preparation H

not very pleasant, but ignoring it won’t make it go away

so we can describe those issues as ”preparation h” and we will keep our minds open to find a way out of this grave……. you continue to dig

that was the plan but their was one little hitch, you let her drive the car into the ditch and when she squandered the money she used for a fix instead of letting her go you just caved in

you see there was just so much hurt and misery and all the ”preparation h”in the world wouldn’t help if you don’t put it in the right place, like breaking a leg and putting a cast on your hand…………your leg won’t get better

the thought of moving someone out of the way so you could address and concentrate on your problem was to much for you because your co-dependence wouldn’t allow it…………….the idea that you might suffer alone was to overwhelming and you couldn’t or wouldn’t put that trust in a power greater than yourself………………….you put it in her

the ”preparation h” was there but you wouldn’t put it where it needed to be placed……………………………………………………………………………… your heart

powerless to save you and you just kept digging……………i moved on because i didn’t want to watch