God told me to

wasn’t to keen on befriending you, didn’t care for how you acted and the things you did…………………but it wasn’t my choice…………….. but God told me to you have changed so much and now you are one of my confidants and closest friends i didn’t think it was fair you took…

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praying in the rain

distraught i continued on my way, seeking shelter from the rain soaked to the bone an abandoned shed gave a reprieve from the storm my pack was soaked but buried within were matches, tobacco and a pipe and i gathered wood from a corner and was able to start a…

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ineffable/find out for yourself

there just aren’t words to describe or convey the magic and mystery of living Gods’ Way and i struggle at times but i’m learning each day how to listen to God and get out of the way my first thoughts upon arising are what wonders await me that God has…

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happy, just to be

not tall, definitely not thin……………happy just to be like i am don’t want to be you, don’t want to be him…………happy just to be like i am not in a hurry to go here or there, i’m right where i am and i am glad to be here…………………….happy to be…

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anomaly…….your’re happy

imagine that all it would take to stand out from the crowd wouldn’t be a beautiful face or a body lean and strong but a welcoming face adorned with a smile and a spring in every step sets you apart from 99%……………….. of the human race forget degrees, large bank…

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Clay……changed the world

who would have ever believed that a little boy who lived but one day could change the world…………………………but he did for that day prayers were prayed by many who hadn’t prayed in a while people with no more in common then a professional connection united around a co-worker to support…

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have a good time

have a good time, you might as well this moment is the only one you can feel the next one may not be part of the deal go on……………have a good time take what you are given and accept it was supposed to be and laugh as loud as you…

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self fish

i don’t write for you i write for me throw out a line and catch part of me examine what is inside and retrieve because i want to affect the world in a positive way i don’t think this selfish but rather ”self fish”, taking the time to see who…

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sit down

sit down for a spell and ease your mind i can see you are dissatisfied with what is going down sometimes just to acknowledge a change is coming is enough to get off balance i don’t do change for the sake of change anymore there has to be a reason…

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easy prey

i have told you before i will tell you again that tiger is not your friend i know you have had him for a long time and you think you can read his mind but one day you’re going to want him to do something and he isn’t going to…

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walking on ice

long time ago i was able to see this life was running away with me so i made a decision and stuck to this plan and i pretend i’m walking on ice wherever i am it’s not out of fear that i might slip, but slows me down so i…

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power outage

i was feeling kinda shaky and i wasn’t to stable on my feet now i’m not a spring chicken but that isn’t me so i sat for a moment and i began to see i had placed God behind, instead of in front of me thinking i had this covered,…

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never opened his mouth

oh that it could be said, he was a force to be reckoned with changing opinions and opening minds, leading others to the truth in hope they would find…………………….. a power so great that it changed their lives and he never opened his mouth and he never raised his hand…

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just passin’ thru

no need for me to get hung out on you bout’ the things you say and the things you do don’t need to have an effect on me, because i’m just passin’ thru when i start to tense and ball my fists, i laugh because i was buying into this…

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leaving the fair

here you can have my tickets i’m leaving the fair ridden the ferris wheel too many times and the bright lights and noise are torturing my mind i did this before,the last time it was in town and i swore i wouldn’t let this happen again but the initial excitement…

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you owe her

normally would not take this stance but i know you won’t disagree for everything you have put her through………………..you owe her a debt that should be happily paid to the best of your ability and the blessings that you give to her will come back to you again and again…

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warning signs of spiritual bankruptcy

you have a difficult time being alone you mentally ask ”why” instead of accepting you are approached cautiously as someone would approach a gorilla you find that a smile requires a conscious effort compassion is parceled out as judged appropriate you fee comfortable judging nothing is secure get help

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can’t be explained

you ask me why i pray, you say it’s a waste of time and i would have to agree if you don’t believe in God i pray because it works and i need all the help i can get now i don’t believe He will do for me what i…

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my God is a Toad

not unusual for things like this to happen to me a toad was outside my door bleeding profusely i called for my granddaughter, as it would be a learning opportunity we gathered him up and filled the sink with warm water to examine his wound………………which turned out to be a…

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entertaining actions, conversation or concepts that go against ones’ core beliefs, akin to throwing matches…………………eventually you will start a fire i don’t call that accommodating, i call that stupid………………political correctness…………….carries no wait around here

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out of sync

feet pointed in two directions, frustrating to say the least but won’t do any good to ignore it, acceptance is my only relief no i am not being singled out and the cosmos isn’t dumping it’s trash just a part of the training as i learn the new steps of…

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opening presents all day

you are a king or queen just like me because if you are aware…………..you open presents all day gratitude doesn’t change my gifts………………helps me to appreciate them ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. simple glass of water it is a need it has been provided to me if i see it as a gift then…

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hurts so good

not into pain but i thought you should know……it is part of the process every time i grow i often resist going through it, but in the end, i always say i would do it again doesn’t feel comfortable to change my ways, to open my myself for criticism or…

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spirituality for dummies

1 we are connected to a power that permeates the universe 2 you are not that power 3 do not look for that power, it is already in you 4 accept that power and make it your friend 5 congratulations now you are on a spiritual journey no workshops……………..no books…

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reality vs. wishful thinking

if you decide you are ready for this ride……………………you need to get something straight……………..this spiritual quest cannot not be taken in jest, you are agreeing to have your guts twisted into knots more time will be spent trying to climb over the fence and return to your previous life, because…

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in my pocket

i have more gold in my pocket then all the banks in the world because i carry a locket of a beautiful little boy he has watched his father struggle to be a man and watched him tear his world apart and now try to put it together again i…

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already here

ahhhhhhh, i though i would mention this to you and save you some time you’re not going to locate what you are trying to find……………but it’s not bad news after all, because what you are searching for is already here the books about the paths and the right way to…

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i have the key/just answer the door

funny when i think about it now, the time i have spent lamenting how to get close to God……………………………….when all i had to do was open the door, where He has been waiting patiently so this great journey turned out to be a few steps………………but it has taken me 65…

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a hammer would do

a lightly tap to dislodge a stubborn bolt or screw and you pull out a sledgehammer and what a mess ensued so we are left with a bigger problem then before you are on your merry way the next situation to destroy a measured response is always preferred and it…

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still eating boogers

i was so surprised i didn’t know, that you pick those things and can’t let them go they slowly take over and run the show and you just shrug your shoulders because you have no control i suppose i have to admit the problem is you, we have talked about…

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