sure you want to keep it confidential………but you better talk to someone……..and it doesn’t have to be me…….that advice you’ve been giving yourself hasn’t paid any dividends that i can see…….. something about saying what you are thinking that sheds a different light…….and an added perspective can untangle the knots…
Read Moreno comment……is a comment
no comment is a comment……for the face says it all no need for laborius confrontations………won’t change anything at all long time to learn………….and longer to install………….but no comment is more often than not………… the strongest coment of all…………………. no comment
Read Moremust be a big box…..
gosh that must be a biggggggggg box you have decided God would fit in…. you tell i’m foolish, impractical,/that’s funny, who would bother to follow a practical God?, i want a suprenatural power and that’s what i have,/He couldn’t do that and there is just no way……..your reasoning mind has…
Read Morethose voices in your head
you say you keep the t.v. on it helps you fall asleep/ the longer we talk i understand it helps to drown out the thoughts your mind repeats/ must be a helluva delimma when silence is a foe/ God forbid you should face them/then they would go………….. my experience has…
Read Morepicture this/co-authored
you start with a blank canvas and i will suggest to you what to place and when to add……i expect you to do the best you can do i know your little deviant self will wander before were’re through………but that’s what i expected……..remember i know you…….. there is a man,…
Read Moreeverything important is happening…………….now
no matter how hard i tried and to any lengths i would go i can’t change yesterday or tomorrow………… with reluctance, but to my surprise i decided to give today a try……… the results weren’t hard to see…….today was where i was supposed to be…..and by focusing on what was…
Read Moresoi-disant
consider myself to be and outsider………going against the grain……..what i have managed to achieve so far……….is my particular brand of sin….. in an effort to distance myself from prevailing thoughts and trends……i took some time and too much thought…… develope my special brand of sin…. my brand allows me to…
Read Morebarking up the wrong tree
not so easy to say or see that most of my life has been all about me, i have so many interests and that’s okay……….but the focus needs to change to God and not me…………. sure i give mention here and there……..because God is important and i want Him here…….but…
Read Morei needed that affirmation/for the late Robert Palmer
something is prodding you and you try to ignore and it just continues to hound you and so you try and you feel life a bird on it’s first flight and you aren’t sure if your wings will lift you away from the ground………and you are falling……….falling……..but you keep flapping…
Read Morefind the word……an live it
there is a word that makes a small attempt to convey it’s power in our lives…… like trying to describe a rainbow with blindfolded eyes……. and it is tossed around like a ball in a backyard game……… but once you have experienced it……………………………..your life can never be the same…….. some…
Read Morespoke
you are a spoke in my wheel………….there are a limited number of spokes that support this wheel……… i chose them wisely…….. the stabilty and operation of this wheel is contingent on my ability to determine when the spokes need adjustment……. i have two good wheels……on an old worn bike………but they…
Read MoreGod of ”Uncommon Sense”
why would i turn my life over to an entity that was operating with the same skills as me…………..why would i trust a God who was easily swayed by emotion…….fear and pain……………….i need an authority on any subject that confronts me…………Something that can untwist the mess i make of it……..…
Read Moreto look without thinking
to look without thiking should be the goal to me……….to see things as they are and not as we would have them to be………… form opinions and ideas after and not before……….would give one a better foundation before they add more…………………… look without thinking should be the goal to me
Read Morethe title is ”possible”……..
it didn’t seem logical to me….as far as i could see…………sometimes best to go with ”possible” and let everything else go………it doesn’t really mater the arithmetic you use………the universe has it’s own set of rules…… will do as it please……….some would say it is a ”pipedream”………you are holding on to…
Read Morewistful mountain
i don’t come as much as i used to……….but i come as often as i can to gaze out and observe the valley and the river that runs through it…………..this mountain and this river have been major part of my life………where i learned to kiss the sky and bask in…
Read MoreGods’ Washing Machine
during my meditation God came to me……. i felt as though i was looking up to Him and water was all around me……………..i gently started moving and i wondered what was going on and as i began to fill lighter……i realized i was in GODS’ WASHING MACHINE……….. it was on…
Read Morethe God of all Moments
my God isn’t the God of my best moments when His Light and Inspiration is upon me…………………………………………………………….. He is the God of all my moments………………………
Read Morea stranger…….to himself
the longer we talked……….it became clear to me……..the person across from me had no idea who they were, what they were…….nor where they were in there life……………………….. a picture formed in my mind……………..a man sat adrift in a small boat………it had rudder, no mast, no oars………………………he was totally at the…
Read MoreSoloman Speeaks
sometimes in the morning at sometimes late at night Solaman calls to me to walk with him through the palace halls and sit in the gardens in the moonlight He tells me that the knowledge that many seek is but wasted information without the wisdom to practice it he said,”better…
Read Moreall things new
all things are new………depending on ones’ attitude for the same things i viewed yesterday may appear new to me depending on……… attitude…… a story was conveyed to me concerning a pauper and a treasured wooden box……..and how he lived quite happily by spending hours investigating it’s hinges, dow rods and…
Read MoreOpsimath
i held the magnifying glass close to the leaf and as i adjusted the position the suns’ rays where concentrated and a flame was there to see……. perhaps that description could also be appropriate for me………i came to a place where i had the desire to know…….my focus was adjusted………and…
Read Morethe canvas awaits
each day a canvas comes and the colors are chosen for me how i use them to frame the day……is totally up to me i don’t always choose the subject, but how big a part they play lies in my disgression of what is important to me………….. what a wonderful…
Read Morecrisis du jour/for ttam
i know you will be disappointed… wasn’t what you wanted to hear…………but you will make it through this to survive another year…….and the calamity that you where looking for…… is beginning to disappear…….. i know it’s hard for you to accept it…… were counting on it so much to justify…
Read Moretrust but a few
time isn’t always the kindest teacher………i could show you a bruise or two………..has taught me that being a gifted orator is not a sign that i should trust in you………..the slippery words that you have used left me puzzled and a bit confused…….. i was initially impressed by your following…
Read Morecan’t stop change
after today you will never be the same……..because we learn an that makes us change…… don’t have to like it….no use to complain…..after today you will never be the same…….
Read Morenot cold…….busy
sorry if you feel i’m being rude…………but i really don’t have time to miss you………………….i’m sure i will see you again and if not i’m grateful for what we shared…….but i’m not the least inclined to sit and whine……….to me that would be a waste…….of the time it would take…………
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