Until now……….for Johnny C.

That feeling that surpasses all understanding is impossible to describe…….until now the things you thought were important dominated your life…… until now the idea you could or should trust someone completely was a course in wishful thinking…..until now the thought that someone would accept you and share with you intimately was fleeting at best….until now…

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Broken Arrow

Just wouldn’t fit in the quiver anymore and I knew I couldn’t keep it I thought about firing it at you but you were already bleeding profusely I took stock of what it had done to me and honest appraisal revealed the anger I had towards you was hurting me and keeping me tethered ….…

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Lost and Found

Things that we lose or give away……are stored in the  locker of the Lost and Found ……and when we are ready they are returned and if we are wise…… through their loss……… we learned ttucro

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The River is Reversed

That river that swept everything away….. uncovered many things that made you afraid….. Time has a way of smoothing jagged stones and slowly it has changed course….. The river that once took everything away…….is bringing things back is a more complete and beautiful way……. the tide has turned ttucro

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You opened the door…….

I came knocking……..screaming “let me in” …… You said…….. “ that my happen….. but it depends” I was reluctant to let you determine when it begins ……. but when I backed off……you let me…. in when I stopped pushing……you let me in…….. – nothing is more enticing……. than Respect- Ttucro  

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I dare you…..

Open up your heart… ….open up your mind….. the things we have been searching for …….are not that hard to find…… if we start at what we want……..and work our way back…….when we take the time to look……we realize  somehow we are on track for we manifest our goals and we begin to see ……things…

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