lucky dog

my name is lawrence drummond, most of my colleagues and friends call me L.D.

i was a successful lawyer in this town and a successful drunk, who got sober some time ago and continues to be in total awe of the sober life…………how it has affected me, my family, my associates and the people God puts in my path everyday

i was married for 42 years to a very stubborn woman who wouldn’t take any crap from me and wouldn’t give up on me either……………………we had two sons, both lawyers and a daughter who is a professor at a local college.  I have 3 grand-kids and they are the bomb…………………they sometimes assist me with my work or hobby, if you will, from time to time

my wife died 7 years ago and i am grateful we spent the last 20 years of our marriage in relative bliss…………………the cancer thing came outta nowhere and ran through her like a train…………………….she was and is the best person i have ever loved or known

after my wife died the hole i once tried to fill with alcohol, started to come back and my circle of recovery brothers suggested I might consider ”re-purposing myself”……………………whatever the hell that meant

so i thought about it and prayed about it and this is the egg the goose laid

working with others is as good as it gets in recovery………………………growth happens, like it or not, painful but oh so rewarding to get more comfortable in your own skin

so i sold my house, got a job as a house manager in a recovery house, that’s where i live…………………kept the cabin in Buckingham as a safety valve and got immersed in helping others get on the road to recovery……………………….if they want it

i get up in the morning hit my knees, do my devotions, check on the inmates at the asylum, go to the gym and by twelve everyday i am at one of the locations i visit and wait for G to send me someone to ”love”

it always happens……………………….often it’s not a person who is struggling with substance abuse, but struggling with life………………………………..listen carefully, i am not looking for anything other than opportunities to be of service………….

  • rules
  • i don’t lend money, i give money, never greater than $20
  • i don’t take telephone numbers from woman or ask for them
  • i will buy a drunk a pint to keep them from going into dt’s but that’s it
  • i don’t ask questions, i listen
  • i can’t make anyone do anything, nor do i try
  • whatever happens is the way God planned it so i am not responsible for the outcome
  • i will take a drunk or addict to a meeting if they are lucid and non violent, if they ask me to
  • i do not judge ……………….who they are………… they are………………….how they are living……………………….but for the grace of G go i
  • we pray together before we part


from that point on the rest is up to that person and G

i see some of those faces in meetings from time to time, some remember me some don’t, doesn’t matter………………….

my kids thought i had lost it until they saw the changes in me and made a few sessions with me……………………………sometimes i will take a grandchild to a safe location, with high visibility and they learn……………………man do they learn fast

my deal………………………….a cool life………………………….blessed to the bone…………..treasures that can’t be taken away from me and a bucket that is overflowing with Gods’ gifts

just call me, ”lucky dog”