God talk

He disciplines those He loves………………………..alright……………… if i do not give credence or recognize ”ignorance” in conversation…………..the speaker realizes that what is not being said is ”the subject or topic is of no value or merit to me and therefore isn’t considered worthy of discussion…………….a very good remedy to get your…

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what’s your sign say

i asked a friend ”what’s your sign say”……………….and he said……..”what sign” we all carry a sign each day when we leave our homes…..apartments………….or the shelter….. it is the sign on our face of hope, peace…………….faith………………….or not…… i can remember when i first got sober…………..a fellow traveler on the road to…

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2 sides to this coin/emergency landing/for CAB

the clamor of these last few days have caused a rattle in my head……………and i cannot find the logic to support what is happening to me….. is that a voice i hear resonating deep within………….i try to disregard it but there it is again……. ”little bird”……………….your wing is broken…..but it…

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live it

the things i believe can easily be seen by the way i live my life……..there are times when i must speak up…….but those times are few and far between………………you need not ask my opinion or my feelings about matters of the day……………..what i say with my actions should little doubt…

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is my house……………….in order

so much easier for me to see the things you need to do and if i’m not guarding my mouth………..i am apt to tell them to you………………but i am reminded to turn the focus back on me and it doesn’t take very long to see there is much work to…

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the saddest mystery

it continues to amaze me………………………………….that most of the people i meet..are a mystery to themselves…………………………they have little idea how they got to this point in life………what is the focus of their lives………………..or where they are going………………..if you ask they will laugh and smile……….shrug their shoulders………………because thet don’t know………..wow   if…

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discovering i have gills

finally……………abandoning all hope of having a better past……….accept my shortcomings and start to relax……………..i don’t feel the sinking sensation……………..and i begin to notice many things i have overlooked while struggling to stay ”afloat”………………….. i am able to breathe as the waters of life rise around me…………..going with the flow has…

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the measure of a man/woman

i define myself by the things i don’t participate in more than by the things i do participate in… the affliations i attest to are as valid as my efforts in those endeavors………….. talk…..talk……talk………with no walk…..walk….walk…………..is the sound of…..footsteps down an endless hallway with no doors………clack…….clack or actually cluck…..cluck……. better…

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ttucro’s principal/”the bridled tongue”

this concept as with all master concepts is easy to understand…………..it is not heady, deep or intellectual…………..but it is without doubt one of the most difficult to accomplish ready………………………….. it is neither necessary nor appropriate to say everything one thinks good luck

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that little Boy is me

that little boy that loved to climb trees, wade in the river and push through a crowd to get closer to see………………..he’s gotten older………………… but that little boy is still me….. that little boy that loved to play games………hated to lose…………….but was always willing to try again………………made friends easily and…

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just pretend

just pretend that you give a shit…………………..just pretend……………………..after you see how people react…………………………………………………………………………………………you will/ttucro

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‘LOVE’……………….is not fearful

i understand the tendency to struggle when confronting someone with an issue you know they are not willing to discuss……………i get it………………. now the dividing line is whether the issue can wait……….safely, or whether it has the potential to create lifelong consequences…………….. if it falls into the latter category……………..pray about…

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sketch it in your mind

sketch it in your mind ……what it is you hope to find……………in this walk we refer to as ”life”…… have a loose fitting plan you can adjust as you scan the unlimited possibilities of the day… be aware that there is a force that is ready to lead each of…

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does it mean that much to you?

do you ever think about the price Our Savior paid………………….yeah i know we say we are Christians,…………maybe even read the Bible everyday…………………but i think it’s important to reflect on what went down…………..that the Son of God was willing to be scorned and disgraced so that we could be forgiven for…

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rabbits in the garden

as i look out the kitchen window i spy my little friend nibbling on some red flowers my wife had just put in……………………..he looks so calm and peaceful and then a dog barked in a yard nearby………………….his ears went up and listened to see if he needed to make a…

