walkie talkie/#.030

if you talk it/walk it You Believe Me or You Don’t all twisted up over things you can’t control You believe Me or You Don’t Finances looking a bit thin You Believe Me or You Don’t You pledged your allegiance to me/but you question whether i am listening You Believe…

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while you were sleepin’

while you were sleepin’…………………..God changed the world……..He does it every nite…………………you don’t always notice the changes but they are there…………just a slight wave of His Hand and the wheels of change start to turn………… there are so many things as we walk in faith we resolve that we will never…

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no way out/so i let You in

there’s no way out of this journey………………….we will ride it out till the end…….i couldn’t get over the problems i caused myself……………….so i decided to let You in…. when i was beaten enough to listen………………i sit down and You came to my side……i remember Your Voice very clearly…………….”let me steer….and…

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how deep is the well

how deep is the well you draw from………………..that drains everyone around……..because your hunger for ”more”………………keeps things in an uproar and many are ready to shut it down……………. the problem with believing that those ”closest” will always cut us some slack……….eventually even they get tired of giving and never getting back…

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the problem is a door

the problem is a door/it’s what you have been looking for/instead of being mad, you should be glad/ the answer that you seek is finally within reach the problem is a door please don’t send it away/ask it to come in and play/it will take some time but eventually you…

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why wouldn’t I

why wouldn’t i/wish good things for you/that i would wish for me why wouldn’t i/ want success for you /even it if it doesn’t come to me why wouldn’t i /wish health and happiness for you/though my health fluxuates why wouldn’t i want the sun to always shine brightly on…

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the coldest ‘spot’ in hell

i hope you will reconsider you defiance…your disdain……your disbelief…………. you scoff when prayer is suggested……….but admit you have never tried…..you will keep getting chances until the day you die……………. so friend i hope you get it…………it isn’t hard to acquire……………….but if you continue to deny and defy the sacrifice that…

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my house

i cannot change the world……………….but i can change me…………..being sure that what people see is what i believe……………..lofty ideal to expect the world to be things i am not……..and expect others to live by standards that i ignore…………… when i stop and examine the work that needs to be done…

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road ahead

i have not tread on the road ahead………………….but it gives me little concern………..for i have a friend that accompanies me and He has traveled these roads before……………..i have memories of past events when He has shown the way……………….and what appeared an impossible transverse………………..was just a mattrer of letting Him lead…

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what the water knows

you gaze at me reflecting/ i remind you of days you long to relive/days you long to forget/the waves cover and uncover/when you are ready to accept/when you are ready to let go…… washing and rinsing/washing and rinsing/better than you were before………..never white as snow/life stains as reminders of where…

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respect takes on many forms………………..the first begins with me….what i say………….how i live and what is important to me……………………………respect for the things in my life that can be easily overlooked or taken for granted……………….health………..finances…………friendships….etc………. to appreciate what one doesn’t have and doesn’t need…………is a valuable part of respect………. i have…

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how i count my gold

at nite as i am retiring…………………before i fall asleep…………………i thank God for His Blessings and pray my soul to keep……………………….then before the curtain closes on another day……………………………… i count my gold and treasures by the teachers, friends an family that He has given me…… their knowledge and thier wisdom……………..their care…

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Top Shelf People

when i drank……………rarely did i spend extra to get so called ”top shelf”’ brands………….to me they all had the safe effect………….oblivion……………. that was the only criteria i was concerned with……………… in recovery i have amassed some ”top shelf”………friends that simply stand out from others and thus i hold them in…

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i’ll listen to your feet and hands

i stopped listening to your lips…………………because your actions never matched your talk… so i watch your hands and feet because they don’t lie……………….they may hesitate and studder……but they speak the truth and it isn’t easy to hide………….. so i have learned to trust the language of your hands and feet…

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God doesn’t Panic

ahhhhhhhhhh!…………………a typhoon is getting ready to land on me…………… God smiles and says, ”come stand by me”……………….. the winds are fierce and the trees begin to sway……………….. God said….”i made the winds and I can take them away”……………… the cupboard is looking sparse………….a voice comes to me……………….. ”when was the…

