seeds/little words that grow

God thank-you for these little words that stream across my mind………..some land in fertile ground and grow in strength and size…….these little seeds that connect to others and form links and become chains……..sometimes to pull things from the mire of life and sometimes to restrain…………………they look so weak and fragile…

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the ”create” space

even the average person will know when they enter a space where ideas are born and grow…….an incubator of thoughts that take hold………………………a ”create”space…… an energy lingers that drifts around the room……..just when the artist thinks it’s gone it comes like a fighter plane and drops it’s bombs again……when the…

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you wrote it

i’m sorry you don’t like your song……not much you can do sing it with the realization there are parts you can’t undue seems the other side of this is what did you learned from all the people that you screwed………………it will take them awhile to forgive……..but not as long as…

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not afraid to dream

not afraid to dream, how about you? doesn’t concern me in the least bit if it will come true you see i look at it this way, i wouldn’t have had the thought if there wasn’t something that i couldn’t import…….so i will be open to see what part of…

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reminders/for C

You help me to remember what i forgot……what i thought was gone….is not….and as time goes on, much of what was presumed as lost has returned to both of us………as love we forgot to trust……………………..reminders

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i used to be an octopus……..grabbing all i could……one day i realized it wasn’t doing me any good……for all the things i gathered were serving no purpose for me and their intended use was being wasted on a hoarder like me…….so i put a sign in my yard and said…

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these words, these poems, these songs, these drawings they do not belong to me……..they were sent from miles away to add to my joy today………to be shared with those who care about what others see……….together we piece together a magical tapestry….. so it is with some humility that i readily…

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turns out they weren’t kidding after all……there is a solution to all the things that cause me to stall………it is no illusion i have clear evidence it is true……..nothing that comes before me is as powerful as You…………..Faith

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fairy tale?

to live in that world that you know…….i would rather shoot bb’s at my toes………….ttucro one common mistake i see people make is not to burn some bridges…….if those bridges took you to places that weren’t good for you or others…………………burn them and never look back…… the distance between ”i’ll…

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a spiritual treat/watching my dogs sleep

similar to watching a roaring fire is the comfort and contentment i experience watching my dogs sleep we rob ourselves of so much pleasure by assigning certain conditions to spiritual experiences……….think about how invaluable they would be if they were random, occasional……few and far between………………what is lacking is the realization…

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the wealthiest man i know

the wealthiest man i know…….dumpster dives 3 days a week on a circuit he has traveled for years…………and has outfitted a second home with his eclectic finds……………he wears clothes others pass on to him and shares the ones he can’t use……he has garages full of every known building material and…

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bricks not marshmellows

a clarafication just to let you know those are bricks you are throwing……………not marshmellows the oddest thing…….is you don’t see how your behavior is derailing the train……. nerves are freyed and patience is strained and you’re hurling bricks wondering why people complain….. i took a chance………went to the warehouse to…

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the gypsy tree

i did not know 3 years ago that i planted a ”gypsy tree”…………that it would grow in strange ways and communicate with me…….it tells me about things i cannot see….the spirits that come and visit me……..she can dance in languid moves, point to stars and frame the moon………..whisper songs from…

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life is the art

the pen to paper, the brush to canvas, the clay to the wheel are the least important parts…….a fragment of the process the ”art” is in how we dance through this world………and it better be like whirling with a guy or girl on your first date the evidence of the…

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it’s the action…..

that word that you’ve been looking for is only part of the truth you may recognize it and it requires action from you for coming to the conclusion is a noble act to take but without the correct response………it will mean little to them and even less to you………………that word…

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i have an antidote for the poison that you spew i use to let it bother me and i began to look at you when i see the fangs come out and you start to come unglued i remind myself you have a tenuous and contentious relationship with the truth…

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if you think all the world’s a stage… better like popcorn you might want to rethink that i’m jus sayin’

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liar please don’t speak………just stirs up old memories…….i am sure there are reasons for the billshit that you spew……..but it comes a time when we decide if we are happy with what we do……..don’t i know it takes courage to change habits we have become accustomed too…………but either you have…

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2 Boots

i was in the Cumberland Resturant…….having brakfast on my way to my cabin in the woods…….taking a reprieve from my normal routine…….wife had commitments, she stayed home with the dogs……i was headed to the woods…to clear my head of congregating fog……….. sitting at the counter i heard a motorcycle approach…

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it was a mighty battle, the sky was dark and cold……… i awoke to pouring rain beating against my brow………the rocket had landed close to me, but i survived somehow…… back was laden with the body of a brother in my unit who didn’t make it………i struggled to wiggle free…………

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you left your dragon

you left your dragon……..but that’s okay…….he got tired of breathing fire and the lull gave us a chance to talk………we both were amazed at our similar experience…………how you conned us into believing the story about the ”fairy princess”……… we both confessed we saw some holes but choose to ignore the…

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get on with it

okay……there is frost on your windshield……… A. YOU CAN WHINE AND COMPLAIN ”WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO YOU”…… B. shrug it off…….hum and scrape the damn windshield and get on with it……… C. Always choose ”b” waste of time asking ”why” time is passing, flying by…..get on with it

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comfort in the gloom

a sunny day wouldn’t work today………requiring a level of enthusiam that isn’t there………..i take comfort in the rain and clouds they won’t ask me to wear a face that isn’t here……..not down or disappointed just steady as she goes and the darkness doesn’t bother me…….. just life as it ebbs…

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i’ll sit this one out

the cotillion is closer to a circus than a ”ball” i thought i knew these men……………but i don’t recognize them at all………..there seems to be leash attached…..but they aren’t visible to me………….and they seem to be led by hither and fro by piles of fake hair on the heads of…

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you better learn it early……………….because it will save you now and then…………..when things seem out of order and you are out of spins…………… can keep going but you are never going to win……………………..step quietly out of the spotlight and blend in on the fringe………………….. sometimes the momentum is way to…

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Easter Apologies

Grateful to know Jesus died for us all and not me only……….otherwise i would say it wouldn’t have been worth it…. Dancing with demons……………………this too shall pass

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the morning after and before ”pill”……

there is a med that’s been around and some consider it expired but i contest that logic because many use it and are doing fine we all will face an illness that has the power to consume…causing us to fear and struggle and think we are doomed but it is…

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the Potter’s Field

i’m dancing in the Potter’s Field dropping grenades as i go….. let’s wake these lounging souls…….probably many i will know…. and give them the opportunity to share what they want the world to know……… every person has a story……some never make it to the stage…. i take the time to…

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David Moil

what is this source of latent anger that is clawing inside of looking for a way to escape and set the demons free……..i often try to hide behind the tree of denial which never covers me…. the truth is as valuable as to the extent it is accepted…………that is the…

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don’t be a stranger to yourself

amazes me that at least once or twice a day i meet someone who has no idea who is walking in their shoes……..sounds comical but it’s true…….if you ask them anything personal it’s like they are in turmoil and need ” TIME OUT ” for consultation with themselves…………baffling to me…

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