that one thing /for vic/mirajen
there is one thing………………that connects us all, short,fat, big or tall, and all the colors of the rainbow…………….that common thread is love…………….we all seek it, we want to give it and we want to experience it………………when that fundamental desire ends…… does all meaningful life……………..we continue to exist but we cannot…
Read Morenothing has changed
i don’t talk about it………really not much to say……….laid my cards on the table…………..and realized it wasn’t a winning hand anyway………. i don’t talk about it……really not much to say……………. i look over my back chapters….when i have let it all hang out…..most when when i was under some influence………
Read MoreCinderella
a wise an timeless women told me to nurture the beauty within………….for time will play games with face and limbs but cannot reach that source within…………..if you pursue and deepen that source, age will have but small effects on you……….for the light that emanates from deep within eclipses what time…
Read Morerecipe
i have a recipe that was given to me by family and friends and more…………………that allows me to move virtually free through life that opens and closes doors…………………….. this maze on this plane is often difficult to explain and tedious to say the least………..but the recipe allows to take the…
Read Morewhite washed
i see you tried painting over it with halfhearted compliments and smiles…….but it wasn’t hard to see your attempts were as thin as these walls………….but i will let it go again because i have a choice…….. to consider where it comes from or engage in your farce………….i can even say…
Read Moremy end of the bargain
one can ask for great things and the wrangling begins…….we wrangle with ourselves……….God doesn’t get into this………….and we come to the throne with a deal in our hand……….and hope that our offer is considered and we pray God will understand…. we go through these steps as if preparing for a…
Read Moreunlimited/ 1
there is only one thing i can recognize as……………..unlimited……….. not time…………..not money………..not possessions……nor friends…….. the only………i stress one………..unlimited source i have found in this world is………… Gods’ grace and love…………….one
Read Moreauthentic love
authentic love………..not emotional or conditional………..cannot be given and taken away………love is stronger then circumstance or response……… feeds and nurtures it’s self………..does not need reinforcement or recognition and is comfortable with the gratifying feeling of extension without expectation…………………. real authentic love knows no time nor distance and is comfortable that what…
Read Morethe most valuable gift
friend if you care to listen i will share a gift with you……if you choose to open it…………the most beautiful wonders will ensue……… is available to everyone but many scoff and turn away……..some are afraid it will make them change and they are determined to live life their way……………… if…
Read Moreone lesson away from nirvana
after years of study i am convinced a deep and meaningful life can be achieved and nurtured by accomplishing one practice……. identifying and listening to your inner voice……. one doesn’t find spiritual enlightenment…… accepts it………… the volumes of doctrines and philosophies i have endured searching for what i already had………..just…
Read Morenew folder
i am grateful to say that time has a way of filing things away………….and they move from the folder, ”urgent /must address”………… ”pending/ no longer a mess”……….. often the things in the latter folder never go away………but they no longer consume you and you accept that they are here to…
Read Morea glimmer of hope/4 jackie
you shared what a temptation it was to go back to the old way of life………….everyone around was doing their thing and you felt alone and uptight………… well you did the right thing by telling on yourself and bringing the boogey man to light…………..keep doing what your doing stay on…
Read Moreprospector
the old miner said ”there’s gold in them hills………but most of it doesn’t look like gold………… have to dig it out, clean it up and realize what it is that you hold……….most of the time it’s an opportunity to build a mine with the barest minimal parts………and as you dig…
Read More”Meet Me In the Morning”
”Meet Me in the morning……..before the sun begins to shine…….when all the world is sleeping……….not ready to open it’s eyes……….and I will come and minister to you……..and show you how to live your life……. bring to me your problems, your trials and concerns……and we will walk together to discover the…
Read Moredetermined
lying on the battlefield the explosion hit me on the side……..i looked down to see a part no longer attached………..i have heard others express that in severe trauma the pain is so great the mind cannot process it and it is almost cancelled out…….i can attest this is true……….i heard…