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i’ll give it away……..but i won’t throw it away

i’ll give away part of the day because i know that’s what you want me to do…….to strengthen these ties that unite you and I………………an bless those that need a little push…………………sometimes the wheels are in place to get in the race……..but we are afraid to let them roll and…

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Secretary of the Interior

i met with the ”Secretary of the Interior”…………….this morning to get my assignments for the day………………………….and it was the same the day before and tomorrow it will be the same…. for a time i wasn’t paying attention until i realized what He was trying to say………………. ”if you think you…

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dark skies

those dark skies above your land where sent as a reminder that I AM…….the Great I AM……. although each one of your groups think they have a plan………………..I AM still in control……the Great I AM……….. I will let you continue on your way and when I have had enough……………You Will…

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why wait

why wait to get to the gate………………that you perceive as heaven………… what i have come to find is heaven is in my mind……..i manifest those thoughts in my world….. there are issues that no longer need to be made into problems……………..there are solutions and appropriate answers………….often they require my greatest…

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Whitman’s Sampler

you press down on one end when no one is looking to see the inside and after several intrusions you make your choice………………………not what you expected…….but it doesn’t deter you from trying again……………. that’s about the ”skinny” on life…… you press down on things to try and get clues and…

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where i got lost

i may never be able to recollect or pinpoint when i started to slip……………….but my experience leads me to believe…………….when i took my eyes off the ‘Cross’…………………. when my life and my marriage started to unravel….i was going through the motions of life but my focus was on acquiring and…

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you never know

there was a time when my world was looking thin……… i was out of options and i thought that it might end…… someone that i knew but i wouldn’t have called him a friend….. heard about my dilemma and took the time to find out where i lived….. we talked…

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they can’t take that away

i can’t ignore the issues that confront our nation and our world…………………but i refuse to so encumbered by them that i forget about the God I Love……………..He has taken me from the gates of Hell and set my feet on solid ground…….and I know that He is in charge and…

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that finger that you point

that finger that you point looks tired………………you have been holding it out for a long time and i can see you are growing weary from the strain……………….sit down…..and just ”be” for a spell……………… if everyone is wrong all the time………you would have to be ”right” all the time…..you must be…

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Augean……………………..difficult and unpleasant like taking down the facade that you have been hiding behind for years and admitting you are as scared at times as everybody else….. finding the courage to examine old worn out prejudices and beliefs and packing them up and throwing them out and refusing to answer…

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the journey to ”sitting still”

that part of the game is over………………………constantly moving…..never being where i actually was at the time……..always onto the next ”thrill” or the next ”thing”………………..now the next thing has correctly scaled back to the ”now thing” from the ”next thing”and i wish it hadn’t taken so long……but i’m glad i’m here……….…

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ordinary……………….now extraordinary……………….sad

i met a man who was clear in his speech…….combed his hair and brushed his teeth…..helped an elderly woman cross the street………………………extraordinary went to work and held a job……..volunteered from time to time at a local ”Boys Club”…….has three kids and is married to their mom…………………extraordinary goes to church and…

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thought it was just a poem

”I read your poem the other day…..when i was at a loss for words……….i must admit i was rather discouraged with what was going on in my world………….i remembered you were in recovery as i raised the gun to my head…….your words pounded in my head and i put the…

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One Father……….who watches over us, listens to our pleas Giving us what we need……….when we humble ourselves to receive The ‘Body of Believers’ can change this world’s trajectory Coming together as ”One”………praying for All to see….Gods’ Love  Can Set Us Free

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rigid aka ”stuck”

if i’m confident in what i believe…….your opinion shouldn’t bother me……..if i’m afraid what you may say could strike a nerve………………..perhaps my beliefs aren’t as sound as i thought they were…… to be tolerant and accepting is the pathway to freedom from confrontation……………doesn’t mean i give in…………..or give up……………………..i do…

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