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passing through/to You

jus passin’ through my way to You…………………………..and You asked me to help while I’m here and i resisted at first and then You whispered in my ear……. ”My Son this road you walk is tiring and You will need me to guide your way………..I will place people in your path…

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a closer look

when i evaluate the time i spend concerned with matters over which i have no control…………i am embarassed………………………. time that rightfully would have been better spent learning the teachings of a God who has already laid out my”lesson plans”……………..equipped with a spiritual guide ready to mentor me in those endeavors………………..…

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i am not my brother’s keeper……………..but i am my brother’s conscience…………… if i accept that designation…………….it comes with the responsibility of being open to critique as well as giving it in love…………… a brother who can’t look you in the eye and tell you that your walk is crooked…………….isn’t a…

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not on my own

the reality……………….i have never accomplished anything worthwhile on my own…………humbling and honest…………… initially that could make me feel like an under-achiever…………….except i am reminded that all good things begin and come from God……………….. my humanity clammers for recognition and my ego demands it…………..the beginning of a twisted endeavor………….. fact: sometimes…

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mentally/you pushed the wrong button

”when you started this journey……………….you started building scaffolding in your mind to ascend to me……………….when you should have pushed the descend button mentally…………your mindset was building yourself up because you now had a ”cause”………and you were focused……………not focused on me……………focused on you……. so the scaffolding crashed………….because you were in such…

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i cannot harm you……………..without harming me…………….a strange but relevant philosophy…..so if i become ingrained with this point of view………….i will think hard before harming ”me”………………..because i have harmed…..”you”…………….

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still prone to wander

i suppose it is the ”nature” of man to wander from the truth he knows….to pull away from the hard and fast……………………to linger in doubt and ”suppose”…………………. that intellect that fuels his inner desire to know………………….turns out to be his saving grace and his greatest ”foe”…………………..finding the strength and courage…

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pour, pour, pour…………………………..the vessel fills the needs of all those they can help…………. no concern for securing their share for they never run out…………….and the benefits of benevolence are gifts to the giver and the given…………………… teaching that the blessings from heaven are unlimited to those who believe……………… vessel

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ants walk

ants walk with a purpose in sight………………….they will not stop……………they may have to change their route………………they may have to fight…………………they set a goal and that’s what they pursue………………….. now let be honest…………………who’s smarter………………..the ant or you…… ants walk……………………….and we talk and talk and talk………………..never getting anything done………………

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Savior////////eternally/////////day to day

i can’t get into any mess that God can’t see me through…………………………………..now……. out of respect…………….i need to admit my mistakes………………learn from them……………..and not go there again……………… each time i repeat the same mistake He takes a little longer to come……………..sometimes that’s the only way hardheads can learn……………………. He loves me…

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what is your criteria for a successful life? mine: faith facing my fears honesty with kindness service to others fellowship communion with God family /natural…. and/or adopted goals commitments made/commitments kept spiritual awareness and desire to continue the journey not necessarily in that order/but inclusive of all of the above

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is that God talking?

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…….. is it kind is it needed is it peaceful is it loving is it respectful is it Godly is it considerate is it unselfish is it comforting is it something you would like done or said to you……………….. if it passes these requirements you are safe to believe……………it’s God

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when i whittle away my insecurities……………….what is left is the God  in me…………..and as painful as getting honest can be………………..it allows me to see…………….that without God i will succumb to…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….fear doesn’t take a wise person to see that no man nor woman is a match for life without the aid…

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won’t be long

something’s going to happen………you’ll see…………….when we refuse to get the job done………God will intercede…………… we could do it………………..but not enough people will stand up……………….they let others control the dialog……………..many have just given up………………. but God doesn’t play favorites……………He goes by what’s right or wrong……………and if we can’t get this moving…

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what do your hide in your clouds…………….the things you fear bringing to the light…………..we all have issues that we try to hide within………………but our attempts to cover them always result in frustration………………a little bit always protrudes out and remains despite our best attempts…………………………….they long to be exposed and cleansed in…

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