
sometimes we don’t get what we want………………..but we get enough………….to keep us moving forward……………………. i naturally am not inclined to parameters that suggest moderation………..eat the cake…..roll the dice………..stand on the edge…….but i have memories and vivid events that reinforce the findings , ”yo bro…..not a good way to go..” glutton…

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lust for life

this lust for life is under my skin……..goes down deep……..far within……………i am in control of what i see……..there is no end to the wonders ahead of me…….. lust for life…………….bring it on

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Running to Babylon

we are running to Babylon, come on and join in……….abandoning outdated morals as fast as we can……….giving little thought about how this will end………….hurry, hurry we’re running to Babylon……… we have decided we want all we can get out of this life………..this talk of hereafter seems a long way away………..we…

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housecleaning #1,326

i caught myself in a ditch when i offered an opinion with no knowledge of it…….made me laugh, weak in the knees and i was quick to offer an apology……. then it occurred to me that i have been practicing this behavior for some time and it made me wonder…

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only in a Poet’s mind

how could something that never started……….never end……that could only be rendered in the mind of a poet……. the feelings of a Poet never change………………just the way he responds to them…………i wear my heart on my face…….there are times when i despise my gift………..because it requires me to be vulnerable and…

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a little deeper

i suppose i am learning new things…………….but i wager that much is from further inspection as what i have already experienced………. i lived many years with the notion that a well lived life was filled with as many different experiences as possible………………constantly running from one thing to the next………………can’t say…

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the man behind the mask

the man behind the mask is always facing a test……..to legitimize this game of pretend……..because he’s afraid you will recognize the charade and cause the game to end………….. the thought that all the walls will come down is something he is not prepared to comprehend…….. so he goes to great…

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a new word

i discovered a new word although i’ve heard it many times before………perhaps i’m at a place where the meaning has taken on more…….of consideration and practice in my life and it is not necessarily liked…………..about as much as doing what i know to be right….. it’s interesting how you come…

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it’s still there

that splinter that lodged in my soul……….i have made no attempt to pull it out…………for it is lodged so deep within……it will be some time before it works it’s way out…… but i have come to appreciate the discomfort and the pain…….for it is a constant reminder of something larger…

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i heard your song

i heard your song and it lingered on after the you flew away………………it stuck in my head and i repeated the melody over and over again…………. i longed to hear that song and it became obvious to me………….i would blessed to hear it again but that would not be up…

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i’d rather do it myself

not something i look forward to ……………but i’d rather do it, then hear it from you………i don’t like it but it’s easier to digest…………..coming from me than someone else admitting i am wrong let’s get past different points of view that’s not what we are getting to…………..what the topic is,…

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jump start

the battery wasn’t dead………but it needed a charge……………so God arranged a ”jump start”….. i look back and marvel how a few minutes changed the trajectory of my life………… the amazing thing about life you get many opportunities to get it right and if you are in the right frame of…

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As i’m getting older i look back at the tracks i’ve made, i often chastise myself for the mistakes i have made…….i start going down and then a voice comes to me: ”it wasn’t wasted time, it just had to be…….you were preparing for what was ahead of thee….” so…

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God Speaks

i hear God speaking in the chirping bird………..as He stirs the leaves on the trees and in the water is the brook as it rushes pass me…………..i am aware of His presence when i am quiet and still…………it is then he comes in love, with correction, guidance and care…….. i…

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outfitted for the journey

i know now where this path will lead…….with it’s cutbacks and it turns………….but i have been outfitted to handle whatever trials may come………….i march on with confidence with gratitude for what i have learned…………outfitted appropriately for my journey to the Son……. when i began this journey, i must confess, it…

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the is only antidote for love…………torn, troubled,abused,misused,jumbled and tumbled……………. that is love there is no repair for a fractured relationship without love…..lots of it……….as much as you douse your popcorn at the theater…………….but it is better dribbled slowly or it will be received as a flood….. love can hurt, but…

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God softens the blows

when i seek to punish myself for going against what i already know……..after i have tormented myself………Jesus steps in to soften the blows…….. when i languish because i gave into my heart took my hands off the reins and let go…….i knew it would lead to confusion and dismay but…

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tired of sitting in the dark

when i look up i can see……..a ray of light that calls to me……”stay where you are but you will never be free…………bring you trouble to the light and come to me”…………….mustering up the courage to stand…………i dig notches for my feet and hands ………and as i scale, the higher…

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it didn’t take much

it didn’t take much for me to change my tune…….perhaps i understand why quality of faith is desired over quantity……… when the blank…………is ready……the blank will appear………couldn’t that be said about almost anything in life………………..when we are ready………….then whatever we need happens………. so what gets us ready……………honesty tops the list………….a…

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because you wait with me

i am never alone………because you wait with me.…i am seldom forlorn…….because you wait with me………….i am hopeful and find strength to carry on………..because you wait with me………. the world has become less torn…….because You wait with me………Your ways have become my own…….because You wait with me.…………i can feel at home…

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the significance of one cannot be undone for those issues it holds………………..partners, mates, God, purpose, goals……. for those concerns are better served with alliance and focus……singularly…………………. one tire doesn’t work, one friend could work but you would inevitably wear them out……..one change of clothes would keep people at a distance…

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”your in it now”/for ben.e.

i still can hear your booming voice and you laughed at my dismay………..you replied , ” you could have asked, but you had to have it your way”……………. ”your in it now………..so lets discuss a way, you can do what’s right for everyone………and maybe next time you will choose a…

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internal gps

i didn’t know, it didn’t occur to me…………how could i have known it would turnout this way…………..these are things you won’t hear me say…………we all have an internal compass…….. we all know the difference between right and wrong……..and if you ignore that feeling that you get in your gut………..then don’t…

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the edge: best place to fish

the most difficult part of fishing on the edge is having the courage to admit that you don’t always know where that is………first concern…….. you have to spend the appropriate time determining the line…………….and then the second concern………..respecting it…… your gear is a little different here……..your line has to be…

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until further notice

until further notice i will continue on the path before me……………neither deviating left nor right…………..focused on each step…………..as it is measured and a slow cadence…….. the circumstances before me neither find me overwhelmed nor taxed…………the power that resides inside me is far greater than any situation that may confront…………..not free…

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full of joy

”happy” seems to indicate things are going my way……..whereas ”joyful” is bigger than circumstance or condition……it is an overwhelming feeling of gratitude and recognition of blessings bestowed…….. doesn’t matter what i may face……..a mere temporary situation…………………….what matters is there is a force in my life that encourages me to be…

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beautiful confusion

beautiful confusion wouldn’t change a thing………….not even trying to sort it out……..watching the pieces as they land………. doesn’t seem out of order………. no sense of urgency……….like a boy standing by a stream tossing rocks at passing leaves………… so i believe there is a reason………..i have learned not to pursue answers…

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gnome at heart

i suppose when something touches you to the bone…..you try to dismiss it but it won’t leave you alone………..it doesn’t offend you…….but it is kinda strange…………..perhaps in your DNA there is a mutant strain…………………. you have always loved the vastness of the ocean………but it never felt like home………..it’s in the…

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i thought they were so outdated they couldn’t be lit……settled into the assumption i was over it …….. the flame got close and damn if they didn’t catch………now all i see are fireworks……. the flowers, the trees, the earth and its’ smells have been turned up a notch and it’s…

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