fishing in the dark

i chuckle when this image was in my head, about how You lead me and how i am spiritually fed and i liken the absence of You,….. like me fishing in the dark…….. i smell the water and know it’s near, then i trip and fall and lose my gear…….i…

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slow leak

maybe this is a good analogy, maybe not……………when we are born we get our training wheels and they take us to our first tires, as we grow we get bigger and better tires to keep us going, and finally when we reach a certain place in our life……….we graduate to…

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there is an assassin waiting behind that tree, hmm……he sort of looks like me……… i go about the activities of the day, i sometimes feel he is aiming at me……………waiting for the time when he isn’t blocked, no one is in the way and he has a clear shot…………sometimes it…

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the only failure is not to try

how many good things have happened in your life not because your were successful, but because you were willing to try…………………….. i can think of many personally………………i set my sights perhaps a little too high or unrealistically and for whatever reasons settled for better than i was…………..because i was willing…

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it may take awhile

sometimes it is better to admit it may take awhile…………………………it may take awhile doesn’t take me off the hook,………………it means i know this is something i need to do, and i am willing to work towards……………..but old habits die hard……………….breaking the habit of repetitive response can only be broken with…

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to bad we can’t decriminalize stupidity

no anatasha/ who invades my internet/ i am not interested in meeting you in Russia/ i don’t think the feds would look the other way if i tried to order dope over the internet/p.s. i don’t dope/that’s a very good price, perhaps i should be skeptical……………..if it sounds to good…

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the beauty of perception

i am under the tarmac,………have been for 3 days……………………….but i have decided to enjoy my downturn as it affords me to view things in a different light…………………fact/ i am under the tarmac……fact 2/ this time, these moments are happening and passing………………..i have a choice to endure /or accept and learn……i…

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can’t hurt a fool

now it goes to say retaliation doesn’t work, forgiveness is a better way,………but a fool will stir in you the need to reply……………you are wasting your time an energy and here is why…. a fool knows all……..sees all……and hears all………… their mind,……which we know to be false……..the information we receive…

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empty isn’t that bad of a place to be……..opens the door to possibilities…………………better than being so full that i cannot see…….empty isn’t that bad of a place to be…………………..not sad or remorseful…………….hopeful and resourceful i recognize the scenery, having been here before…………….so i have cleaned out the shed……waiting to be…

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stopped walking backwards

for awhile it was a game for me to look back at all the chaos i had made, but i kept tripping with multiple head injuries……………………so i made a decision to pay attention to what was in front of me……………at first i was amazed because little changed i was still…

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new age= instant potatoes

thinking what you think……… and seeing what you think are miles apart……………when i see what i think on paper it takes the cosmic to concrete…..and that’s a helluva leap human nature has a hard time accepting steadfast fundamentals…………… most of our minds all things must change……..but they don’t…………………………… the concepts…

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somebody has it worse

i know you don’t want to hear it, and now may not be the time………………..but i think a lot of you and i will tell you what’s on my mind……..i’m not suggesting that you aren’t going through difficult times…………but sometimes it’s hard to have the correct perspective when the squirrels…

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waste of time

waste of time to try and change someones’ mind………….. that happens with experience……..what they see may be entirely different then me……depends what is behind their eyes…….i will fight tooth and nail for you to have your say, but that doesn’t mean i will agree with you…….i will push the naysayers…

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lesson of the rubber band

often it is to my benefit to feel uncomfortable and stretch a bit………..but there is a limit and i will quit……….. if it is beyond my core beliefs……….the rubber-band i wear on my hand is a reminder of two things………it is good to expand a bit but there is a…

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one…….and i win

that one would read and identify…….to some passing thought or an alibi……….stop to reflect and then move on………………in this feeble mind, i will have won…………….to strike a cord or build a bridge, cause a fall or stop a skid, remind someone of the need to forgive……in my mind i have…

