It isn’t much fun realizing what you could have done ruminating is a awful thing When it becomes clear that of the available paths you picked the wrong one you can keep pushing forward that’s your typical m.o……… or you can admit your ignorance and start over again……… ——— stop grumbling you were driving o
Read MoreAnts 🐜 in your pants
When you were a kid playing in the grass you ever remember worrying about ants crawling up your pants? of course not – thats what I miss I didn’t care o
Read MoreGardener’s
Remember whatever you plant…………….. Grows o
Read MoreThe Middle Man
I am the “middle man” born between……two leaves me with a conondrum what am I to do sometimes it seems the world is squeezing me and it gets a little tense but I’m in the middle my best line of defense the “middle man”…… has learned to wiggle when I get in a pinch ….…
Read MoreCicatrix
Those lines from wounds of long ago reminders of a life once lived when the breath of live wasn’t revered and the consequences left their marks as reminders that life is a gift to be protected and appreciated because no one ever knew when the last book checked out is overdue ttucro
Read MoreOver there……..👉 is nowhere
How much time have each of us spent wishing things were different and in the end we realize the time we wasted trying to slide by ——- so nothing has changed because we haven’t done anything When there are no more excuses and the ice is getting thin we accept the fact that it is…
Read MoreTry this….,
Make sure the love you take is less than the love you make ttucro
Read MoreTrade places …..please
I set and watch this little bird sitting in a tree he glances back every now and then keeping an eye on me I would like to offer him a chance to be me and I would adorn his wings and fly away to be free but I suspect he refuse my request and offer…
Read MoreAre you that person…m
Could you walk away…………. When you see someone In trouble? could you feel good eating when you see someone hungry? do you have more than you could possibly ever need and be consumed with making your pile larger? do you feel anything when someone or something…
Read MoreTurn the Page…
You can stay as long as you like and go over every detail again And again…….. You won’t end up with any more answers than you have now Naturally you question what you could have done differently……. you realize it wouldn’t have mattered trying to force someone to change is similar to asking your dog…
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