may i borrow your umbrella

Lord may i borrow your umbrella, the storm is approaching fast i know You will help me, if i remember to do my tasks trust in You and follow, hesitate to ask questions along the way for the path that we will travel often looks strange to me i must constantly remind myself Your ways…

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wrinkles on my face

time please grace me with wrinkles on my face so i can remember the things that took place those that made me smile and those that seemed like trials until reaching the other side, i learned what they tried to hide the lines on this face are witness that i have lived, gifted by giving…

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find a new hobby

you have made lying a fine art i recognized it after a few attempts to use my benevolence against me i didn’t want to admit that your words got tangled in your mouth when you tried to say them i know,……………………………….i remember those days when the truth was too hard to handle so i dressed…

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had to let you go/for t.h.

had to let you go because there are so many things you don’t know and try as i could i couldn’t get you to raise the hood i was hoping you would see that you are running…………on empty anyone passing by is blamed for why you can’t get sober you bed down with thieves and…

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goodbye westover tony

your way will take you the rest of the way to a grave you’ve been digging for years your head and your ego was just to thick to let common sense get in the way i guess i thought i could do the job about turning you around, but when you dance with tigers one…

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song of the wake

the word makes me think of waves and life rolls in that way, you take the good with the bad, the happy with the sad pick the pieces up and keep on walking down the road i wouldn’t want it to be all polished a new, trouble gives everything a different hue when we get…

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the sale didn’t go through/for T.H.

the sales pitch you practiced may have been convincing for you but you need to remember, i have been in your shoes and although you had it down and it rolled right off your tongue the owls where in the background hooting, because your feet weren’t on solid ground you have yet to surrender to…

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walks before me

may my gratitude walk before me so that it is obvious to see that what has been accomplished in my life has little to do with me that what has been done is a wayward man was led to freedom from captivity the prison i escaped from had no bars that one could see yet…

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not God

i am not your God, don’t want to be the things you need can’t come from me in your darkest hour when you need a friend i can’t guarantee, i will always be around the connection you need is not hard to find you can asked to be plugged in at any time and what…

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time away

time away doesn’t change things, it changes you when it’s time for a break, you know it and don’t ignore it my perspective is like the windshield of my car after a while i need to clean it just like my perspective i do the day to day, lightly clear a spot so i can…

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