you can borrow mine

i hear you lost your Father………i hear you lost your Mom……i hear you lost your Sister……i hear lost your Son………..i hear you lost your daughter……..the list goes on and on……. as your friend i can see naturally you are overwhelmed……..too exhausted and confused to shed those healing tears……………you can borrow…

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humbled……by choice

i’ll take me down a few pegs…… you won’t have too…………and for me that’s rountine and preventative maintainance……….. it was given to me that people of great aptitude find few things beneath them only above….. i have become able to find and appreciate the essence of a person if they…

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one was clapping………it was me

when we have done the best we can do……often there is only one clapping…that one is you when we can be at ease and peace………knowing what we’ve accomplished and what we have achieved………….the need for attention suddenly leaves…… when i am in tune with what makes me tick, gaze at…

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dead giveaway

if you feel the need to justify what you are doing or what’s been done……go on and take your seat the verdict is already in……… you are the judge and jury because you knew from the start……..if you needed a plan to support your stand…….you were sinking in the mud…………

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mothers’ day

somebody’s daughter or someone’s son, will piss you off today …….. perhaps just this once you could block their words and hear what there Mother would say….”i try my best to raise them up right, but often they go they own way, later they come an apologize for not listening…

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still learning to ride #2378100.9

they said i was old enough to lose the trianing wheels……but i don’t know, i go back and forth about putting them back on………..i keep falling off and getting back on……my legs look like i was attacked by a lion……. i try to listen, even ask you to speak slow…….in…

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God won’t wait…….but He will leave His Card

God won’t wait…….. He has to much to do but He’ll leave His Card or send and angel or two when you are ready He will make room on His schedule for You…………but God won’t wait when you meet….He will listen to your story and hear you complaints and it…

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love……… never afraid

love is never afraid………..laughs when things get in the way……….grabs a shovel and makes a way…………….naaahh love is never afraid……we are…… we rant and rave when fear comes to stay and we make sure the guest room is tidy and neat and when it complains about the bed we offer…

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impressions you have made linger though you are physically far away i see you face embossed in my mind by your kind and loving ways and the softness bears a strength that i would be remiss to describe the gentleness i once perceived as weak …..clearly i was wrong to…

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the air is leaving the balloon

the air has been leaving the balloon for some time, often my feet touch the ground……..all the things that were so important………have faded and slipped away….best part is i don’t intend to replace them……nor do i miss them…… the personal importance i placed upon myself and my opinions seem childish…

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trading facts for possibilities

a human trait that is a reality…….we are prone to trade facts for possibilities…….pleasant way to spend an afternoon in a hammock……….disasterous to engage in plans to see it come to fruition……. fantasies are called as such because they lack the necessary elements to become a reality……..cosmic ping-pong……….interesting to investigate/dangerous…

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the language of clowns/for halloween

the language of clowns comes upon us when we become overwhelmed and lack the good sense of restraint……….. babling words that have little thought behind them only emotion……..the sad thing is most of us are susceptible to the urge to be heard……regardless of what we are saying at the time…….only…

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maturity/ has little to do with age

the notion that maturity comes with age is laughable….. maturity comes when one is ready to do something different and be something different…….. case in point: how many young people seem wise for their age……how many advanced in years/i was being kind/ seem childish and immature… we become who and…

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painting with words

i try to keep it simple…..try to keep it lean…….just enough to outline the picture, that you will frame…… i’ll provide the outline and part of the design but how you choose the colors and hues are from the palette in your mind…… these words are like little workers, they…

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my trove

i keep my trove with me to be safe….. helps me feel secure and complete…. guards my tongue and guides my feet…… my trove is in my heart……….. my trove is filled with lessons learned, gifts bestowed and gifts returned, tears of joy and sorrow earned……the bittersweet and grace….. i…

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neighbor/the people next door……4 suelu and cheesyjeff

the people next door are just like us……..don’t trust the goverment and think taxes are too high………work in their yard and eat too much…….yep the people next door are just like us the people next door have a story to tell, we know because we take time to listen as…

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it is beyond my capacity………to fully appreciate the kindness You have shown to me……………………the peace i find when i am in your company is something i cannot live without………the safe and protected harbour You provide offers shelter from life’s storms……………a warm embrace awaits me when i step into your arms…………

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look back at your tracks

look back at your tracks……..that’s why you are here…..if you don’t like the direction perhaps it’s time for someone else to steer…….i have a suggestion it made a difference in my life…..i turned the controls over to God and He has taken me routes i wouldn’t have chose and places…

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off script

then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee………how great thou art………God is too mysterious and big for your science…..i know because it isn’t all neat and logical it’s hard for you to accept…….that would be where Faith comes in……or in your case….not… if i wanted a God that explained…

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project manager

God is the manager of this project i call life…..when the project is running smooth His directions are being followed without a fight………the project can get misdirected when i decide to run the show………when things fall apart and become a mess……He stops the project and sits me down and reminds…

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nobody pets the tiger

i can see you are forlorn……..feel you have been scorned…….i know you’re not ready to talk………………i have a clue what’s going on with you……..seems it’s a pattern that you often take……..when you get tired of being defiant and hostile…… know the look by now…….give me a call…… a week goes…

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part-time help not wanted

trying to get out of being a Christian of convienence…………going through the motions……..rote repetition of Biblical phrases doesn’t impress God………knowing the word and living the word is the distance between Earth and Pluto………… walking it out in focused supplication is honorable to God……..and that’s all that matters…………. do or don’t………but…

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the filter and eraser

coming to…….i found You and never realized how valuable You are……….one thing to know about God and another to ask Him into your heart……. looking over the clutter and acumulation that i have garnered so far…….it was easy to see that a continuation would not produce the results i seek…….…

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when you let go

from a place of darkness a light shines down the path you have been here for so long you struggle to leave the past.. a few steps forward every now and then……..but you return as always, the darkness has become your friend……. a distorted and unlikely combination……but you have made…

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Time the Teacher

time is the best teacher………probably not the kindest nor most patient………. time makes not exceptions, nor accepts excuses for those who don’t do their homework…….time doesn’t offer makeup tests…… don’t ever think you have Times’ ear or it will show you favor for having done your work well……..each day you…

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still wants to run

this old horse has a long and crooked tale……..doesn’t turn on a dime anymore, never eats from a pail……..but every now and then he surprises us, jumps the damn fence and outruns them all…….. so i reckon i know when a bout is coming on…….he prances around the barn and…

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not a detergent and not Dr. Phil………

if i just come to God when i feel troubled or out of alignment…….it’s like having a friend and the only time you hear from them is when something is wrong or they need someone to complain to……………that’s not what i want in a friendship nor does God……….. when God…

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quiet…….work / in memory of James Allen

so i dig where you’re coming from and i buy into your philosophy…………i suppose i have put it off as long as i could….. the rest is up to me…….. it’s easy to expound on the virtues of having good and positive thoughts………..but when i step outside into this world…….the…

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the gift

the ”gift” was given by the Holy Spirit… parents showed me the way……..they provided all my earthly needs……..but the the”gift” was the most important thing……..they made it clear they had their struggles…… their marriage attested to that…….but they loved the Lord…….i knew because they took the time to share and…

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a course in miracles

condensed version/ God did it, God does it………./the only way we have access to Him and His miracles is by the blood of His Son Jesus Christ….. save your money and /or throw the book away

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