
the mystery i seek was always near, but i kept looking over there my journey has been greatly reduced when there is so much to see and feel in front of me i chuckle when i think about the countless hours i have spent researching how to get over there,…

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paupers aren’t afraid to beg, that is their last thread of hope not ashamed to hit their knees and grovel in the dirt when there’s no apparent answer to meet calamity the best posture one could take is to be a pauper just like me when time and circumstance have…

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you can reach me now

i look at a photograph taken years ago my Father sits in my backyard holding a cat we loved i suppose he was in his seventies with only a few years left to live, what i would give to be there again listening to what he says there are no…

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the stillness of the morning

in the stillness of the morning, in quiet solitude, that’s where i find my Lord walking in the dew i catch up to walk beside him and my presence is acknowledged by the smile on his face sometime words are spoken and often just relayed the message is always the…

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the space between

i have heard it described but was hard for me to believe that finding this space was an option to me but the space between thoughts is a place of ”no mind” and there is where the peace i was looking for can be found when the chatter and clutter…

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drag to b u./for tin man

must be a drag to b u that’s kind of obvious by the things you say and do which are attempts to make others are miserable as you the only way one can change is to admit there is something strange in their actions and attitude far as i can…

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the voice

i hear a voice inside me call,”go on,go on,go on” ”continue on the path you trod and hear the victory song” ”every step takes you closer to the destiny you seek” ”to be in the presence of God each and every day” ”go on, go on, you Pilgrim the soles…

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spot inventory

when i opened my eyes, knew i didn’t get enough sleep and i wasn’t that enthused at being awake so after years of making the same mistake, i said this day will go better if i reevaluate so i did a quick inventory of the facts, and i let that…

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often amazed and still coming the gifts of the Father keep pouring in just a change in attitude and a change in gratitude and the next thing you know my cart went from empty to full why are these things so important after all, it’s like having a horse and…

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the man on the garbage truck

i’m the man on the garbage truck, i have a degree but that life sucked, so now i’m just the man on the garbage truck i get up early and come to work the guys call me ”professor” because i read a lot, they ask me why i don’t do…

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are those your shoes

are those your shoes, they don’t seem to fit they seem to be taking you to places you regret when i mention it you start to sweat, are those your shoes are those your shoes under the bed, which wouldn’t be a big deal if you lived here, and your…

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the economy of my soul

the economy of my soul is not driven by the stock market or prevailing trends it is measured and motivated by my continued adherence to a fundamental commitment, seeking Gods’ Will at this juncture in my life i have ceased to be a horn to inform others of the value…

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hurt people hurt

hurt people hurt remember this fact when you come across them be ready for the attack they may not even know it, they knee-jerk react but hurt people hurt to spread their pain, try to listen, be ready to be drained because you are in for a litany of complaints…

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knowing and accepting/one in sixty

knowing is information and that’s a good start, but acceptance keeps me from actions that end up hurting my heart the parameters i place on myself keep me in check and if i spend one minute out of sixty with my Lord, my life is changed because of it so…

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maybe we should talk

you sounded like you’re headed straight for the ditch i know i can’t save you but perhaps you might rethink it i don’t have the answers but when i get in a pinch i talk it over with a friend………….. and God joins in i take a few breaths and…

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my way and the right way

i know enough now that it is plain to me that there is so much that i don’t know compared to what i do my way gets in the way, for it is derived from a position of desire, want or fear there they are the three legged stool that…

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maybe i should pray

i don’t like to feel this way i know these thoughts aren’t good for me these walls seem like they are closing in on me maybe i should pray this world is getting the best of me i can’t see the forest from the trees the words i speak are…

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what’s your definition

what’s your definition of life ? because what you think affects what you see life is beautiful, challenging, mysterious, adventurous, unpredictable day to day i must deal with details………………..but what is my background what is the big picture on the screen, you put the slides in the projector if you…

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only when asked

the wise speak only when asked, and then relunctantly the wise listen with earnest ears to learn, because there is always more the wise walk in meter to the cadence of their own drum they are never in a hurry the wise may seem aloof and are often judged as…

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i heard it with my heart

we had been done this roads too many times to recall each time you were going to do better and pick up the phone and call i was just about to say quit wasting my time but there was something in your tone i heard it in my heart so…

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no effect Mister ”G”

old gravity is having its’ way with me except within my mind better yet i’m beytter equipped to climb and climb and climb it may cause my skin to sag and bring circles to my eyes, but it cannot keep this youthful mind from looking through the blinds to catch…

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the difference/ for Eric

i was raised on the streets just like you and i know why you do the things you do, but the difference today between me and you today i will pray for you you see i have no doubt i could wear your butt out, but that would make me…

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priceless /for fireball V.

a walking work of art, gives my heart a lift when i see your jovial walk and your endless smile, it really tickles me wrapped up in a beautiful mind, is a gift that’s plain to see you can cut straight through the crap and see what’s beneath the tree…

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i’m sending you this little note to tell you that it’s okay, i never cared for you anyway, your attempts to stir things up, have exposed you as the jerk, but i feel an obligation to suggest you should take your butt off your chest and consider just for once…

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the gift

comes to us each morning sometimes tied with stands of sunshine and sometimes wrapped in clouds of gray each day holds a blessing if we look at life this way some days are filled with challenges to teach us things we need to know some days are like a magic…

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every now and then

every now and then something stirs me within and resurrects a memory long forgotten and once again in front of me i am grateful for the librarian that works inside my head that keeps things filed in their appropriate slot until they are checked out again these old stories use…

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the lost and found

i get most of my friends from the lost and found because they have missed a few turns just like me but somehow, someway they got honest and decided to stop making excuses and stop being the imagined victim they know where i’m coming from because they have been there…

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the crossing

when we are ready to take a leap of faith most take small steps for we have found a better way to live life on this earth no longer in our petitions that we try to pass as prayers are we asking for Gods’ guidance because He’s always there the…

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my other name is excuse

well i guess i could, i guess i should, but i’ve been a little pressed, with everything that’s going on i can barely keep my wits…………i think that’s a good idea i’ll get back with you and let you know, it just hard for me sometimes to plan, you just…

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i learned some time ago, that a helping hand can help someone stand but it shouldn’t carry their load we can all use a little help every now and then but don’t as me to do for you what you need to do for yourself dependence on Our Creator is…

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