
inspiration is like a bowel movement when it time to go you better go doesn’t take much to start a spark to light a fire in my head sometimes i fan it and sometimes i let it smolder instead can’t let it get to hot or it will burn out…

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to good to be wasted

”your life is too good to be wasted” is there anyone you couldn’t say that to if so, recognize there is a problem you are it

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the bull in the pen

once was a farmer who had a pet bull he loved him and took great care of him as the bull grew he would break through the fence and wander around the farm at first the owner would try to lasso the bull or drive the bull back to the…

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fair/the 2 way street

If you are using God shouldn’t He be using you we ask for this power to help us with our lives straighten out the messes we make and lead us through the maze then we take offense when we are asked to assist it’s only fair if we ask of…

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remember where you came from

remember where you came from, have it factual and clear so that when you judge others be considerate and fair better yet leave those calculations to those better equipped but we as humans love retaliation and we love the whip but everyone has their hurdles, the lessons that life has…

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i should have told you/ for stu and henri /my rescue dogs

i should have told you i was crazy but you needed a place to go i thought i was doing you a favor, little did i know that at the most difficult times in these last few years you never shied away from me and you let me know you…

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my success is much easier to determine i changed the criteria back to the basics how good is my relationship with God

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i became a digger when i made a commitment to find how life and my issues have influenced my mind how intense and how deep i go depends on what’s going on and what i need to know we are intact when we enter this world and between our parents…

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i see you bring baggage/afraid of God

i see you have baggage, i’m not surprised, just a reminder we are afraid of God for if we didn’t carry it what would we be, because it’s become such a large part of our identity the recollections and the pain have come so ingrained what would happen if we…

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and through it all i heard a call resonate from within look, go and see take interest in this world but the most interesting finds, i must admit ,are deep within my soul the best part of me can be seen when i am serving someone in need quite often…

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funeral for an average guy /for Bill R.

a good man died but not soon forgot he will be remembered more for the things he was not and in the end perhaps that’s the way it’s supposed to be just regular people who do regular things are becoming a novelty he wasn’t loud, wasn’t pushy with his views,…

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D G L /in my heart

question my guardian angel posed: ”there is something to be clear about and positively know, if you intend to stick and stay and follow the path you are on, does this God you say that you trust and revere call your heart His Home?” ”all the service that you do…

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my best friend isn’t black or white He is a ”peacenik” but isn’t afraid to fight will always answer the door even late at night doesn’t mind telling me when my thinking isn’t right i listen because i know He’s my friend i know He’s my friend because He doesn’t…

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kiss me baby

hey hey hey we made it through another day there were times when that was great to say kiss me baby the dog on the leash slowed his pace now neither feel they are in a race kiss me baby now tomorrow may come and run over us both steal…

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GIVE and Take

the tide has come and extracted its toll the addition and subtraction comes and goes what is given is valued to the extent it is respected and used what has been taken is akin to paying our dues ceased considering good or fair, time uncovers things as we become prepared…

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a good man died/for Bill R.

a good man died he was 94, he had a family and lived next door,he wasn’t a talker just went about his day, trying to be a Christian, stay out of Gods’ way he worked everyday and drove an old car, painted houses on the side and went to the…

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sparring with time

time and i get in the ring and i am aware of just one thing he could knock me out at anytime but he is aware that i will probably get a few licks in so we train together in mutual respect i do not try to deny his superiority…

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the canvas was blank

old friend i looked at you forlorn and weary helpless i was there for support, not advice i have no knowledge or experience with the loss of a spouse we have history and long friendship that afforded me this visit though i know many have tried to reach out to…

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i run my hand down the iron rail the oxidized metal turning my hand orange and i wonder how long its been here they say energy goes on forever, mine seems like its gone somewhere so we are all oxidizing as we speak and the wheel of time is slowly…

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dinner at MADELYNES/until today

un t unti unti until to until today until today today was Mags birthday……………………60 Frank her late husband dead almost 5 years…………………………Tommy their son 20 years, overdose she was sober for the last 18………………trying desperately to drink herself to death with moderate success………………..only to be kidnapped and taken to rehab…

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careful where you place those mines you will walk this way again if you are like me it’s hard to remember when revenge is leading the way so the better half won out when i took a moment to reflect i played a part in the way things went down,…

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i am in rotation around myself as i look from different perspectives i see things i like and some not so much so with the slightest intention my rotation is altered occasionally severe adjustments are required, but rarely most of the desired effects are derived by focused thought followed by…

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the difference

the difference between men and women……………………can be summarized in one word spanX………………………..look it up if you don’t know what they are

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we pick our prisons

we pick our prisons……………………….. and dress them up trying to pretend that self imposed incarceration isn’t that bad because in our mind it is just as easy to build walls as it is to build bridges the problem is a small wall doesn’t protect us from the inconvenience of others…

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enlightenment is the end of illusion…………………………….ttucro

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a word is my bridge

words are bridges to places i want to go and things i want to know they inspire in me a force that longs to see and touch the old and new they are like a spiders web that can travel long distances undetected and yet span and connect, almost unseen…

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you never know

i once was a branch in a tree but lightening stuck and separated me i feel to the ground and animals trampled over me and i was discouraged about my fate and what was to become of me i had resigned to be washed by the rain and withered by…

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still a flower

time draws these lines upon our face but there is a place that it cannot reach deep inside our soul so that internal flame that makes us glow burns bright as long as we grow in wisdom and in days for it takes time to research a book and if…

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the rabbit hole

i have this special place where no no one else can go to take a break from the smiling face and just let everything go where there is no right, there is no wrong and everything can be like it is i can put the shovel down, there is nothing…

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the wise become fools

because i am lazy and filled with fear i often make choices that become quagmires so it is not by any natural inclination but of necessity that i seek and sometimes follow direction in these matters i sometimes fancy myself wise tempered by age and experience…………………….shortly thereafter to do some…

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