
my color did not dress me this morning…….my color did not exercise this afternoon……my color did not not excuse me from paying tolls on the expressway………my color did not get me my job……my color has prevented me from getting jobs………… color is not important to God….my color does not pay…

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sometimes i can be that rabbit

there’s a little brown rabbit that lives in the flower beds………and he nibbles on the flowers as my wife shakes her head………….but he is so peaceful and serene………………….makes me wonder if i can reach that place or is it just in my dreams……………… i follow the news and it permeates…

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He only seems far away……………He’s not

Poor Old God……..watching His Flock……………….turn away from the lessons that were taught…..because we have been here before and still we continue to act the same way……and there will always be bad people who will never change…………… there are many measures that will help to weed them out……………but some will slide…

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helping you helps me to see

when i’m wrapped up in me………………….i can’t see because i’m blinded by what’s in front of me,……………………….but if i set that aside and just let it ride…….me helping you starts giving me clues about the problem that doesn’t seem to be as big as it was before………………… i lack perspective…

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my God is a toad

yep……my God is a toad……a bird and a tree………..the grass and the flowers and the sun that warms me………..for my God is in everything that i can see My God can be Big and He can be small……….He can get into places everyone cannot go He tells me things that…

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there is a kangaroo passing through…….he will jump on me liked he jumped on you……his mission is to leave us hopeless and confused…………….kangaroo passing through he seeks out those who are easily swayed……….and jumps on them and makes them afraid…..and they spread that fear and he goes away……. because now…

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when we stop…………………..blaming

when we stop blaming our eyes upon up to things we could not beforehand see answers seem to appear out of nowhere perhaps because we stop wasting energy and things that looked impossible fall almost effortlessly into place……what had looked like a mountain… seems more like a hill the answers…

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2 types of victims

at times we have all been victimized……………….fact of life…………….we all have been discriminated because of color, physicality, economics, faith or lack of one, age, handicaps…..the list could go on forever……………there will always be discrimination on this plane……………….. the difference between victims……………………those who are determined not to let discrimination define nor…

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blinded by anger

your anger is justified…………………..but unfortunately it has put out your eyes…….not allowing you to see…………….truth from your reality………………… there are always facts that we aren’t able to see if we are blinded by our anger………. if we are confronting anger with anger the outcome can only produce one thing…………………more anger…

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thanks for holding the ladder

as i struggle to make my way up to the place where God’s Friends play and i am glad to have you near and here……..holding the ladder see……i have those days when my feet are not steady and my grip isn’t strong and then a gust of wind comes along…

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God Ran Across His Yard

just letting my dogs out to greet the morning sun………hate to clean up accidents before the days begun……………..noticed a squirrel scampering up a tree…………….. a chipmunk stopped his breakfast and scurried under the fence…………..rabbits nibbled on some flowers and waited until the dogs approached then raced behind some bushes far…

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fortune cookies

you’re in trouble when you start seeing with your mind………………might as well have your eyes closed…………………..because you’ve already closed your mind……. when you opinions and your convictions overide your ability to see things as they actually are……you are in trouble……… opinions and views without information is like following the advice…

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perfect life………………..perfect poem perfect, regarding life to me doesn’t mean riches, without pain or suffering or status……it means a cornucopia or plethora of experience…………….i wouldn’t prefer to have my heart broken again…………..but i’m glad i went through it because it taught me things about myself…… i became an alcoholic and…

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the peace within

the chaos without is no longer a match…….for the peace within……..i can turn off the television and sit in the sun and feast on a never ending love affair with the magnificent world around me…….lost for an hour or more watching ants hard at work………………..watching my dogs eat a concoction…

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hard to be still

hard to be still…….when you say these words……….coming from you they sound absurd……you act as if you know them firsthand………and you are so far removed…….you don’t have a clue pretty easy to tell when people believe what they are told……..they regurgitate their indoctrination almost word for word…………….and if you inguire…

