
our legacy in the end will most likely be not what we accomplished…………..rather what accomplished with others…………….one voice is muted by the proclaimations of many…….ttucro

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the reward of humility

i don’t pretend to suggest that humility is an intracal palart of my life or actions……….but i have my moments,…………….the joy of stepping aside and focusing and devoting total attention to another is indeed profond………………….not from a standpoint of self acclamation but joy imparted and joy received…………by all parties………… to…

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catch and release

we gather things along the way hoping to appreciate their worth………………what we cherish we make sure to keep by giving them away………………so we are blessed as well as others and learn. a valuable lesson in life……………..what we cannot or will not give to others we cannot keep for ourselves……………………… sharing…

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the language of the heart/for jenfur S.

the language of the heart travels places that words cannot reach…………..traveling over miles and through barriers that seemed impossible to penetrate………….but compassion makes it’s own way………………….watching others take suffering and embrace it as an opportunity to grow………….realizing there are things  and people that cannot be replaced…………only treasured for as long…

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the Star Fell

the Star fell from the sky and walked into our lives……………………….. living a life to show the ways Godly People should go………………………….. a testament to us that when we begin to see…………………………….. our desire in life is to fade away……………..and let Him live…………….in place of me allGlorytoGod

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the language of saints

the language of saints may surprise you…………………………….keeping you from even considering such status…………………………………….hard talk at the right time may be the exact message………….that only the aforementioned………….would possess the courage and care to offer………………… if an incision needs to be made……………most prefer it to be sooner than later……..and administered with a…

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for me

there is a chance that no one will ever see……………………….this note i pen for me……………. i feel inclined to write these lines acknowledging what’s important to me………………….. the time i take to absorb how great the gift of life is to me……….time well spent in appreciation of all that has…

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the goal

the goal is simple……………..the best conversations are simple……………..the best life is simple….. the goal is to learn……………..to grow in love and understanding……………..to not shy away from what is not of God and to remove it………………….. to be conscious of my thoughts and actions……………………..allowing me to pass softly from this uneven…

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the man is the mirror

the man in the mirror……………asks today……………if you like what you see……….wasn’t that long ago…………….he didn’t care………………..much about anything…………………let alone being a good person and working towards improvement……………today he cares…………..because he cares today……………..he will more than likely care tomorrow…………………the man in the mirror has respect for the person he is and…

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not spared

my faith doesn’t spare me from the trials of life on this plane……………..it sustains me…… shelters me when the world seeks to crush me…………………..covers me when the whims of men hurl insults at my beliefs…………………… i am not set apart, neither set above………………i am accompanied by a spirit nothing of…

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jus passin’ through/# 209

can’t get caught up in the news today…………….don’t believe a word they say….. glad i’m jus passin’ through………………………………….don’t have time to fret and pout……..not what this life is all about……………glad i’m jus passin’ through……………. this is a test…………………for me to pursue my best……..helping myself by helping others along the way…………………………encourage…

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the Master Linguist

God knows the language i will listen to at any given time…………………….the Master Linguist…. i can try to pretend i don’t hear…………..but a bird will light close by and in a shrill voice encourages me to listen………………..the wind whispers to me …………”Come……come”….. the maze i erect to thwart His call…

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thankful…………not that man

i am not that man that cannot see…………the path that was ahead of me…….. with Gods’ grace i turned around………….now marvel at the life i’ve found……. no longer that man that didn’t care……………who’s love i took and squandered here……… i made a decision to listen to the calls……from others before…

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where Poet’s Walk #92.3

please never take from me these fragile thoughts………………that leave me helpless ….back to the cross………………………for every indecision that has me turned and tossed………….has me crawling back to you…………………………… i could have learned long ago……… the wasted time before i go back to the Guide that loves me so……………but my humanity and…

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see you’re in a ditch let me give you a hand……………now that’s better your on the road again……….life is going to happen again and again…………………….. I’ll walk with you but i can’t walk for you…………….. most of your troubles are because you don’t consult with me……………you get lost and reach…

