
it’s in my soul and in my heart……………..given me hope and a new start………… slate isn’t clean but i have owned my part…….and i don’t blame anyone, an i pull my own cart…… this faith you described to me when i was a child meant little to me but i…

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protest /everyday

i protest all the evils of this world by now joining in………………i carry a banner that proclaims that ‘Jesus is Christ and Lord’ and it is plastered across my face…………….i lift my voice to sing His Praise and raise my Hands to help a friend………………….i protest the eveils of this…

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sublime faith/for r.sarah

i have witnessed your galantry as you faced many difficult days……and i marveled at the quality of your unparalleled faith………………… the point that it was not hard to see God working in your soul……………i watched as light surrounded your face and it touched me to the core……………. there is no…

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Linguist/the God of many Languages

God needs no interpreter………………………He speaks in whatever language to communicate is required…………………………Native tongues………………………Nature……………………….Actions of Others……………………………the Holy Spirit knows how and when to slip in…………..when that tingling feeling comes in body……………..makes us aware…………………His presence is near………. whether you are a seeker, have a passing interest in ”faith”…………… disbeliever……….the Father knows how…

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”the policy”

few things carry a warranty that lasts throughout all time…………….where there are no exceptions and no fine print to scrutinize…………… are covered……………………… the ”policy” is resonable to afford and there are agents easily available to assist you with the application……………………………… it is the iron clad shield against the hurricanes, floods…

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to become…………………taciturn

what a blessing and a shift it would be…………so i ply this prayer to thee……………..”thy hand is requested”…………………. to be inclined to silence…………. giving thought to words before speaking and not after…………to pause letting others voice their concerns and opinions………..hesitating to join in conversation………………………………”thy hand is requested”………………. to be in…

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free will

so they say God gives us ”free will”………………..that means i have a decision to make…………a short inventory of my decisions up to now…………………….no brainer…………………i’ll give it back to Him……………………………and you were saying

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mosquito net

God covers me with a mosquito net………………so i don’t have to worry about constantly being bit…………………………….and the trivialities of the day………….rarely get in my way……….protected by Gods’ net………………. kinda cool to have that kind of friend that will keep things out and you can choose what to let in……………………….there is…

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the answer

i did not stumbled onto this……………i was led by love and assistance from my angels here an above………………………… this incredible treasure trove……….. it has allowed me to live life………… and serene………….as long as i don’t intervene with concerns over which i have no control………………the fits and facades of a broken…

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to walk in faith

i cannot be oblivious to my surroundings………………….but i also cannot be ruled by them……..i cannot evaluate my offerings of hope and encouagement……………………for they take time……….my responsibility is the effort only……… hence…………..a drop of water or a word of kindness……………….may seem like a small thing to me, but a flood of…

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properly dressed

all attire is inappropriate……………….unless accompanied…….by a smile………..ttucro

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people of profound knowledge………………find few things beneath them……………only above ttucro

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brothers and sisters……………………Come………………walk with me………………..and see the things God has shown to me…….we will be blessed by His Love…………….please won’t You Come………… Come to the light that outshines the sun…….clouds cannot cover for it is imparted within…………gives hope to others and God will defend……….all those who …..Come…… thou burdens seem…

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the two most important lessons to learn

not to be ruled by emotions forgiveness

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ask…….if you want to know/ listen if you care

i posed this question to a few friends……..”how will you remember me”…………their answers made me think of how i am perceived………………….one said……….”dedicated”, another said ”faithful”………………..and still another said ”wacky”……………………. so from their perspective i am a dedicated, faithful, wacky guy………………..i can work with that and it tells me my perception…

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take that step/cloud walker

”G” may nudge but he will never push……………that desire to know Him will take all our reserve……………………..stepping into the great unknown………….is the equivalent of daring to walk on clouds……. feeling His presence and seeing signs that were there before………but before you were blind……….and everything you thought you knew begins to…

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no ”luck”

people of faith don’t believe in ”luck”…………………..they believe in ”grace”………………

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YES …… can

i hear your cries of anguish as you go about your day……..and i try to softly remind you…..these are results from decisions you have made………………at times i feel infected with your negativity and laments…………..i separate and find a place where i can pray and rest…………….. like a child getting ready…

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when i came to

when i came to, God was sitting in a chair…………..handed me a drink of water and stared off in the air…………………………..he began humming and then He began to sing………….the same refrain over and over again…………… ”come on up to the hill childern……………come on up to the hill…………..I will show you…

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call the ”Repairman”…………………

this system is out of whack……………….the reset is broken and it won’t switch back………..i tired to replace it but it just doesn’t make contact………………..i need to call God…….. looking back it would have been better if i had done that from the start……….but i know a little enough to tear…

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you are blind

i know technically you can see…………………..but your mind has tainted reality………..and things that are obvious are hidden from thee……………………..therefore you are blind……………….so i rest my case and save my words………….because talking with you has become absurd…………and i see no good that will come from showing you proof that you are…

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the truth is never a lie

the truth is difficult to hide……………..hard to cover and a little always sticks out……….the truth isn’t slippery……………can be cold…………….hard as steel…………………lies have sharp edges………not so with the truth…………….blunt………… may knock you down or out…….but it doesn’t cut……………….sticks in youy side like a kid poking you with a baseball bat……….the truth…

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their is an internal compass that let’s me know for sure if the path i am traveling will bring sadness or bring joy though i may consult with others i generally already know if i am at peace within……………….all is well with my soul matters not the occasion nor what…

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but ONE

the state of our country……………the perils of our world………………could cause the most devout to crawl inside a hole……………………but flipping through the channels…….a small voice clammers in my head……………………..”these things are but trivialities and they will change like the wind……………………..I am the same today as yesterday……….tomorrow and until the end of…

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the acceptable lie

the acceptable lie……………has infiltrated you and i and it has become part of our culture….. would that a friend……………say was was on his or her mind then languish trying to find words that disguise their feelings………………. nothing worse than leaving a friend trying to determine what they were hiding………………if we…

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concise and clear…………….sparse with words……………able to fly through your mind like a bird……….the object of speaking is to be heard…………….less verbiage is the goal…………. to be able to draw straight lines with words that are able to define……………. is a gift i will continue to seek for the rest of…

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save your time/don’t ask me/ask God

i can see your frustration as you wait to see the way……………..the waiting is the hardest part…….but that’s where we put our faith in play……………………God has a plan and place for us for those that believe……………and He is working to get us right before He puts His plan in play………………

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a few more hills please

all my mentors have echoed one consistent ”theme”………………to pray for challenges/aka…..”spiritual growth”………………honestly you may appreciate the glory and majesty of Gods’ Creations………………..but you grow trudging through the mire…… God, let me experience Your Power and Love walking with You through the valley’s of life…….so that when we reach the mountain…

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staples of a spiritual diet

i feed my soul with Gods’ Word……………and the ‘meat’ nourishes my soul………….i snack on prayer as much as i want…………..and my thirst is quenched with the living waters of the ‘holy spirit’……………….i can always get a calming and peaceful feeling from Psalms and the harvest is always near and the…

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Papa Knew

Papa knew what his kid was going through……………………….he watched His Father and two brothers being directed and controlled by alcohol…………………he tried…………but the ”prodigal” son was determined to have his way and have his say……………..he realized it was going to take the continued lashes of the demon alcohol before i would…

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