If you don’t care……. Why are you crying?

Knock on the door………old friend Karen obviously very upset….distraught ” It’s John he has been seeing someone else” I’ve known them both for 35 years or more “ I am so over him and his lies…… he says it’s just a lady he’s doing a project with …….yeah a project…

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Sheeple bleep they will not speak                            And do as they are told they comply with the most ridiculous things because they have been conditioned so the ones who have not converted are labeled extremists the pablum you…

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I couldn’t be you you couldn’t be me So I see things you can’t see you see things that are foreign to me so let’s agree that we can share and respect each other so I can learn from you and you can learn form me and we can laugh…

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Even #69

I started to chastise you for being you then I remembered…….. you were challenged to be friends with me even O

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Don’t let go….

Hold onto your dreams and they will continue to grow sometimes quickly sometimes slow but if you hold on they will never disappear sometimes covered by our fears but if you hold fast and follow their lead the world 🌎 guarantees…… you will succeed hold onto your dreams ttucro

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Storyteller……..no not a liar

The word “storyteller” has taken on connotations of being liberal with the truth.  That’s a shame. thats how we learn……. Listening to others Everyone has a story…… here’s mine abbreviated Born a slave to my emotional whims I careened through the maze of life, almost doing myself in…. then I…

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Once knew a man…….to my brothers and sisters in recovery ❤️‍🩹

I once knew a man that thought he had a plan to live the life of his dreams then life came along and stirred up a storm ⛈️ brought him to his knees so he met with some friends and they reeled him in showed him a better way and…

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Don’t be a nail in someone’s coffin   forgivers live longer grudges are heavy ttucro

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Be careful not to fall ……… into the pit you are digging for someone else ……… ttucro

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Good advice from a trusted friend……for vhe

Timely advice from a trusted friend…….. is a great place for the day to begin Experience from others is a go way to defend against thoughts of concern that can do one in so it is with great acclaim I honor my friends who are vibrant and alive and care…

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The Bird With the Broken Wing

The little bird broke its wing falling from the nest His brother and sister with the aid of the Robin family lifted him to the nest as they supported him between two twigs that each of them held in their mouth. It was quite the undertaking. Mother was beside herself…….she…

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The Fine Art…..of listening

I would venture to say that most people hear half of a conversation……. The other half is lost in one being preoccupied or distracted…….. a look away totally disrupts a conversation……. the learning curve……in my case a circle, ⭕️ could have been shortened immensely by simply being a better listener……..…

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Just Barely…

Amusing at first …..watching an addict dance with a telephone pole and shoot at imaginary flying objects  is amusing but until you realize he’s out of his mind …. Just a few feet away from traffic…. just missed that experience……just barely the woman in the medium, her name is Betsy…..she’s…

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Have you ever noticed……… nice people attract nice people Hmmmmm O

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It is attainable……. It is neither lofty nor illusive it requires two things acceptance appreciation   things are as they should be I am blessed more than I am capable of comprehending therein lies Nirvana Ttucro

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I’ll take Love ❤️

There are no things as valuable as Love…… Time is close but it really is meaningless without love Beautiful bodies age……money can buy nice things but a far cry from love so I’ll smile at your beauty……..I will acknowledge your wealth But I would always prefer being short on funds…..…

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Enchiridion …….essential

I am grateful I’m not alone in the belief that there are real benefits and results from prayer A power much greater than myself not only exists but is more than willing to give me the opportunity to know and rely on that power I find it interesting that life…

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 O no self control                                             No self   emotions can be beautiful.                              Can be Destructive…

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 No one is immune from bad behavior but I am encouraged when my subconscious extols me to stop doing things or actions that aren’t congruent With the conduct befitting the path I have chosen I wander and I am prone to initially justify by excusing those experiences as harmless to…

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N.O.P.E. ……not open to the public…..ever

There are something’s according to me…..that should require a few steps before I can see when you give away the farm before I come the door it lessens my desire to continue to explore so yes being honest I enjoy your attributes but I’m not interested in hunting on land…

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No empty pockets …….

There may be times, when there is no money in my pocket when there is no food in my stomach when the path forward isn’t clear or even in view  But there will never be empty pockets or despair because I have a faith that walks with me and holds…

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I know…..respect…….you got out

I know that environment……that clash of the titans dope.                                                                       Money. disregard for anything that doesn’t…

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Wealth…….it’s not a money thing….

An old friend of mine taught me a great lesson: about wealth wealth: the accumulation of precious things well what is more precious than time it controls everything so wealth can be summed up as the amount of control one has over their time money: it will give you choices………….…

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Oh there you are……

Sometimes I kinda forget……..God is everywhere then I get reminded…….the sun burst through the clouds…….oh there You are the water from the shower ……….oh there You are the rain on the meadow……there You are the blossoms on the apple trees……..hey the face of my grandson in my arms…….that’s You the…

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The next step…….

I almost started to pat myself on the back you know for the progress I have made…….restraining my tongue 👅 ——————————————————————————- I hear a chuckle and then bellowing laughter it’s my Spirit……..here we go “ oh my…….aren’t we growing into adulthood nicely……….get over yourself and get real…….keeping the poison contained…

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Go back the Way you came…

Henri sitting on the back of the boat…….. ” I’m not sure about tomorrow or what tomorrow may bring…… got me all twisted….I can’t even think”…….. Me I started laughing, I said “ let me get this straight….. you’ve been alive all this time…..I’ll try to explain…… now I’m no…

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The Greatest Fear…….the Fear of “Love”

Let’s see how many words it takes to set this up: your childhood was horrendous you have a hard time trusting….. because you don’t trust yourself you have been lied to….. cheated on and belittled your heart has been broken a 100 times did anything happen today?…. Then it’s in…

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Marbles…….living on a circle ⭕️

I love round things…..we live on one round things roll …round things spin We Are all given our set of marbles at the beginning of the game how our life goes …….. Depends….. how you play your marbles…… circles…….round things bring things back around…….we get other chances to learn and…

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It could change……. But can you count on it

It’s your life I know that’s right and you have the right to choose grieving but when that stops being fun and you’re tired of pretending Ask yourself : “ it could change…… but can I count on it?” ttucro

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I watched You….. as You took down the Sun But left the lesser lights to illuminate…… breathtaking evidence debate has no place in faith the assurance of what has been proven through experience is enough the evidence should speak for itself without uttering a word   the “ walk” is…

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