humility/ for Garner
there was a man……a learned man…….respected by his peers……both for the knowledge he had acquired and for the way he preservered……….for he was gifted in his ability to learn but not so with his sight and he struggled with the books he chooose until he got it right…… his knowledge…
Read Morei didn’t fall……i jumped
i didn’t fall through the cracks…….i jumped into them the curious boy became a curious man……looked under rocks and around corners always felt like there was more ……..and it’s available…but you have to work for it and your efforts would be rewarded…..and they were and still are………….. you walk a…
Read Morethe next step/ for GILL
The next step for a Christian……… to enter into Gods’ Arms some would call it death, for us it is to be reborn……… the challenges and turmoil this world has put us through……end in a celebration………we go to be with You…… of course our friends and family hate to see…
Read Morebargain
for the little i gave………………….compared to what i got…… no doubt about it…………..bargain……. i took a few chances and i took my lumps……..didn’t complain when times were rough……………………..couldn’t imagine what would be lost……….if it all had been smoothe sailing i look back and i look ahead and the world has…
Read Morelogic doesn’t work with God
education can often be a hindrance to those who believe…..if it doesn’t sound logical…….no way……they resist…… why would i want to embrace and have faith in a logical God, when i need a mountain moved………i have the right God for the job….. all the neat little stacks……..and your carefully constructed…
Read MoreAmazon’s Answers
i don’t have the answer’s to Amazon’s Question’s, some of the things i don’t remember ever purchasing…………that doesn’t bother me…….somehow they’ll pull through……….. it makes me laugh that so early in the morning so many are concerned about the next thing they can buy………. the best things in life aren’t…
Read Moremy Father……….i am
with all his quirks and personalities…….i couldn’t imagine it happening to me…………………..but it did….. my Father…….i am….. his oubursts of joy……his outbursts of pain……very awkward and strange… my Father……..i am the little things that he made big………the big things that he made small…. my Father…….i am….. all the things i…
Read Morethe Crimson King
the Crimson King doles out things that shows he is in charge wails and laments that the government isn’t doing enough to heed his calls the defiant child rants and raves and when the dust settles amd the dust clears……………the events he complained about where manageable after all………… the Crimson…
Read Moreyour faith or lack of it… you/ for hastyp
laughable to think you can separate the two…….don’t kid yourself……..your faith is you……. here’s an idea for you….when i considered it, it bothered me to….i believe God is everything…………so my relationship with God is affected by everything i do…………………in other words it all matters…………. that will wake you up……… if…
Read Moreit’s not what you think
it’s not what you think……..hate to break it to you….but those ideas in your head belong exclusively to you……..never seen it fail, when a closer examination was pursued…… we dismiss what we thought we knew…..admitting we didn’t have clue……. so some things are good to be set in stone but…
Read Morethe candles/just enough light
i stopped in the lane by the widow’s hut…… small room with a woodstove and a cot………..a few tattered cothes that hung on nails in various spots………a table and chair, a candle and a small wooden box…….that held her Bible……… she mended clothes and sold items that had been given…
Read Morebreviloquent poet
a great compliment would be if others acknowlegde my brevity…….not lost in lofty words that take others away from the heart, of what i an trying to convey…….may i converse in such a way that many would come and walk away with something to think about because they were able…
Read Morethrow the directions away
had to be this way………….there was a price to pay ………and i would do the same thing again for it brought me a different way……….sometimes it would have been easier to take the suggestions that were spewed…….but the allure of the less traveled path was the magnet that drew me………
Read Morenot your average fruit/4 ttucro
not your average fruit , although you might find me in a tree, i can work in a salad if your don’t put to much dressing on me…..seems the preferred method of consumption is to take me in little bits and savor my blends of taste, some find me a…
Read Morewrong place/were ants walk
when i fall down……..i look around……..the ants come and stare me down………………i realize this is not the place for me…… i’m just in the way……….i get up and brush myself off ………and go and join the rest of us……………………… maybe that would work for you………
Read Moreseeds/little words that grow
God thank-you for these little words that stream across my mind………..some land in fertile ground and grow in strength and size…….these little seeds that connect to others and form links and become chains……..sometimes to pull things from the mire of life and sometimes to restrain…………………they look so weak and fragile…
Read Morethe ”create” space
even the average person will know when they enter a space where ideas are born and grow…….an incubator of thoughts that take hold………………………a ”create”space…… an energy lingers that drifts around the room……..just when the artist thinks it’s gone it comes like a fighter plane and drops it’s bombs again……when the…
Read Moreyou wrote it
i’m sorry you don’t like your song……not much you can do sing it with the realization there are parts you can’t undue seems the other side of this is what did you learned from all the people that you screwed………………it will take them awhile to forgive……..but not as long as…
Read Morenot afraid to dream
not afraid to dream, how about you? doesn’t concern me in the least bit if it will come true you see i look at it this way, i wouldn’t have had the thought if there wasn’t something that i couldn’t import…….so i will be open to see what part of…
Read Morereminders/for C
You help me to remember what i forgot……what i thought was gone….is not….and as time goes on, much of what was presumed as lost has returned to both of us………as love we forgot to trust……………………..reminders
Read Morecaretaker
these words, these poems, these songs, these drawings they do not belong to me……..they were sent from miles away to add to my joy today………to be shared with those who care about what others see……….together we piece together a magical tapestry….. so it is with some humility that i readily…
Read Morefairy tale?
to live in that world that you know…….i would rather shoot bb’s at my toes………….ttucro one common mistake i see people make is not to burn some bridges…….if those bridges took you to places that weren’t good for you or others…………………burn them and never look back…… the distance between ”i’ll…
Read Morea spiritual treat/watching my dogs sleep
similar to watching a roaring fire is the comfort and contentment i experience watching my dogs sleep we rob ourselves of so much pleasure by assigning certain conditions to spiritual experiences……….think about how invaluable they would be if they were random, occasional……few and far between………………what is lacking is the realization…
Read Morethe wealthiest man i know
the wealthiest man i know…….dumpster dives 3 days a week on a circuit he has traveled for years…………and has outfitted a second home with his eclectic finds……………he wears clothes others pass on to him and shares the ones he can’t use……he has garages full of every known building material and…
Read Morebricks not marshmellows
a clarafication just to let you know those are bricks you are throwing……………not marshmellows the oddest thing…….is you don’t see how your behavior is derailing the train……. nerves are freyed and patience is strained and you’re hurling bricks wondering why people complain….. i took a chance………went to the warehouse to…
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