consistency is the key
all things in life that matter to me are as vital and valid as my consistency for it matters little what i profess but rather the time i seek finding it surprised to find it did not require hours on end but a few minutes of focused regimen consistency is…
Read Moremany titles
i am faced with the fact i failed the test feel like Peter listening to the rooster screech i don’t like to admit i was wrong, and i cringe to think of the advice i give to others that i won’t follow myself failed the test refresher course………..daily not Eickert…
Read Morehonor
the measure of a man or woman is how they treat others there is no better indicator of a person’s character then their actions towards others you will know them by their deeds………………not by their words not titles, not accomplishments, nor notoriety can frame a person compared to the way…
Read MoreSoul Soap: Prayer
i cannot relive one minute that has passed and today i accept that as it is so i try to be considerate and not hurt, steal or maim but i can let my guard down and open up my mouth that’s when the flying monkeys come out and reek havoc…
Read Morechampion that lost
i consider myself a champion, though i have no title or crown but i have faced my greatest foe, and won, by surrendering, before the final round i could not conceive how this could be true, simply by letting go of everything i thought i knew learning how to live…
Read Moresnake charmer
the greatest task one will ever face is always present for it resides on our face between our cheeks, in our throats is where it hides until driven by happiness, but more often fear, it escapes and brings joy and laughter……….. or misery and tears the daunting task to rule…
Read Moreeleemosynary
i believe nirvana is possible on this side of the fence, if one is willing to accept that this world will never be perfect………. but one can be at peace through acceptance and conscious living aka ”doing the best in all situations to pursue actions and words that consider all…
Read Morecall me when your dead
call me when you are dead, maybe then someone can get into that head, that holds all the answers to the world only problem is, if they worked as well as you said, your life wouldn’t be tumbling out of control hate to be so brash, but talking to you…
Read Moregood intentions….aka excuse
when i hear someone mention ”good intentions” i try not to laugh out loud obvious disrespect doesn’t help the situation i smile and turn my head, chuckling as i walk away ”good intentions” is a just another way of saying…………….” i ended up doing what i wanted” what i should…
Read Moreone thing i can always find
i have a difficult time keeping up with things i need, glasses, keys, numbers etc.. but these turn up and generally after i stop looking for them, they are found there is one thing i depend on and is as close as my willingness to embrace it Gods’ Presence that…
Read Moreno fishing license required
old enough were a license is no longer required really the fish are the same what changed………………me getting older senior discounts because i didn’t die, kinda funny you made it this far you old geezer…….good luck, need a hand getting older has benefits no one can imagine until you get…
Read Moremore doctrine……more confusion
i don’t know what works for you, i know what works for me and if i ask a thousand persons their beliefs, it really doesn’t help me it adds to my confusion as i seek an easier way the tools that i need will be presented to me as i…
Read Moreleopard losing his spots
i have hunted the unsuspecting and stalked them as prey some with the best intentions, but it did not end that way left to my own devices i am prone to devour and loot, under the guise i care for you but i am often just looking to benefit myself…
Read Morerationalization
a little bit of sin is like a little bit of cancer……………could be worst but do you really want it i hear you…………….”well we’re just humans, and people are going to make mistakes……” well really, no kidding but conscious living requires realization and assessment of how actions affect others the…
Read MoreYou came back……..”I never left”
it seems inevitable to me that i will forever miss the mark, and fall prey to the fears that seem to be an intrinsic part of me given the choice between the high road and the less desirable route it remains a fifty/fifty chance i will do the right thing………up…
Read Morespiritual seesaw
just when i think i am getting it, i slip dusting myself off, i gather myself and my wits moments of self examination follow seldom do i like what i find and it is generally an off hand attempt to justify errant behavior i have supposedly given up charge and…
Read Moreno mondegreen please
there are certain works that i depend to keep my course on track and i have suffered greatly by slight misinterpretations of these texts so i am now inclined to make every attempt to read slowly and get it right for i have evidence that lack of attention results in…
Read Morenascent teachings/for Jenna
the course you proposed was hoped to scintillate my desire to follow along in hopes of learning something new so trying my best to avoid contempt prior to investigation, i opened the text and it wasn’t long before i was confronted with suggestions that went against my core beliefs one…
Read Moreback to vacation Bible School/ for Cullen
listening to my nephew recant the stories and lessons he learned in Bible School i am ready to sign up for a refresher course most things good and valid are simple do good, be good, say good and feel good……………….back to basics is always a great way to clean up…
Read Moresafety deposit box
i like things that remind me of pleasant times in my past, trinkets, figurines, pictures, etc….. however, they never last the tests and trials of time…………whether it be my mishaps or the clumsy fingers of little children in a hurry to see and feel……they fall to the wayside and end…
Read Morenecessities/to teachers
i chuckle when i reflect on the the numerous things i used to think important…………………..and now it seems strange that i placed value on them at all there are no other teachers as thorough or unkind as the hand of Mother Nature and the Rod of Father Time but these…
Read Moreoutfitted/for lucyru
i have the map and now the guide, my framework is in place driven by a hundred forms of fear, i searched for an easier way one that would give me the answers to issues into my life that creep what i found the price required was to follow another’s…
Read Moreseasoned to your taste
in pursuit of enlightenment a friend cried out to me ”why i have found a lovely way to find that which we seek, doesn’t require much sacrifice and the language is soft and sweet” i am trying to be open to different paths people trod, and what i have found…
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