defiant/ for mirajen

the only reason i can see, is i have the same quality……………..and if something requires a lot from me…………..i become defiant…………… i am much more vocal and loud…………something that would make my brothers proud.……………but turns most people away…………………the path i was shown came with a plan…………..i found it difficult at…

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meet you in the middle/for mirajen

me thinks that G had a reason to help us see some things in a different light………….the hue you chose is different from mine………….not suggesting one is wrong and one is right…….. i cannot cling to anything so tight that it cannot breathe……….anything worth following can take a punch and…

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where are you going to put that

you may want to give it some thought…….. to where you put that thought…………… it going to be and asset or make you sound like an ass………if it doesn’t help anyone, or if it isn’t kind and considerate………… yourself and everyone else a favor and put it in the trash………

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God of New Beginnings

God picked me up this morning after a phone call from His assistant, Berna……… saying pickup would occur around 8am…………..this old green truck pulled up and honked the horn…………i walked out an a guy that looked like W.C. Fields smoking a cigar , motioned for me to get in……………..He said…………”what…

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black dogs matter

when we can get to a place where the color of our skin…………… far less important then what we believe in………………………….we will be free………………….and live in harmony………………….ttucro black dogs matter, white dogs matter, red dogs matter and blue dogs matter……………..all are dogs of color and all are different breeds………………..but one…

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you have to start somewhere………………..and we don’t pick the spot…………………..we get to the realization there are many things we have dropped………………………….so we can’t go back and get them………………………but we can pause……………..and stop…………………inventory whom we are………………..and whom we are not……………so rather then condemn myself for not being all i should………………….you have…

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the mirror doesn’t lie………….but i do/PINOCCHIO

the mirror doesn’t lie, when i look me in the eye…………………..but i do…………locked in this distorted head are misconceptions i have fed…………………….that nibble on me constantly…………………….these intricate structures i have built will take years of intense scrutiny to demolish and deconstruct …………….and my goal at present is to build no…

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looking back i think i can see……………..i have been formed and shaped by things that have confronted me…………………and as i take stock of what i am…………..and what i am not………… experiences are revisited like a leopard inspects his spots………….i have given up the descriptions of good and bad……………..happy, challenging, troubling…

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i have determined it is better to have command of a smaller vocabulary, then to let my vocabulary control me………………..better to be simple and clear than to offer colorful words that merely fill the air……….have never heard a complaint from a straightforward message conveyed…………………………….but after a wordy, detailed oration was…

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seated are the wise

i look into your faces and i see a slow turning reel………………reflecting on the day in progress and what it has in store……………………neither hesitating or pressing to enter in……………….taking the time to reflect on where, you have already been…………..i see the wisdom in taking time as opposed to time taking…

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Squirrel……………….for VickyH

I have a friend that is anomaly because she is a surprise to me……………..i know of but a few that approach life with near the same enthusiasm or irreverence…………engaging, playful, attentive…………….ready to pounce on any kernel of information that peaks her interest……………………….a walking pinata that if you tap will explode…

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limited/ for Gary P.

i would like to comfort you and fill that space you lost………………but i am just an old friend and i’m not capable of that……………………i know you have a faith, and i know you question the point…………………..of losing that one person who got who you are………….a few words of sympathy and…

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like teaching my dogs to play chess

i saw  Buddha on a scooter and he stopped and we had a chat…………….he said, ”i’m really not that smart…….. i’m just good at recognizing where i’m at……………. appreciating what is………. instead of what i project……..hop on i’ll show you what i mean……” so i hopped on board…….. what a…

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wouldn’t have much to say

take away my fears and complaints………………..i wouldn’t have a lot to say……..when the judgment and lies stop and i accept that all of us are lacking in spots………..i wouldn’t have a lot to say………..let me afford you,…………the same understanding and grace i expect from you…………….i wouldn’t have a lot to…

