come down ”candy man”

the past can’t be new, even if it’s retold to you………………………… you might have missed some spots

and surely there are things you forgot but it didn’t go down yesterday……………it was years

so what is it you are trying to recreate a reason why you made your mistakes, something that will help you swallow the truth

you were just like us, overvalued yourself to much and when no one wanted to pay the price, you just rolled the dice and sometimes you got off light and sometimes you ended up paying their price and that left you out of control

that is the skinny that really took it’s toll when someone else called the shoots and you have to drive around ”your” town like a robot

some realized that it stopped being fun and nobody really won, people were getting hurt and the price to play changed by the minute everyday, so we got off before the crash

you went down with the ship and i saw you downtown with a black eye and a busted lip, and that crazy twinkle was still in your eye and i knew it was no use to try

so i let you go and it was a month or so when the word came down they found you wearing a crown and a spike by your head a note was in your hand it read, ” candy man came round but he never make it down from the ledge he called his home”

goodbye ”candy man”