nothing to figure out

nothing left to figure out……i placed my life in Gods’ Hands……….i can’t always see what He’s doing…..but it has taken me to where i am…….my life by no means is perfect….but it’s better then what i had planned and my issues are just opportunities to see what He’ll do next…..…

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i would rather come to be a Messenger than a Master of Poetry……for as my time here is short….my goal is to try and help someone else……i believe the victory is not here but what lies ahead of me……. i have strggled to unwind the twisted thoughts of my mind……and…

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laugh at yourself

laugh at yourself……it confirms you can see just how crazy your thoughts can be…….one criteria for remaining sane………you realize your mind plays games…….you get to pick the ones you explore…..more importantly you get to pick the ones you ignore…. sometimes it’s good to share with someone your thoughts give them…

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best medicine

when i’m not feeling that fond of myself……a friend suggested i should help someone else…that has proven to be the best medicine for me……gets me out of myself and puts the focus on someone else…….that little change lets me see……things are exactly like they are supposed to be…….. these daily…

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you haven’t lived until you die

you haven’t lived until you die……haven’t laughed until you’ve cried……haven’t felt the power of love until it’s flies away, like a dove……. you wouldn’t know how good it is unless you’ve been down to your last buck……..wouldn’t know the warmth of the sun………unless the darkness has been your home…….wouldn’t know…

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the pardon

the pardon happened long ago/Jesus knew what a mess we would be/so we are debtors to the cross and what he did to set us free…….so to show our appreciation we should share the word, better to walk in love and truth and leave our mouths closed…… powerful thing to…

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the man in the middle

God bless the man in the middle………….. he has his hands full keeping the other two separated and out of each other’s face……..things will be running pretty smooth and ”chaos” will make a move trying to invade ”content’s” space and they get ready for a showdown and the man in…

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Gods’ Museum

there is a place where God displays the trials and achievements of a life we can go there in times of happiness or when we are in strife walking through the rows of memorabilia from our past we soon realize….. that God has made the path through all the twists…

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competant and confidence

the first thing you notice about someone who is arrogant……..they are neither competent or confident…………their bravado is a smokescreen so you don’t look to close………never fails, they are always loud………..that’s to keep you at a distance…………the volcano is making noises it just might blow…….get out of the way………….go they don’t…

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i met a woman today who said the only person she ever loved was her mother…….she had numerous relationships but avoided falling in love because love tangled up your head and heart and made things far to complicated……. she was nice enough and attractive……..the longer we talked the colder i…

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we can do better than that

it’s not flattering when you say/ i have to correct myself a thousand times a day but that is the situation that continues to confront me…….really…….you can do better than that…… i catch myself in the midst of planning some sort of scheme….retaliation for some imagined thing….that may have only…

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don’t carry ropes

people that grasp and understand Christianity……..accept people as they are and don’t condemn anybody……they understand that a forced feeding will never stay down…..and it makes for an unpleasant meeting………. a fundamental tenant in Christian faith is that we aren’t perfect……rather seeking perfection through our faith………emphasis on seeking…… in not complete…….…

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medal of honor……..”Friend”

lots of people i term acquaintances ……about a dozen i call ”friends”……………. my criteria for friendship is a rock solid belief that i could count on these few……no matter what……………………………..i don’t bestow that title lightly and i don’t take my friends for granted…’s a big deal to me…….. if you…

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potential/ a candle waiting to be lit

everyone…………has the capacity to become………so few ever light the wick the light is stuck in the candle……..but what good is it the tired stay tired…………..until they become inspired and then they are renewed but that first step separates those who achieve happiness by doing the best they can do anything…

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i was drawn to your physical beauty but when i looked within………there was an abyss….. that had no end………i was so sad for you and all of your friends…….it was all about you….and all about them………. the image was so strong it lodged in my mind and as i thought…

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don’t borrow from tomorrow

don’t borrow from tomorrow………you’re guessing what’s there…..while you are tampering with tomorrow today is already here……….and it won’t wait……. seems logical that we would tend to focus on what’s in front of us………..but i do everything possible to put that in the ”get around to it” slot…………. you see i…

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little pieces of paper

little shards of paper are crammed into folders, boxes and drawers……..sometimes they call out to be  re-examined and explored…….often they take me back to places and things of long ago………..funny how a few words on a sliver of paper bring back memories that were lost a long time ago…….. i…

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when you can easily share and feel someone else’s pain and suffering……..compassion is a cornerstone of your life……the ability and desire to comfort others……is the stuff that moves mountains……..

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you can borrow mine

i hear you lost your Father………i hear you lost your Mom……i hear you lost your Sister……i hear lost your Son………..i hear you lost your daughter……..the list goes on and on……. as your friend i can see naturally you are overwhelmed……..too exhausted and confused to shed those healing tears……………you can borrow…

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humbled……by choice

i’ll take me down a few pegs…… you won’t have too…………and for me that’s rountine and preventative maintainance……….. it was given to me that people of great aptitude find few things beneath them only above….. i have become able to find and appreciate the essence of a person if they…

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one was clapping………it was me

when we have done the best we can do……often there is only one clapping…that one is you when we can be at ease and peace………knowing what we’ve accomplished and what we have achieved………….the need for attention suddenly leaves…… when i am in tune with what makes me tick, gaze at…

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dead giveaway

if you feel the need to justify what you are doing or what’s been done……go on and take your seat the verdict is already in……… you are the judge and jury because you knew from the start……..if you needed a plan to support your stand…….you were sinking in the mud…………

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mothers’ day

somebody’s daughter or someone’s son, will piss you off today …….. perhaps just this once you could block their words and hear what there Mother would say….”i try my best to raise them up right, but often they go they own way, later they come an apologize for not listening…

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still learning to ride #2378100.9

they said i was old enough to lose the trianing wheels……but i don’t know, i go back and forth about putting them back on………..i keep falling off and getting back on……my legs look like i was attacked by a lion……. i try to listen, even ask you to speak slow…….in…

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God won’t wait…….but He will leave His Card

God won’t wait…….. He has to much to do but He’ll leave His Card or send and angel or two when you are ready He will make room on His schedule for You…………but God won’t wait when you meet….He will listen to your story and hear you complaints and it…

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love……… never afraid

love is never afraid………..laughs when things get in the way……….grabs a shovel and makes a way…………….naaahh love is never afraid……we are…… we rant and rave when fear comes to stay and we make sure the guest room is tidy and neat and when it complains about the bed we offer…

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impressions you have made linger though you are physically far away i see you face embossed in my mind by your kind and loving ways and the softness bears a strength that i would be remiss to describe the gentleness i once perceived as weak …..clearly i was wrong to…

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the air is leaving the balloon

the air has been leaving the balloon for some time, often my feet touch the ground……..all the things that were so important………have faded and slipped away….best part is i don’t intend to replace them……nor do i miss them…… the personal importance i placed upon myself and my opinions seem childish…

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trading facts for possibilities

a human trait that is a reality…….we are prone to trade facts for possibilities…….pleasant way to spend an afternoon in a hammock……….disasterous to engage in plans to see it come to fruition……. fantasies are called as such because they lack the necessary elements to become a reality……..cosmic ping-pong……….interesting to investigate/dangerous…

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the language of clowns/for halloween

the language of clowns comes upon us when we become overwhelmed and lack the good sense of restraint……….. babling words that have little thought behind them only emotion……..the sad thing is most of us are susceptible to the urge to be heard……regardless of what we are saying at the time…….only…

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