
was a time not that long ago when that word would have connotations of boring, what a difference a few thousand days make……..not so today…….a pleasant day has a flow that is steady and productive without being significant……………….i don’t find that boring…….rather relaxing………………it’s impossible to know what you do not…

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the trick to staying young

the trick to staying young……..never quit having fun………be quick to laugh and slow to judge and do 1 thing you’re not supposed to every day………for me i love smoking a pipe…………….you don’t want to get to good……little chance of that……. be constantly on the look out for things that peak…

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time has had its’ affect on me and i an glad for what it has done…………brought forth the information i was searching for………although the process wasn’t always fun…………..but i am a seasoned piece of oak……to be used as a board or plank…….sturdy and dependable because of the choices i have…

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one step away

always one step away from doing the right thing and one step away from a higher plane………when i do the next right thing……doesn’t make me better than you……..allows me to see myself in you…… one step away from judgment or compassion……..condemnation or tolerance ……….division or collection……. one step to the…

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prize at the fair

sometimes i wish i could take all your words and throw them into the sea………let the little fish nibble on them like they were nibbling on me………….i’m not a prize that you won at the fair…………the things that i want aren’t free…..but if your ready to give and ready to…

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rush to wellness

when we realize that things are askew……..the pieces we gathered don’t seem to fit, every other step results in a slip…………….we want to rush to wellness…….. the pain is so great we want to give it away, to anyone who will listen and then fall prey…….only trouble is it doesn’t…

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sometimes i feel at a loss at what i can do for you……..far away, visitation on odd days and a hour to talk with you……………we try to cram as much as we can, about what’s going on with you…………….breaks my heart when we part………..it could have easily been me……but it…

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change of plans

if i claim to be a friend…………….i have to be ready to change my plans…………….even it is just to hold a hand………….i am honored to be that man………..what i say has the value of a breeze…… what i do is like the trunk of a tree ready to shelter and…

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i would rather take the opportunity to humble myself instead of you confronting me and that happens if i am willing to be honest and admit i have a part in the current calamity…………..has nothing to do with blame rather taking responsibility for my actions to seek resolution…….. a person…

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the power of self-control

there is nothing so rewarding as a disciplined tongue………………at times clinching ones’ teeth before any damage is done………..people may feel they know what you think but unless words are spoken it’s a guessing game……. there may be a time when an appraisal is due but for now it is probably…

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full of hope, full of grace, no longer separated from the human race………………..by admitting i had been left behind………….because i was afraid i wasn’t good enough…… to manage my doubt and fear i would use anything that was near…………sex……alcohol or drugs anything that would numb the reality of how painful…

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first to forgive

only strong and courageous people can forgive, ……………….when they have clearly been injured………….because they understand the basic principal of acceptance and forward progress…….. i cannot move forward if i am tethered to the past……………”like” has no place in acceptance……and lack of forgiveness keeps me stuck……… first to forgive is a…

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darkness is the time to listen

in the valley of the season when the sun resists to shine………i sit in a quiet place and wait for answers to come……….when my patience is exhausted and my wits near the end………….the walls of defiance i have built come tumbling down………..and i am able to hear again………. a clear…

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the necessity of faith……you won’t figure it out

we roll with the illusion that we have a grasp how things work and what will and won’t last………and something happens and our ideas get trashed……………..the necessity of faith…………… i couldn’t take it, i couldn’t go on if i didn’t feel there was something in charge and all the calamity…

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i belittle myself

when i talk about you………i talk about me…….what i see in you…….i have in me……..what i do to you i do to me………my behavior towards you always effects me, more than you………… when i lash out at you, i lash out at me…….i expect to offer understanding and grace that…

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violence / for Pat and Andrea

i got the news and it took my breath…….there are no words to express how my heart goes out to you…….it is impossible to know why people do the things they do……..the nature of man is corrupt and left to our own devices we are evil…….we need guidance, direction and…

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pieces of the puzzle that together make us rich

just a couple dogs or a cat……………..just a modest home with a roof that doesn’t leak…….just a couple of kids that love us unconditionally…………..just a job that isn’t perfect but keeps the lights on and plenty of food on the table, as i look at my gut……….just a few dollars…

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set the captives free

the people you have put in cages……have held you back from progressing to different stages and you wonder why you don’t grow…….because guarding them takes up so much of your time………….spiritual growth take a distant back seat……………. the captivity has held you captive as well and under a spell that…

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unlimited grace…………………give it a shot…………comes when i am willing to adopt a plan i cannot see or conceive…………a plan that takes me above my limited self………..to unlimited………………….. i would not worship a deity that could do no more than i am capable………………God affords me the power to do things i…

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keeping the channel open

the constant battle for me as i head out to see, is keeping the channel open and that means breaking the ice in front of me……..the ice forms when i become frozen, locked into a mindset, conclusions as to how things should be……………………….i have my basic tenants and they keep…

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in Your Hands…..in my hands

in Your Hands i am complete…..in my hands i find defeat……… in Your Hands i fine serenity…..in my hands i find calamity…….. in Your Hands i am empowered to deal with the tasks before me…..in my hands the issues seem daunting and overwhelming…….. in Your Hands i feel protected and…

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what are you….afraid of

what you are afraid of will determine what you see………..and that can trigger thoughts far removed from reality…………….so it’s nothing to be ashamed of, we all have our things………but only those who face their fears ever reach maturity……….. what are you afraid of……… the things we are unwilling to bring…

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a courageous grain of sand

for all intent and purposes in the scope of things i am just a grain of sand………………put in the proper perspective that is what i am………….so that would mean there are two ways to perceive………..one, i am not that important or two having the courage as most grains don’t…………………to be…

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through your eyes

it isn’t easy for me to see what you see through your eyes………….but i try, and ask for your help so i can gather where you are coming from if i can’t catch a glimpse of what makes sense to you ………..might as well be talking to monkeys at the…

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can’t outlive your past

everyone has issues and we stumble as we grow…….. our missteps may be stepping stones….but they do not go away……… when you least expect it and you are skipping down the path………… the past will drop from the sky, like a hawk on the attack……………………… you had almost forgotten and…

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older and wiser

it would be hard to accept getting advanced in years , the current popular term for aging.……if i wasn’t learning and discovering more about myself and life……………………that is the price for living ……exchanging time for knowledge…….or not………………either way time is passing……one can spend it in search of wisdom or in…

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Gods’ experiment

when He stirred us up and spit us out………He already knew how this would turn out…………some would ignore the invitation to grow…………….some would pretend, but not really know and a few would would keep looking though their journey was hard and slow…………but as they struggled their faith continued to grow…………………….…

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why wait

i do believe in heaven and can only imagine how it will be……………the price of admission has already been paid for me……………..but my faith and discernment has led me to believe many of heaven’s blessings are available…….now……to me……. i believe the scenery would be hard to recreate………but a mind set…

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hiding behind your faith/for mitt

from my point of view i wouldn’t think much of a faith that kept me from things………..rather would let me move freely through any situation or circumstance and not take the bait…………….neither to condemn nor compare…….but to choose another path and direction more in line with my beliefs………….. my faith…

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nothing like proof….now if i could remember

nothing like proof to stop the wringing of hands, shaking of knees and the night sweats………and there is lot’s of it my problem, well one of them, is recalling and embracing them…………..i have a built in forgeter but i guess that’s a good thing……………….because it brings me back to the…

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