in strange ways

two little boys got out of two different cars and entered the forest to walk and explore they were inquisitive lads and they tarried to long…. one to observe a brook and the other a swan…… and where separated from their mothers and dads the parents noticed they were not behind and they followed the…

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if…..this was the last post,you never know

if this were the last note i write it is going to be centered around hope, love and faith i know anything is possible with Gods’ help………………………………..that pretty much covers it i know love conquers all, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t going to take a few hits i know my faith has kept me…

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i give you my sword

i give you my sword and here is the sheath, it is no longer of use to me……………………….an old lesson taught many years ago has taken hold over time my defense is compliance as long as you don’t attempt to sway my moral code…………….money, property…………material things are restored to me after being looted the look…

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”should have” met ”could”

”should have” was sulking in the park one day, sitting on a bench and complaining away, flailing his arms and stamping his feet, people moved away not sure what to think ”could” was taking his dog for a walk and when they passed ”should have ” he began to bark……………”could” was surprised he never acted…

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this ”light” of mine…

is about as bright as a ”d” battery three years old…….unless i pay the electric bill………………… which comes in the form of attention and obedience to the ”wizard of oz” whom i choose to call ”G” aka ”God” i have no power by myself, illusion to think i have so the power and strength of…

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it’s on me

if i don’t like how you are interacting with me and i don’t speak up then that’s on me i don’t need to shout, that closes my ears but i am responsible to make you aware if i assume that you should know, perhaps i am giving you the rope to throw and as it…

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don’t look for justice

don’t bother looking for justice…… isn’t here, it’s in a kind touch, holding hands and shedding tears……and when the lamentations end, then justice gives strength to helping hands Justice is a business which we cannot acquire and the best we can hope for is when we remember, God is the ultimate judge and the worlds’…

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You Already Have

this morning as i fed my frogs, i took a moment to resolve a gladiola that was in repose and leaning far to much, causing it’s stem to stress, well it was just a mess so examining the best response i placed a stake near it’s base and it gave it the needed support and…

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made you look…….

over the years it has become aware to me, i might make you look, but i can’t make you see often that is very, very frustrating to me…..i can make you look but i can’t make you see there is always more than a passing glance can reveal and most things require a conscious effort…

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