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5 dollar King

perception is a powerful thing, where under certain circumstances 5 dollars can make me feel like a king……….a baked chicken brought home from the store shared with 2 old mutts that i adore…………………doesn’t take much in the right place in the right frame of mind………to turn ordinary….into extraordinary …………………so it…

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i snicker at them, the follower of trends, like lemmings being led to the sea……………..the funniest of things to see people doing and wearing things that would not work for me………now i have no problem with non-conformity…………..but change for the sake of change is for the deranged…………if it has no…

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you are going in for an operation, you notice as they are putting you under the instruments they are going to use to cut you open are rusty…… are screwed…………you try to say wait a minute but it’s too late……………………….. same thing with the truth……………………you notice that the truth is…

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i burnt my hand…..many times

puzzling to me that i would repeat behavior that causes me pain…………….i suppose the consequences haven’t reached such levels to merit a change in behavior…….aka……..the pain hasn’t been great enough………………humbling…..but true the stove is hot….. fired by self-will run riot, and you have been warned to back off and let…

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today…….a good place to spend your time

sounds silly to hear someone say, the place you need to be……………. is in today………………but i have to be honest and often spend to much time pondering tomorrow and looking where i’m been………………so a reminder that living in today is the best place for me…….is something i need to hear…

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think we are smart?

my dog doesn’t give me grief if i forget to pickup his food….my dog doesn’t remember being hollered at this morning because he didn’t want to go out in the rain……………my dog doesn’t worry about politics, bank accounts or moles on his back……………hasn’t had a cold in years and can…

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vacation from myself…….prayer

occasionally life swallows me and i know from experience………………what to do…………i hit my knees and mumble a phase, ” God, i give up, i need you”…………………and it isn’t always right away depending on what needs to be learned………………but help does come……..this i have learned…………………when i need…………………… a vacation from myself

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the next right thing

the next right thing may not always make you happy……………but it won’t make you feel bad either……..the next right thing is hard to hide……like a child behind a curtain, their legs stick out……………….the next right thing often makes one uncomfortable, like sitting on a tack, until you act on it……………………..the…

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the problem with you……….is me

i want certain things for you…………because i care and treasure you……………but what i what and what you do is entirely up to you…………you have called me deceived and a relic of the past, but i believe in things that will last and when you called the ”word” absurd , that’s…

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dangerous promotion

it’s old,……. i’m new,…….. modern,things to do and i would be remiss to stake my future on this……….the ”word of God”…………… just ”old men ” and their point of view………. things have changed, why haven’t you…………… are being old fashioned and this is new……………….far much easier to do………then to follow…

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i don’t do pretend

i have a core group of friends………….about 5 guys / girls on whom i can depend and they love me…………… and i love them………………because we care enough…………….not to pretend………… i don’t care for small talk, i would rather walk my dog and if you just need to hear the air…

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the lies we tell ourselves…………

oh it’s alright…….. she’s okay……… my son is just exploring……….. all right/ you are realizing that many people need to be avoided…………….you can’t fix yourself………..much less them………….quit saying they are troubled……….they are toxic……….and it rubs off…………….love them from a distance…………… she’s okay/she is delusional and would call a avalanche a…

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3 strikes….. but i’m in

i don’t write this blog for you or anyone else………i write it for me……………and hope some other wayward soul can relate………….selfish………i don’t think so……….necessary…………….. in today’s society i have 3 strikes against me……. i’m white, i’m a male and i’m a Christian……………1/i don’t feel bad because i was born, reddish…

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the God of Misunderstanding

the God of my understanding wouldn’t be much of a God………………how capable is a human of being able to comprehend or envision God……………….extremely limited, and it limits God who is unlimited…………..naw that doesn’t work for me anymore…………what works better for me is He is the God of all…………………………….i won’t try…

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Jesus wasn’t just a good guy

i’m laughing/ Jesus wasn’t just a good guy, He was the son of God…..i know that has a tendency to trip you up…….. with you desire to only believe in the feel good God………… God is a very good counselor, confidant, caretaker and fighter…………that’s right fighter…..He will fight for what’s…

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