the truth is just below the surface scratch a little and you will stir it up swells up like a fountain when you have the courage to sweep it off you look at it puzzled, because it has never changed just your vain attempts to hide it, in the pouring…

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