a pat on the back/or kick in the butt

the God i worship is a chip off the block…….He will give me a hug or swat me on the butt…….He can be kind and He can be tough…..i don’t need a mamby pamby God…….. i need a God who loves to drive……………goes to the movies and like a massage…….likes…

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grateful for your gift/miracle du jour

just a miracle was our request…………….followed by labored prayer……………and the hours that followed passed like climbing over barbed wire…………….but we held our ground and held our tongue and let You do Your work………………what ensued was a series of events that returned something we love……we acknowledge it was amazing………….we marveled how…

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i turned around and you were gone…………we reported you as missing…………they took the report with little concern and less hope for your return………into the night we continued to search………….we had to find you………..you wouldn’t have found us and prayers were prayed and we called for you even though you hearing…

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when you hurt you it hurts us too……………….because we have been there before………when you shut your door, you shut ours too………..because helping you helps us too………………..when you don’t pick up the phone and say your alone……..frazzled and don’t know what to do……..you cut us off from doing our part…..to help…

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shallow breaths and then no more…………..my soul was heading towards a door……..a voice engulfed me, ”sit . i would like a word with thee………” i was taken to a room where i could plainly see the sun and the moon………….the voice continued on……..”like two bookends that mark each day……the sun…

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the bird brought the word

well it wasn’t a terrible day, every tenth thing went my way………and i sat on the patio and looked at the trees and a crow not to far away had his eyes on me…………. we sat for awhile taking each others stock and he flew closer to get a better…

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i love my clown

i love my clown he knows when i’m down and is always quick with a trick………he looks at me with his wrinkled nose and bats his eyes at me……he pulls a rag from his pants as if to blow his nose and then a shower of flowers erupts and he…

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finger nail clippers/hey i’ll take it

i’m a young 65……….i hear you…….”still 65”…………today was the first day i ever used a pair of nail clippers to trim my nails…………..i would maul them, pull them, twist them…..whatever…….wouldn’t take the time to do it the right way……..so my hands always looked like i had been fighting with a…

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mountain climber

when you determine which peak you intend to scale…….you train for that peak………because they are all different……….all are taxing, trying, confusing, draining and treacherous…………..but different…………..like 2 people that look alike but eons apart…. you train………..but you have learned that no matter how hard or long you train……there will be an…

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casualty/purple heart/for a soldier

when you go to war, you have to anticipate the possibility of being wounded……………..so one must carefully access a decision to enter therein………… casualties are a product of war……………..if you have never been a soldier in a conflict worth dying for……..you have lived a selfish and self-centered life, to never…

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true to myself

i may run the world away……because i tell the truth……………..others may not be ready for it and that is their excuse……..but i will do what’s right for me regardless of how it looks and let the outcome fall where it will……..i remain true to myself…………… i am not here to…

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you don’t have that right

you don’t have the right to tell me what’s right for me……….just what’s right for you…………………….. you cannot control me and i have absolutely no desire to control you………….so in your nervousness about what i would say or do…………i have no interest in doing anything that could harm you………. there…

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you will never know the value of being broken………….until you experience it…………….. you will hear of lessons learned from listening to others…………..and it is priceless…………but you cannot experience their brokenness…….you have to have you own……… when you are looking at your life and the pieces are scattered on the floor…

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tested positive

over the hills and through the woods life has run it’s course and i have been turned inside out and upside down and weathered it pretty well………through all of life’s challenges i have felt secure……..for i have always tested positive and for that i feel pretty good……………. that eternal spring…

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no expectations

i never had any expectations that things would work out like i planned………because i didn’t have any plans….. sometimes we don’t understand for lack of information and sometimes we don’t want to understand with plenty of information…… i had no ideas, you were wrong to assume……….people have a hard time…

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i know You

i know You……..i have seen You before………………….when i call……….. You are at my door…………..late at night as i stare at the sky…….i feel Your Presence by my side…………….i know You and i know You care about what i’m doing and how i’m living down here……………i know You, how You comfort…

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you were afraid of you

it was easy to say that his emotions got away………..and left it questionable what he would do……………..but knowing that particular man…….there was only so much he could do………..a closer examination would begin to reveal the truth………..you weren’t afraid of him……………you were afraid …of you

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drowning in myself

i can’t breathe and the walls are closing in……..i see the sky above the water………but i don’t have the will to swim…..i feel myself falling and it never seems to end……..drowning…….drowning in myself……… i see images coming near me, dear and lost friends…….the ones that are gone call me to…

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did you think it all the way through

”did you think it all the way through”…………………..i didn’t wait for a response…….i motioned to the bench and sat down by you…….i could see you were in a stitch………somehow your emotions got the best of you and you were embarrassed and wasn’t much to do……..but ride it out………. i offered…

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bookmarks for your heart/for C

much as we would like to say ”every day is a holiday” our mental frame gets in the way….most days end up being ”okay”………….. but we have those days that stick out in our mind and those are the days that gradually define the person we turn out to be…….…

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my back pages

stumbling through some notebooks of acts that never made it to the show………i am confronted with the realization……….it foretold where i would go……………i was so absorbed in capturing the feeling at the time, i was captured by the feeling……… the picture that they painted never crossed my mind……… time tinkers…

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until you finished what you started ………………everything else will be a waste of time……..you may feel that what you are doing in the end won’t amount to a dime…..but because you persevered that experience will take you to a place few will ever know…….because you kept your commitment………..when you finish………it…

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don’t count me out

don’t count me out just because you don’t see a way………i was walking with them when they crossed the Red Sea……………….. things people said couldn’t happen…………..happened to me…….. don’t count me out the trick about overcoming things of great odds………….forget having a plan…………..you go with the tide……………because you want it………….isn’t…

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dosed the fire with water until the area around it was muddy…………..and i watched…. from the ashes a tiny plume of smoke emerged and i investigated…………….uncovering an ember that had managed to keep it’s fire alive…… not sure why, but i was almost knocked backward……and i managed to fall into…

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Where Poet’s Walk ….continued

poet’s always walk through puddles and long for railroad tracks……..blustery windy mornings and rain on their back, camouflaged sunsets and moons that seem to smile, poet’s love the sounds of night when nature starts to prowl…… poet’s love animals because they do not exclude people from their love………….birds in trees…

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the Good Father

the good Father listens to every word and then asks if the child is through…….then replies ”I heard what you said, now this is what we are going to do”……………….. i know i give God a giggle and a charge when He witnesses the antics in which i engage……when i…

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the conditions were right on the mountain the temperatures where beginning to rise…………and i clearly heard the warnings but the mountain beckoned me to ride…………….i went to the top of the mountain, a small shovel strapped to my pack……………and as i quickly descended…………the mountain began to talk back……..soon it became…

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gambler’s creed


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no vaccines

no vaccines to ward off the infections of one’s heart………..try as you may to be on guard…………..the guard doses off and then they charge………….so the clamor of someone scaling the fence, stirs his senses………but it’s to late………………….invaded infected with no know antidote………….except time

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hard pills to swallow

wouldn’t be much of a life if we weren’t faced with situations that made us think twice…………………a good dilemma every once in awhile keeps life interesting, uncomfortable and real……….. all these things laid out in a row………..would get pretty boring after awhile…………..so a trial every now and then is how…

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