Read Moremay not have another chance
i have always found that when we wish to share an emotion or blessing with someone…………….the time to do it is then…………..forget waiting for the right time……right surroundings…….they are irrelevant………………sometimes the message won’t be received well…………doesn’t matter…….how many times have i sat alone only to revisit a past occurrence and…
Read Moreone more run
one more run before i’m done…..can feel it in my bones….this time i’m not calling the shots and the destination is unknown…………that wind that stirs my soul and keeps the internal embers aglow…..blows through these sails in my head and beckons my heart to go……….this sailor has no map nor…
Read Morereflections #76
i miss me most when i attempt to be something i’m not……………i have found people to respond better to less than……………then to pretend………………………. the real deal is authenticity
Read Morecompassion
the most beautiful example of compassion i have ever witnessed was watching a big man step between a person being attacked and taking blows intended for another……the aggressor realized he could not hurt the man and walked away………..the man who stepped between made no attempt to hurt the attacker….he merely…
Read Morea pat on the back/or kick in the butt
the God i worship is a chip off the block…….He will give me a hug or swat me on the butt…….He can be kind and He can be tough…..i don’t need a mamby pamby God…….. i need a God who loves to drive……………goes to the movies and like a massage…….likes…
Read Moregrateful for your gift/miracle du jour
just a miracle was our request…………….followed by labored prayer……………and the hours that followed passed like climbing over barbed wire…………….but we held our ground and held our tongue and let You do Your work………………what ensued was a series of events that returned something we love……we acknowledge it was amazing………….we marveled how…
Read MoreGone
i turned around and you were gone…………we reported you as missing…………they took the report with little concern and less hope for your return………into the night we continued to search………….we had to find you……… wouldn’t have found us and prayers were prayed and we called for you even though you hearing…
Read Moretogether
when you hurt you it hurts us too……………….because we have been there before………when you shut your door, you shut ours too………..because helping you helps us too………………..when you don’t pick up the phone and say your alone……..frazzled and don’t know what to do…… cut us off from doing our part… help…
Read Moreresuscitated
shallow breaths and then no more………… soul was heading towards a door……..a voice engulfed me, ”sit . i would like a word with thee………” i was taken to a room where i could plainly see the sun and the moon………….the voice continued on……..”like two bookends that mark each day……the sun…
Read Morethe bird brought the word
well it wasn’t a terrible day, every tenth thing went my way………and i sat on the patio and looked at the trees and a crow not to far away had his eyes on me…………. we sat for awhile taking each others stock and he flew closer to get a better…
Read Morei love my clown
i love my clown he knows when i’m down and is always quick with a trick………he looks at me with his wrinkled nose and bats his eyes at me……he pulls a rag from his pants as if to blow his nose and then a shower of flowers erupts and he…
Read Morefinger nail clippers/hey i’ll take it
i’m a young 65……….i hear you…….”still 65”…………today was the first day i ever used a pair of nail clippers to trim my nails…………..i would maul them, pull them, twist them…..whatever…….wouldn’t take the time to do it the right way…… my hands always looked like i had been fighting with a…
Read Moremountain climber
when you determine which peak you intend to scale…….you train for that peak………because they are all different……….all are taxing, trying, confusing, draining and treacherous…………..but different………… 2 people that look alike but eons apart…. you train………..but you have learned that no matter how hard or long you train……there will be an…
Read Morecasualty/purple heart/for a soldier
when you go to war, you have to anticipate the possibility of being wounded…………… one must carefully access a decision to enter therein………… casualties are a product of war……………..if you have never been a soldier in a conflict worth dying for…… have lived a selfish and self-centered life, to never…
Read Moretrue to myself
i may run the world away……because i tell the truth……………..others may not be ready for it and that is their excuse……..but i will do what’s right for me regardless of how it looks and let the outcome fall where it will……..i remain true to myself…………… i am not here to…
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