Not going to happen
The approval we all desperately seek may never come from the ones we want it from…..our reprieve is the realization that if we are honestly doing our best….that self acknowledgement is all we need to thrive…..ttucro
Read MoreGods Pardon
I have admitted I have made mistakes and continue everyday…. but I have been granted a reprieve if I am trying to get better along the way…. Gods Pardon
Read MoreForgiveness is not conditional…
Forgiveness that is conditional is another way of asserting….âI was right and you were wrongâ…..ttucro
Read MoreReward in the âdoingâ
There are few rewards greater than service well done……rendered without expectations ….therein lies the joy of giving…..ttucro
Read MoreServpro…….forgiveness
âLike it never even happenedâ…….something we all can strive for….. ttucro
Read MorePain of honesty
The pain of honesty is healed by the power of truth… will set you free…..but in the process you will probably endure several lumps and bruises….. ttucro
Read MoreSubtraction
When I find fault in others….I inadvertently subtract from myself…..ttucro
Read MoreAfternoon squib….3:16…21
To be kind when kindness isnât returned….is a gift of spirituality and a sign of maturation……ttucro
Read MoreAnd A Recipe for a Great Life
Love like you want to be loved Give with no expectations when in doubt….. bite your tongue and smile speak clearly….softly and only when necessary find the God of your understanding and talk with Him frequently…… that should work nicely ttucro
Read MoreRip woke up
Rip woke up…… a world that was changing right before his eyes……it gave him great concern…..because he didnât care for many of the changes…..then he remembered that he was just a passenger on this train that he boarded when he decided to seek a higher level of consciousness…..that consciousness was…
Read MoreHeart Merchant
I will give you a place in my heart….you need not feel like a thief…..because I have learned the more love I give…. the more I get to keep ttucro
Read MoreLeaving….turn the page
A melancholy moon looks down as I say goodbye to a place that fueled my dreams…..a tear forms in the corner of my eye…..and it will always have a place in my mind…but now I turn the page and look forward to a new and beautiful sunrise……..goodbye Buckingham…..leaving turn the…
Read MoreThey say……
They say….many things……that I donât buy anymore. ttucro
Read MoreMorning squib: For Today
Thank you God for today… didnât have to be this way…..but it became clear to me ……life without  You would be…. misery ttucro
Read MoreEvening squib…….life is the sculptor
The best thing about getting older is you donât have to make excuses why you look tired and sleepy…..because you are tired and sleepy….ttucro
Read MoreIf you want to
If you want you can go beyond the places that only a few know and experience things that many dream ……..but they can be yours know for the nominal price of obedience….it is a purchase that only few make….thatâs too bad ….that is sad…….fly with the eagles ? they will…
Read MoreAfternoon squib…… perhaps….someday
Perhaps there will come a time when I can go about my day to day activities without expectations……then everything would either be âas it isâ…..or âa joyous blessingâ……no disappointments or delusions…. because there were no âexpectationsâ……..maybe someday ttucro
Read MoreMorning squib…..3/11…21
Spirituality would have us believe we are all connected……if you believe that then helps those around you to succeed and walk on their own….. otherwise you will be burdened with the weight of their needs…… ttucro
Read MoreEvening squib……reality is contingent
Reality is contingent upon many things……the initial response is âcmon reality is just that….realityâ….. but what factors into the perception is mental health….spiritual health….and the degree of honesty one is both able….and willing to apply…… our reality in fact is different for each of us … isnât it……ttucro
Read MoreMorning squib…….fraud
A frozen smile thaws….ttucro
Read MoreMorning squib……constipated
One thing worse then to be bodily constipated……mentally constipated….ttucro
Read MoreEvening squib….3/9…21. Two sides of the ?
Be grateful for the devastating events in your life……hard but they will pass……for they make the mountains of joy that much higher… without the other would leave us without the dimensions that keep life germinating…….ttucro
Read MoreAfternoon squib…
Every time you give someone the benefit of a doubt……and they break your trust…….they lose and you get a bye from heaven…….good karma………ttucro
Read MoreAfternoon squib…..always searching
I will always be on this journey to find my true âself â …….the one that has so many layers of false teachings……fears…….and misunderstandings… will be a challenge but without challenges we merely exist…….ttucro
Read MoreAlways room to grow
When you are on a spiritual high note ……. be grateful and enjoy the time…….then try to go a day without a negative thought or word…..realizing there will always be room to grow……donât linger long on the pedestal…..ttucro
Read MoreMorning squib……3/9…21. Wishful thinking
We are only equal in Godâs Eyes….anything else is wishful thinking …… ttucro
Read MoreEvening squib…3/8…21. Denial
A rock ? is never in denial …….but I am not a rock and my emotions and how I handle them often put me in situations that I handle poorly and do my best to justify my behavior…..until honesty prevails and I admit I cannot move forward until I right…
Read MoreAfternoon squib…..less than zero
Often my behavior is such that I think about removing myself from society…..and I have a cabin in the middle of nowhere waiting for me….but Iâm a debtor….and I am indebted to God for His Grace in removing the compulsion to use… He has work for me to do……so it…
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