talking to myself
not the sharpest tool in the shed……..but i can take a hint…….’bout tired of everyone………seems they are tired of me……………………time to be quiet and decompress……………………might as well be talking to myself……… i give in, let the world spin i’ll be sitting in time out…………….just out of sync an invisible man…
Read Morethe thing…..
the ”thing” that makes everything else work…………… ”spirit” i call it God…………….and i don’t care whatever works for you…………..and it isn’t hard to see if you have a relationship or if you are on ”auto-pilot”…… the ”thing” is the most valuable possession you could ever want or have……..and it is…
Read Moreafraid to be free?………not me
i know in my heart and mind……..i will return to the highway in time………maybe not for extended undetermined spans…………..but a week here and there is in my plans……………………no set destinations a flip of the coin………………… again join the wanderers, the lost and forlorn………..for those are the only ones who can…
Read Morethe remember ring/4 Nadine
a summers day………………..45 years ago………….young man with a frisbee going to the park……………………a few joined in and we played for a bit…..took a break to get some sun……………………you came over and sat down on the bench and introduced yourself…………..Nadine we took a walk around the Lake and ducked into the…
Read Moreeyes wide open
a seer once befriended me…………….he said he had a gift for me that if i would let go of the hold this world had om me He would teach me to dream with my ”eyes wide open” he continued the ”choice is up to you…………………i offered to show you this…
Read Moreall in…………..all out
all in…………………………………all out it’s that space in the middle that makes me doubt…………………….that happy medium seems boring to me……………………..not looking to be on the edge everyday…………………..but i would be kidding myself and lying to you if i didn’t confess it’s good every so often to come unglued……………… see if we…
Read Morethe best things in life…..aren’t logical
the longer i live………… life still amazes……………i see things that just can’t be but they are………………………. things that seem would never work do…………………..people that are total opposites that seem to enjoy their differences……………… there is a thing that surpasses and supercedes everything else……culture, beliefs, social status, wealth and even health………………
Read Moreradical for Christ
i will not offer an apology that i am a Christian…………and if that offends you too bad i will not go out of my way to confront or condemn you……not my place………….but you will not hamper me with your political correctness………which is b.s…. the major problems we have in this…
Read Moreback to the factory
my Father loved to tinker, mend and make things like new………i marveled at his patience to see a project through………when he would get to a sticking point…. this is what he would do, instead of forcing the issue………..he would consult someone who knew………. i can remember but a few times…
Read Morethe teacher misses the teachers/ for C
through no fault of our own, school has been cancelled and we were sent home…..the teacher misses the teachers you see before i made this my career the desire to learn was always there……and it became obvious to me that being around others that wanted to learn was were i…
Read Morethe reckoning
we have culled the herd and got the size down………… all can graze and get better care……………….these is a reason we invited you here……….lets just say it’s a reckoning……………………. at this place in my life i have adopted a practice of at least thinking twice……….and if you question why i…
Read Moreyour shoes don’t match/for the monkey in the tree
i’m sure it was an oversight………what you say about wrong and right and how Jesus [forgive me Lord], tucked you in last night , when you were sleeping with another man……….not your husband……. i’m not your judge……… not me but when you profess something so loud and so proud……………i think…
Read Morethe button
the button came from your coat it came off on the train……………not sure why i put it in my pocket them……..but i suppose i know why today………….. i was a younger poet then and my first book was carried across the pond………….you liked my work and wrote to me and…
Read Morei………..need a few
i would prefer to be alone………..i got sober and the the goblins occasionally come by…………..but they don’t hang around…….because i no longer hide from them…….i confront them, and they don’t like it………….. i take my friendships seriously…………my friends know what i ask of them they can ask of me……………i don’t…
Read Morei’ll give it to you
if you need it………………….i’ll give it you, because it was given to me that’s the way it has to be……….that’s the only way it can work for me if you need it i’ll give it to you not the best listener but i’m learning as time goes by…………..people need to…
Read Moreu would rather bleed
after several attempts to stem the flow reality stepped in and i had to let go curious thing that allowed me to finally see you would rather bleed……………………… i have seen and heard of some incredible things that people will do to keep the attention on themselves but wasn’t prepared…
THIS PRAYER IS FOR THOSE WHO HAVE COURAGE AND TRUST IN THEIR CREATOR Dear Lord i come to Thee Humbly ask that You teach and guide me Show me the path You would have me take Give me strength and courage to follow that way When the terrain gets treacherous…
Read Morefixated/the one track mind
mention the word ‘fixated’ and most respond with negative thoughts of being consumed by something or someone…………………….i understand that… however i can think of one exception……………only one……………and some would argue with this………………..fixated on a relationship with God………… that relationship if it is right doesn’t exclude the world around us rather…
Read Moreso within….so without
it is not possible for me to believe one could act arbitrary and not mirror what is within…………….without……….. would take a twisted man who could devise and practice a plan that would deviate…………from how he thinks to what is presented to the outside world…. most are not capable of such…
Read Morenot afraid of you……afraid of me
not afraid what you might do or say…………………………..we’ve been through those types of days…………………but when i hear you brag about what you stole…………… i get afraid of me this pattern has got to end, this crazy game of sick ”pretend” and i hear you are at it again………not afraid of…
Read Moreyou won’t like this
you won’t like what i suggest………….but when this started you already started to resist…………..and if you’re not willing to do something different… get what you get…………….same old thing……. it’s supposed to be uncomfortable………………i keep telling you……….because it’s something you don’t want to do …………………..if i wasn’t sure it would help,…
Read Morethe spot i was looking for
while the purveyors are selling doom and gloom i found the spot i was looking for my experience has taught me that in the midst of a perceived calamity there is a tiny window that only a few can see……….through that window is a view and it will take you…
Read Morewhen i stopped giving God the middle finger
when i stopped giving God the middle finger and took responsibility for the less than prodigious results my life had shown up to that point……….things started happening……………..a slow trickle and at times almost a flood…… when i accepted that my perceived ”victimization” was a result of my own doing………………my relationship…
Read Morei’ll take you there
there is a special place i go where things are cataloged and stored i go there often to add to the list to savor things i don’t want to forget it can be strong as a vault if someone tries to insert things i don’t want other times it can…
Read Morethe fable of five
in the midst of a stormy night this dream came upon me and it brought a few things to light…………………….. there was a knock on the door, who should come to visit at this hour on such a perilous night…………i saw a strange figure and he held the light so…
Read Morethis minute is sacred
for a believer every moment is sacred…………… my evolution i hope to spend the majority of my time in communion with Him…… this moment is sacred because it was given…….. it is fleeting and it cannot be stopped, only appreciated…………………. when i remind myself that this gift is temporary and…
Read Moreoh, to be Henry
my dog henry is a cockapoo………….rescued me and he’ll rescue you good old boy henry my dog henry avoids the sun his hair is black and he gets too warm, he’d rather relax under the fan, clean his feet and sleep all he can good old boy henry not to…
Read Moreyou cannot lead a horse anywhere….they don’t want to go…….
kick that notion to the curb…………………….many a woman has stared at the moon tears running down their cheeks………………coming to that realization…………….forget it……… you only think you can talk someone into something………….you can’t……………………………..they’ll take a few steps in that direction and bolt, because you are invested…………they aren’t………. hard to wait……………..most people…
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