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in the valley……………….#9si26

it has been a slow desent………………..but i am here……………in the valley………..it isn’t all doom and gloom…………………………..but i am tired and there are legitimate reasons for my fatique……….some i am to blame and some i am not……………..right now it doesn’t matter……………i am here…………………………………………………….. there are certain things that grow well here…………………the…

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the proof is in the ”doing”

”do you want to get better or just sound better………………do you want to stop operating from ”fear based”……………and move to ”God Based”……………………….do You have faith or think you have faith…………………….stop talking…………………start doing……………………the Hands and Feet I have given you …………………………always say the truth……………………your mouth…….not so much……………………………better late than never……………….grow up”……………….…

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don’t say it……………….if you don’t mean it

”you tell me that I am your God and trouble meets you at the door…………..instead of shaking hands……………it shakes you to the core……………………..knotted and twisted you go about your day………………….constantly worried that I will look away………………..exhausted you collapse and surrender the problem to Me……………………all the time it took…… until you…

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use what you have

you have all you need to have a good life………there are reasons that things are missing and many things are present…………………. there is a spirit that helps us along the way………….try to be aware of the ”nudge” or ”pull” and know that it is attempt to save you time and…

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no matter what

no matter what happens today……………………….i will be joyful and renewed by a faith that i have continued to nurture and pursue………………..matters little what confronts me……..as i am fully aware that the power that escorts me is greater then any circumstance or situation that i may encounter……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… no matter what………. i…

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One…………….a reasonable goal

that one person may read something i wrote and say………………..perhaps there is a better way………or…………….i can pause and restart my day……………..that would be enough for me… that an errant thought could be tossed and replaced with a better frame of mind………from words i choose that someone would lose beliefs that…

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the call of the wild

the ‘call of the wild’ almost killed me …………………it’s one thing to be called………it’s another to let that ”call”……………..control you…………………….. wide open is a hard way to live…………………..extraordinarly exhilarating and extraordinarily demeaning ……….because you often go against you better judgment……………..for the lure of the ‘call’……………………………………… it was a very difficult…

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the light of faith

the light of faith shone on your face……………..perhaps it was the God in me that let me see the God in you……………………………..inescapable……….the humility in how you spoke about your beliefs was calming and tender……………… what a beautiful witness that was more communicated by the peace on your face………than the words…

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a place i know/a place to go

there is a place i know……………where i often go to commune with the God of all………….He meets me near the trees and often walks with me and asks ‘how life goes in this world’………..after a bit i respond in words He has heard many times before………’i seem to do fine…

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the shortcomings of words

words can infer…………….but they cannot hold……………….they cannot touch………….they cannot feel………………..only describe……………………..words can inspire but they cannot do………..hands do……………feet do……………….mouths repeat words that have been taught to represent…………………..give me a word that adequately describes horror…………….no words could convey only guttural sounds that cannot be formed or controlled………….that leap forth as shrapnel…

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a different tone

i came back to You………….hopeful and enthused…………………the tone of the thoughts in my head were mangled and confused…………………..but i knew of others who had faced the same plight as mine………………….what they shared had me convinced…………..the problem wasn’t You it was mine……………………….. so i did what was suggested…………………..humbled myself and prayeded…………………wait…

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to see what i would do

You set me in this world…………….gave me my ‘free will’…………………to see what i would do with it……………until You had your fill……………………….. watched me repeat the same mistakes over and over again and saved me from myself…………gave me a chance to start again……………….. my way never worked so i thought i…

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this thing i cannot live without

this thing i cannot live without………………warms my soul and leaves no doubt…………..You sought me out and let me see the best You have, is offered to me……………… i was given the choice to make…………….to turn my life and will over to you………….by doing so what i have received is a…

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it’s there……………….if you want it

it’s there if you want it……………..the ”gold” you seek…………….in encouragement and direction from God who seeks……………………………..to walk with you along the paths and the streets as you make your way towards Him…………. because you see the reality is we were made to commune with Him………….and all other things we must…

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one inch closer

i would like to think that each time i tame my emotions and do what is mature and best for everyone……………i move ‘one inch’ closer to God………………doesn’t sound like much………….but i am faced with these opportunities everyday………….many times a day……………… over the course of a lifetime those inches add up………………just…

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