the most pricelesss instrument
it took some time to learn…………that practice as we may……………….there are some notes…………..that only the heart can play…………… will come a time if we seek to hear that ”peace”………………we will be stirred from our sleep……………………………. to hear the melodies of the heavens………………..inspired by God…………..that only the heart can play
Read Morecrater
there is a hole in me……………………that i could never fill…………….with alcohol, drugs or pills………………and in pursuit of trying to fill a spiritual gap with a chemical solution……………i almost died several times………….. when it was to obvious to ignore that my fixes weren’t working nor were they going to work…….i turned…
Read MoreStopped looking
”He is not out there”…………………….the voice was soft and clear….. ”you can stop looking, He is already here…………….. you can stop walking and be still……………………listen to the words you have longed to hear…………………………………….. the lessons to be learned are best received when one is quiet and calm……… the journey isn’t…
Read Morethe work has just begun
you turn the soil when you opened the book……………….but the work has just begun………………… to plant the seed………………..and watch it grow………..and change what we thought we had learned……………….. matters little how much we know and what we gather along the way………..if it remains stored in our heads……………………… and doesn’t effect…
Read Morehorizontal
the actions of others……………………………… as hard as it may be to swallow and follow………………should have little to no affect……………….in your actions……….. or reactions…………………………. the essence of enlightenment……………….is self control…………………… well then……………….guess i realize i am just scratching the surface
Read Moretides///2.3 feet above sea level
when we go to sleep everyone in our past……………and our future line up to remind us of their contributions………………………or display their wares for sale…………. bits, pieces, flashes of the past are offered to re-examine what was missed and misinterpreted…………………….. as we sit staring out the window…………….many pass by wondering if…
Read Moresome days………..just pray
some days all we can do is pray……………..can’t change anything and it won’t go away……………….so no need to ask ”why me”…………….better option is to hit your knees……. doesn’t mean you did anything wrong…………just a reminder that left on our own, life will come shake us and throw us in the…
Read Morewhen right isn’t right
if love isn’t present in my actions or words…………..matters not the correctness of my position………………………….it doesn’t matter………………… a bitter pill to swallow ……..i cannot come from a position of ”rightness” void of love and be correct……………..ouch….. when iu am bludgeoning with the ”truth”……………there is no love present…………. for all purposes………………..i…
Read Moreeducation of the Heart
before i make a decision……………i set aside my mind……….and ask for guidance and direction………………..from my heart….. what i speak from my minds point of view……………fades soon after………….what i speak from my heart is engraved………………………. what i know pales to what i have felt…………the feeling is the message and it can…
Read MoreOpinions…………….
opinions aren’t needed more often then i would care to admit… few are waiting to hear my thoughts, but sometimes i slip… then the outcome is stepped on toes and bruised ego’s … opinions are rarely needed………..this much i know… haven’t always felt this way……………………………. but the long faces and…
Read Morei take responsibility
we pass the torch…………..from boy to man…………..from girl to woman when we take responsibility for our life………………………….there is no one to curse nor blame the results will be because of beliefs embraced and choices made……………..i can look back and offer they did the best they could realizing there were many…
Read Morethe difference
in my world……………things get distorted and it is hard to make sense of things…….. in GOD’S world………….. there is a logic and orchestration of things i cannot see…….. in my world…….. people say and do things intentionally to hurt and punish me………. In GOD’S world these are hurting people that…
Read Moreinto the furnace
i’m going into the furnace, to separate the silver from the dross…….it’s obvious there are impurities that are keeping me away from the cross…………..that image i am drawn to and the price my Savior paid and i have made obstacles that get in my way………………. all are connected to a…
Read Morealways have you
i can’t trust this human race, because they lie and try to hide their face…………..sometimes it is hard to find a trace………….of something forgotten called the ”truth”……………….. but discouraged and forlorn………………in the morning i hear the horn, calling me to pray…… in my time of solitude the message rings loud…
Read Morefly on Betty
how’s it going……over there……………up there………..? Ben told me you moved on and after we hung up i started thinking about you thought i would let you know you made an impression, congrats on leaving sober after everything we have been through that’s the goal…………..leaving sober i don’t say dying because…
Read Morewhy i am sure i’m not God
G………….doesn’t forget names G…………… doesn’t forget special dates G……………….expects us to have difficulties G……………doesn’t have trouble understanding G………….is dependable G………… predictable G…………..doesn’t tap out G……………knows our heart G……………doesn’t keep score G………….doesn’t have to ask permission……..but does anyway G………….doesn’t run out of options G………… unlimited chances to make things right G…………doesn’t…
Read Morea soldier taught me
a soldier said that it didn’t matter who the Commander was that a soldier was taught to follow orders and leave politics out of his mind……………hmmmm as a Christian……………..we know who our Commander is and the political climate should have no bearing as to performing our orders………… to proclaim the…
Read Morenot as easy as it sounds
to offer others the same patience, tolerance and understanding that you would want them to offer us……………………..sounds like a good idea………….and it is…. now put it into practice………………………….good luck…… it will take a lifetime to get close…………………….
Read Moretested positive for Christ
then in a dream we were gathered up and put onto a train the soldiers pulled us out and put us all in pens one by one we were called and stood before our Judge we were ask if we believed and marked with tape on our back in the…
Read Morethe darkest hour
in the darkest hour my soul beckons me……………to get down on my knees ask the God i have come to know………… please come comfort me through the darkness i see a ray of light and it wraps me in it’s glow together we wait in the night………………the darkness has lost…
Read Moredon’t be scared/open the door
don’t be scared…………open the door remeber friend, Gods’ been here before He will walk with you and hold your hand He was just waiting for you to make a stand we both know it’s the right thing to do nothing can confront you or stand in your way because God…
Read Morei saw Jesus Walking
i saw Jesus walking as i turned down the path in the words….. i could here His footsteps at the animals scurried about…….. the wind in the trees whispered ”I am by your side”……… the path went around the lake , and the turtles sunned on the logs…. i sat…
Read Moreu know better
u know better……………….so what’s your excuse u know what’s your doing will hurt more people than just you u are so driven for revenge that you are willing to suffer to see others suffer come on brother come down from your throne…… use staying where u don’t belong….. u know…
Read Morei return because i forget
i do my devotions everyday because i let the world take my faith away so i return to be renewed and ask forgiveness for being subdued i am welcomed with open arms………………..the Lord reminds me in a song ”little one i know you flaws, the weakness and the scars……………..come to…
Read Morelapidify
life has it way of hardening us…………’s trials and tribulations matters little of your station in life………….humans have issues, rich and poor if we fail to celebrate and acknowledge the good things………..the blessings if doesn’t take long before our hearts and our minds…………are ‘lipidified’…… turned to stone
Read Morewindow into heaven
human nature adds curiousity…………we want to feel…… touch……to see hoping for a glimpse into heaven….. sitting as still as we can be…………….we gaze at the grass, the birds and trees and yet we still feel something is missing….. in our quest to get a glimpse into heaven so the search…
Read Morebefore you fall………………………stop
when thoughts entertained lead to regret…………the only solice one can take is to acknowledge improvement has been made……you didn’t act on it so what use to be an action that had ended in mixed results now is just a passing thought………………..that you stopped before it took off perfection, no…………improvement always
Read Moregood thoughts should be shared/bad thoughts arrested
i should like to share with you the pleasant thought your face brings to my mind i hope you will see that my intent is virtuous and kind sometimes the things people do go unnoticed and that is fine but every so often it is good to acknowledge what they…
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