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what flavor would you like your truth/for cake,tamda,ttam and tinman

i know it’s a hard thing for you to accept and you prefer to have it watered down a bit……perhaps a little whipped cream and sparkles would help……………what flavor would you like the truth…. too strong to come right out with it…….so with you we have to measure it in…

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i saw me…….when i saw you/for Chris T.

that unmistakeable look of going around in circles in your head……………i saw me when i saw you that mechanical walk that looked like your batteries were just about to run out……i saw me when i saw you the tendency to look down for fear of what the next moment would…

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i take it back

foolish to think we are all the same………some are guided by God and others play their own game…… think we could all get along is kinda insane…………where there is no ”Spirit” there is no soul………. we are not all the same……let’s face it ……..doesn’t mean we can’t love them…….but if…

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hmmmmm……..i don’t think this is what justice looks like

i saw the video of your brother being murdered……………………no words…..horrible………and you have taken to the streets in droves………….many have decided that burning down their neighborhood……is a good response……..wondering…….how does that help…. the brother or sister who owns the store or shoe shop didn’t kill your brother……why should they pay…….how does…

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the lies we tell ourselves

the lies we tell ourselves are to weak to tell anyone else……………so we keep them under wraps….but they always become traps…………..and we only offer them up when they become our truth………. when we know they are lies and we keep trying to make them work because they seem like they…

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what would your Mother say…..

it seems kinda funny but i still feel this way…………often before i do things,i ask myself ”what would Mother say”………………although she is miles away ……im my mind i see that look and that’s all it took to turn me a different way……. all your guys that didn’t have Mom’s you…

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sad to say/’you wouldn’t treat your dog that way’

puzzling……and sad to say…….you wouldn’t treat your dog that way….. these people that you criticize and call names and despise………have profoundly opened up my eyes……………….i know you…… wouldn’y treat your dog that way…….. these are Fathers,Mothers, daughters and sons…….you have never taken the time to know where they are coming…

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what i like about you/for willy H.

what i like about you…… don’t say much…………………but you do a lot you don’t talk a lot but your hands are always busy helping someone or assisting someone with their labors i find the only way to converse with you is help you with what you are doing…….i like that…

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walk what you talk

walk what you talk……..or your words mean little to me………they take flight and sound like crows in a tree……………you seem so convinced that what you say is true…………..but your feet and your mouth are traveling in different directions………………. hard for me to put much stock in a pile of words…

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i’d want that for you

there is nothing i want for me that i wouldn’t want for you……………..because if it’s good for me it’s probably good for you….. when i keep the focus entirely on myself……..hard for me to identify with anyone else…..and living wrapped up in one’s self doesn’t take long to feel strangled………….…

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Soul Soap………………………………#23.2 personal hygiene

‘Soul Soap’………………………………………………………………………………..prayer God thought of everything……………………………now go wash up……dinner’s almost ready ttucro

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your ear has more power than your mouth

give all your attention to someone talking to you and when you speak they will listen pause after someone finishes speaking to let their words sink in and permeate your mind nothing shows more respect then attentive listening when you earnestly listen…….your words are met with the same respect if…

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if you wanted to………….#76.5

if you wanted to………you could become a new person overnite………….and start over again/i’ve seen it happen if you wanted to………. you could reject all the misguided family traditions of prejudice and bias opinions………..because they don’t work anymore……………you don’t have to make a big deal about just decide to let them…

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your focus will determine your flight

your focus will determine your flight……… and where your mind dwells it will direct your steps…………towards those thoughts……… thoughts are the building blocks of reality and we manifest our world by the thoughts we think…….. one may not always control the thoughts that come into our mind…….but practice and determination…

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but nobody wants it

i can give you the ”key” to a life that is joyous and free………..but nobody wants it i can show you a way…… turn your problems into blessings…….but nobody wants it i can tell how to access the ”greatest power in the Universe”…………….and He is guaranteed to draft you on…

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