maturity/ has little to do with age
the notion that maturity comes with age is laughable….. maturity comes when one is ready to do something different and be something different…….. case in point: how many young people seem wise for their age……how many advanced in years/i was being kind/ seem childish and immature… we become who and…
Read Morepainting with words
i try to keep it simple…..try to keep it lean…….just enough to outline the picture, that you will frame…… i’ll provide the outline and part of the design but how you choose the colors and hues are from the palette in your mind…… these words are like little workers, they…
Read Moreneighbor/the people next door……4 suelu and cheesyjeff
the people next door are just like us……..don’t trust the goverment and think taxes are too high………work in their yard and eat too much…….yep the people next door are just like us the people next door have a story to tell, we know because we take time to listen as…
Read Moresolace
it is beyond my capacity………to fully appreciate the kindness You have shown to me……………………the peace i find when i am in your company is something i cannot live without………the safe and protected harbour You provide offers shelter from life’s storms……………a warm embrace awaits me when i step into your arms…………
Read Morelook back at your tracks
look back at your tracks……..that’s why you are here…..if you don’t like the direction perhaps it’s time for someone else to steer…….i have a suggestion it made a difference in my life…..i turned the controls over to God and He has taken me routes i wouldn’t have chose and places…
Read Moreoff script
then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee………how great thou art………God is too mysterious and big for your science…..i know because it isn’t all neat and logical it’s hard for you to accept…….that would be where Faith comes in……or in your case….not… if i wanted a God that explained…
Read Moreproject manager
God is the manager of this project i call life…..when the project is running smooth His directions are being followed without a fight………the project can get misdirected when i decide to run the show………when things fall apart and become a mess……He stops the project and sits me down and reminds…
Read Morenobody pets the tiger
i can see you are forlorn……..feel you have been scorned…….i know you’re not ready to talk………………i have a clue what’s going on with you……..seems it’s a pattern that you often take……..when you get tired of being defiant and hostile…… know the look by now…….give me a call…… a week goes…
Read Morepart-time help not wanted
trying to get out of being a Christian of convienence…………going through the motions……..rote repetition of Biblical phrases doesn’t impress God………knowing the word and living the word is the distance between Earth and Pluto………… walking it out in focused supplication is honorable to God……..and that’s all that matters…………. do or don’t………but…
Read Morethe filter and eraser
coming to…….i found You and never realized how valuable You are……….one thing to know about God and another to ask Him into your heart……. looking over the clutter and acumulation that i have garnered so far…….it was easy to see that a continuation would not produce the results i seek…….…
Read Morewhen you let go
from a place of darkness a light shines down the path you have been here for so long you struggle to leave the past.. a few steps forward every now and then……..but you return as always, the darkness has become your friend……. a distorted and unlikely combination……but you have made…
Read MoreTime the Teacher
time is the best teacher………probably not the kindest nor most patient………. time makes not exceptions, nor accepts excuses for those who don’t do their homework…….time doesn’t offer makeup tests…… don’t ever think you have Times’ ear or it will show you favor for having done your work well……..each day you…
Read Morestill wants to run
this old horse has a long and crooked tale……..doesn’t turn on a dime anymore, never eats from a pail……..but every now and then he surprises us, jumps the damn fence and outruns them all…….. so i reckon i know when a bout is coming on…….he prances around the barn and…
Read Morenot a detergent and not Dr. Phil………
if i just come to God when i feel troubled or out of alignment…….it’s like having a friend and the only time you hear from them is when something is wrong or they need someone to complain to……………that’s not what i want in a friendship nor does God……….. when God…
Read Morequiet…….work / in memory of James Allen
so i dig where you’re coming from and i buy into your philosophy…………i suppose i have put it off as long as i could….. the rest is up to me…….. it’s easy to expound on the virtues of having good and positive thoughts………..but when i step outside into this world…….the…
Read Morethe gift
the ”gift” was given by the Holy Spirit… parents showed me the way……..they provided all my earthly needs……..but the the”gift” was the most important thing……..they made it clear they had their struggles…… their marriage attested to that…….but they loved the Lord…….i knew because they took the time to share and…
Read Morea course in miracles
condensed version/ God did it, God does it………./the only way we have access to Him and His miracles is by the blood of His Son Jesus Christ….. save your money and /or throw the book away
Read Moreokay……so where is Jesus
you seem nice enough and you have no trouble attracting and keeping friends……….you are caring and compassionate is my perception in how you live, i hear you speak of guidelines and they seem to work…… least at this point…..for you my only question is………where is Jesus you answer……what a fine…
Read Morethe truth is always fresh
re-reading an old work by James Allen i am impressed how the unvarnished truth remains timeless and always current and fresh…… i set my ideals on aspiring to render the truth in simple understandable language…… as the best meals are built around fresh ingredients and basic combinations…….so the best thoughts…
Read Moreiridescent
today is a special day for me and it happens occasionally i see the light that surrounds me and it changes as i move throughout the day the different hues that chages as the light plays it game with the colors on its’ palette it’s beautiful and it happens when…
Read Moreword garden
i am fortunate for early on a seed was planted in me, as it began to grow i planted a garden of my own……..more seeds come all the time and i plant them and they produce vines that climb and grow inside of me taking me to places and lovely…
a gentle breeze runs across my soul……….bringing new things and taking others away………….keeps the winter wings moving towards spring…….and spring moving towards summer…….. i love the breeze in my face, keep’s what hair that’s left in a distorted mess, brush it aside and breathe in deep the magic of the…
Read Moreyour Fairy Tale is missing something/for Harry Pots
after all the calamities……..things are looking up in your fantasy, but there is one thing that is missing……..that thing is God…….. i know it strikes a nerve in you and you think you did this on your own…….but if i recall correctly things had come unglued and God worked it…
Read Morechewing gum
there is always something to be learned…………even from chewing gum……….. about 3 minutes into a chew………….i’m done…….you’re just getting started……..and will continue for hours……………. i chew gum like i live………………..after the initial burst of flavor is gone…… interest diminishes greatly…….shortly thereafter i’m done…… call it ADD or whatever term you…
Read Morewhen i became a Man
it is attached to a man which he reaches a certain age……the laws of man now allow him the privaledge to do certain things…………….but it is not until he places himself under the law of the ”King” that he begins to enjoy a life he will find no other way……..…
Read Morecertain in my uncertainty
i would not pretend that there aren’t days that are filled with calamities……but i find respite……certain in my uncertainty……. behind this flimsy facade……….is a rock solid belief nothing that comes before me………… greater than the God that walks with me…….. curve balls, trees fall, wind and rain and flood………would rather…
Read Morebetter left unsaid
you knew what i was thinking………you knew what was in my head…….wasn’t a need to confirm it…..better left unsaid…… it is said ”eyes are the window of the soul”………..and mine where telegraphing a message and i could see it was getting through to you…..words would have led to an argument…
Read Morethe pieces fall in place/for P.S.
Life is the biggest, baddest, scariest roller coaster of them all……………..nothing else will ever come close……….. when you are riding high and you are looking at all the beautiful clouds out of the window……….you hear the engine sputter and stop and you realize you don’t have a parachute………………………….. or it’s…
Read Morecertain
known for sure/beyond doubt what can you claim to be……..certain i can think of hundreds……….taxes, sunrise, change, good things, bad things, growing older an on an on………………..just a fast as i think of them they all have contingencies…………………….they probably will happen but i can’t be 100% sure………………………………..except for one…….. one…
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