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my perception/risible

i must admit…………i laugh a bit when i inspect my perception……………………given just a bit of time…………………i am apt to remind………………….myself of what a jaded view i have of the world……………so my best bet is to refrain before i interject logic as flimsy as the mind that generates it………………………i am aware…

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nature doesn’t ask

nature doesn’t ask questions……………….it just does what it needs to do……………….and i have to admit that’s something………………that i should do……………….when the obvious is before me what an insane waste of time, for me to question why things are the way they are instead of doing what is required……………………… many needless…

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wish i could forget you……..but i can’t / for d.watts

i wish i could forget you…………………..but i can’t ………………………………….i wish i could forget the bars and wire and clanging doors, the long faces and wet eyes…………..but i can’t……………………i wish i could forget how leaving…………… brings back all the memories……….. how i placed myself in prison………………………… i struggled to hide as…

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hey / All Moses Got Was The Butt

now i wouldn’t claim to know much about anything…………. but i reason Moses was a pretty good guy…………………he had His faults but He took up a long and hard walk because that’s what God asked Him to do……………….He walked through desert sands, had snakes bite His Hand and lead His…

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having the time of your life?

you better be having the time of your life, because this is the time you have…..we never know when the gig is up or when we will be coming back………….so have the time of your life and squeeze out every drop…………………..because no one cares to tell you what you forgot…

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you will be reminded……

you will be reminded of things you tend to forget and those reminders may not be pleasant little tips…………….they may hit you in the face and cause you to do flips…………… will be reminded……. something you may not have considered for quite some time…….. may burst like a fountain and…

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well……………….what are you, going to do

didn’t seem like a lot………………when you signed someone else’s name in the slot, a formality that was sure to go undetected……………but as with so many things the thing that was most unlikely to happen…………………….did……………………… you caused quite a stir………………. you have survived so far……………..but the game may not be over…

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DOG……………..GOD spelled backwards

as i go along…….becoming more obvious to me……….the only thing that will love me unconditionally…………… my dogs if i holler at them…………they forgive me in 10 seconds, if i forget to feed them, they still wag their tails when i come home……………………. when i go out of town they don’t…

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flood gate………….open

i awoke today with the aftermath of a dangerous game i played, thinking the world would look the other way…………….and i could do what i want……………..and the world let me think i could continue on, marching to my own drum as i merrily trotted into the mire……………knee deep i began…

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sit boo-boo……sit

never run,……………………when God is telling you to sit…….. can’t think of a faster way to end up in a pit…………………….. as you sit cold and crying at the bottom a hole…………………. you will hear a soft but distinct voice……………………………………… ” I told You it wasn’t time to go”……………………..sit boo-boo sit…

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careful………..what you think you know

what i know unequivocally would fit nicely on the back of a book of matches, if i write small…………………………………. God loves and looks after me,……God is a He….ref ”Father”………….sorry femmies i can move away from Him, He will not distance Himself from me there is no point in entering a…

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if one can be honest enough to see…………………………..things don’t always go along smoothly……………. a determination must be made…………….what is the part i played……and what can i do to make things better……………………..sometimes………….like today………………it is……………………..starting……………….over…………………….o…….v……..e…….r

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now i lay me down to sleep, because i am tired of dealing with this creep……………and with him i share a bed……………but he is not having access to my head………..he is under suspension…………………….i am my worst enemy forging ahead with defensive  plans i’ve made based on false information…………….because i am…

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you can’t read my mind

you may say you love me and you may look for signs, but the real ”skinny” is your can’t read my mind……………….i think you should know how i think and how i feel, but quite honestly that changes with a gust of wind……………….so i’m seeking shelter and a reprieve from…

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just call it a….day

i could go on and on but instead i’ll just call it a day, won’t give it a label or a cute little twist……………it was what it was…………..and that’s the end of it some are better than others from a certain point of view, but it takes all kinds to…

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not the same for everyone

how naive that we should say……”well this should sound and be this way…” when God takes men down different paths and teaches them in different ways…………the main thing is the trust that He has given to each of us……….. that He knows what it will take to get us to…

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