no effect Mister ”G”

old gravity is having its’ way with me except within my mind better yet i’m beytter equipped to climb and climb and climb it may cause my skin to sag and bring circles to my eyes, but it cannot keep this youthful mind from looking through the blinds to catch…

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the difference/ for Eric

i was raised on the streets just like you and i know why you do the things you do, but the difference today between me and you today i will pray for you you see i have no doubt i could wear your butt out, but that would make me…

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priceless /for fireball V.

a walking work of art, gives my heart a lift when i see your jovial walk and your endless smile, it really tickles me wrapped up in a beautiful mind, is a gift that’s plain to see you can cut straight through the crap and see what’s beneath the tree…

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i’m sending you this little note to tell you that it’s okay, i never cared for you anyway, your attempts to stir things up, have exposed you as the jerk, but i feel an obligation to suggest you should take your butt off your chest and consider just for once…

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the gift

comes to us each morning sometimes tied with stands of sunshine and sometimes wrapped in clouds of gray each day holds a blessing if we look at life this way some days are filled with challenges to teach us things we need to know some days are like a magic…

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every now and then

every now and then something stirs me within and resurrects a memory long forgotten and once again in front of me i am grateful for the librarian that works inside my head that keeps things filed in their appropriate slot until they are checked out again these old stories use…

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the lost and found

i get most of my friends from the lost and found because they have missed a few turns just like me but somehow, someway they got honest and decided to stop making excuses and stop being the imagined victim they know where i’m coming from because they have been there…

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the crossing

when we are ready to take a leap of faith most take small steps for we have found a better way to live life on this earth no longer in our petitions that we try to pass as prayers are we asking for Gods’ guidance because He’s always there the…

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my other name is excuse

well i guess i could, i guess i should, but i’ve been a little pressed, with everything that’s going on i can barely keep my wits…………i think that’s a good idea i’ll get back with you and let you know, it just hard for me sometimes to plan, you just…

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i learned some time ago, that a helping hand can help someone stand but it shouldn’t carry their load we can all use a little help every now and then but don’t as me to do for you what you need to do for yourself dependence on Our Creator is…

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now as you lay down to go to sleep perhaps a good time to repeat, the promises that you made that lie in shallow graves talk and talk, and wheel and deal, steal their hope and watch them squeal you motto stays intact:”talk real loud and promise the moon and…

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so now you know

the curtain is up it’s a brand new show so from self reflection now you know so with this new info that you have gained are you going to file it or are you going to change so we run around and gather all the ideas to make us transcend…

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only fools forget /for jimmyp

now we’ve been down this road before and the only thing that has changed is my ability to see your continued attempts to get over on me i understand that’s your makeup and that’s your game, but you don’t even realize i was just the same, so for a young…

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you lied to you

to your way of thinking i have come to see, the first lie you told, you thought you told to me but i think the wall is crumbling i see cracks here and there and maybe it’s your time to look yourself in the eye to consider that everything that…

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let it go

let it go,let it roll off your back not worth keeping if it causes you to react and when the giver sees you aren’t going to take they will gather up their crap and walk away let it go, let it go there are good things to know and you…

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four square

1…………………………………………………circumstance 2………………………………………………….acceptance 3…………………………………………………….prayers for guidance 4…………………………………………………… my part the ball is in my corner, the choice is up to me i can accept the circumstance or deny what’s in front of me i choose to accept the situation and offer up a prayer now the hard part waiting for guidance…………….to…

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o.henry came back

o.henry came back to finish a book and talk with me ”i see i have influenced the way you recant, the things you have learned, the wasted time you have spent, but if you will read a little further i think you will see many times i was lost along…

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now the world looks clearer to me for i focus on where i am can’t go back to yesterday, i refer to it now and then tomorrow seems so far away if i am concentrating on today everything that is happening is going on right now i didn’t always live…

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sleep in our eyes

that junk in our eyes when we first wake is evidence of what goes on in our sleep our mind rests and our soul goes to work, connecting the strands of love that we broke so we start each morning ready to give, ready to help others in their struggle…

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no sub-contractors

i can’t farm out the work that only i can do when my soul springs a leak another plumber just won’t do i have to roll up my sleeves and put on my boots, put in a sump pump to drain out the slug, find the leak and determine the…

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no mind

there is a place of solitude it isn’t hard to find the challenge to enter in, is to be able to stop your mind because if you are not able to turn the system off, then you no longer own it, it now owns you seems like a simple thing…

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i collect people

i collect people and i am careful whom i choose they aren’t going in a box or placed on a shelf, they have something that i want, and more often something that i need now i do not enter likely in the selections that i make, for i am well…

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sojourner says: ”if it ain’t worth giving away, it ain’t worth keepin” so from a toothless prophet i entertained his thought and me thinks he is right on target if i wouldn’t consider giving something away, be it an idea, or word, or thing it probably wouldn’t be good for…

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monkey off my back/foe to friend

i glad that’s over, what made you come down well we attract what we are but you turned your life around i was lazy and you were like me, so i hopped on board and let you carry me around you got tired of the same old, same old so…

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when it all falls down/for O.P.

what are you going to do, when all the pieces you put in place come unglued the best planned life always has a bump or two, when it all falls down what are you going to do i don’t wish you conflict but i’ve been here before and you’re riding…

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i won’t ask you

i may need a hand here and there sometimes a little prod or push but i will ask God up above, i won’t ask you there may be a time when God will need a helping hand that wouldn’t be my first choice i’ve notice we’re pretty close in the…

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looking out the window i watch a woman throw a ball her dog waits patiently until she tells him to go and i investigate the field below in all it’s majesty and realize when i’m not thinking, then i actually see i notice many things that i didn’t notice before…

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not an easy child to raise, to say the least i had a way of wandering that caused me a lot of grief but through the hills and valleys you did the best you could to try and guide this wayward child and teach me when you could but i…

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cons don’t stay sober/p.j

takes one to know one i always say you spot it you got it, because i use to be that way when you hustle you create a draft and usually it blows up under your ass wheeler dealer oh that’s just my card, but it also tells people who’s number…

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