Expectations…….rocks in my bed

I toss and turn all night long…. from these rocks I placed in my bed……  when I expect more from you than I do from myself….I take the rocks in my head and place them in my bed and wonder what’s going…… on…….expectations are bullets waiting to be fired

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Morning squib. 2/12….21

Blame our misfortunes on others and a funny thing begins…… the issue we thought we had come through… often begins again…..own it….your life…….your mistakes or you will never learn and the same things will happen over and over…again.      Ttucro

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We have a choice

I can’t change things that come my way but I can accept them as they are meant to be relying on a faith and past experience that there is a purpose and plan that requires this seemingly disturbing situation to be present so it is…..a bump in the road….a hill…

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i am…………………………………the ”bee”

i see the bee…………..and the bee sees me………………… i can pretend that it will fly away……………………..and it may…………. i can take measures to assist the meeting remains friendly………………..by moving from the vicinity……………….. but………………i have as much right to this space as the bee…………………i will stand firm and strong………………………………where has the…

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morning squib……………..2……10………….21……/carefulwith that axe

hard thing for me to accept things i don’t like about myself……………… i am easily influenced………………….generally opposing views i do not agree with………… not so bad on face value…………………but the reality is that negativity influences and colors the rest of my day………………………. careful with that axe Eugene……………………those are your toes………………..…

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almost gone………….. before i see

it’s almost gone before i see the true value and what it’s worth to me…………….. never stop to appreciate things and people before it almost to late……………… sadly……………………..sometimes it is……………………………………………. never gamble with things………you aren’t prepared to lose

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evening squib………natural order

no one was ever meant to have everything…………………….there are reasons for what you have and reasons for what you don’t have…………….. change it if you can………………..accept if you can’t……………………………..and pray to know the difference

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evening squib……………….

time never lies………………like it or not

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afternoon squib/water over the damn

things only bother you………………………..if you take them personally it’s not about you…………………..it’s about them

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no pretender

i may not get to the space your in………………..but i won’t act and i won’t pretend…………..accept me as i am…………….or give someone esle the time… i this is my life and before i can be true to you…………….i have to be true to me………….. i do the things i do………………..draw……….paint………write…………play…

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my heart is getting younger

this body is getting older……..but my heart is getting younger…………….as the blessings of life keep piling up…………………..i stand on them and look to a horizon that is filled with wonder and expectation of the possibilities and the marvels of another day walking to paradise…………. it is a guarantee of the…

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you face speaks /for P. ton

your face speaks……………….your lips never moved………………but you eyes sparkled and your heart smiled…………. we send messages that precede us and those thoughts travel faster then rockets through the sky…………… we are more than our body and more than our mind………………if……………….we are tethered to the ‘source’……………..that i call ‘G’ and tap…

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the choice

the ‘Spirit’ came to me…………..’little seed i shall make you a tree……………….and your part will be a leaf……………..I will let you pick the tree………………….but i would be careful because there are different leaves on different trees’…………………………………. so i began to inquire about the roles different leaves play on different trees………………….…

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the shallow well

there is little point in digging the shallow well…………………often runs dry and reveals little………..the springs that feed our insecurities and defects run deep and scratching the surface is often worse than no attempt at all………………….the source is elusive and we may reach many false bottoms…………deterred by what seems to be…

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hmmmm……………where did we put it ?

where did we put the love we lauded…..applauded………….and professed………….. somehow or another we misplaced it or more precisely we sat it aside so we could entertain our well hidden insecurities and ghosts in the closet…………..but they are out now………..and parading all around the room……………. it is so true what isn’t…

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children of the ”light”

welcome……welcome all you children of the light……………….washed in His Glory and bathed in His Grace………………when you look to other you see Him in their face……………..welcome you and bring your blessings and spread them around this place……………….. the ”spirit”……………….is upon you……………you have no need to fear…………………the work you do for Him…

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i ask for Thee

i ask for Thee to guide my mind………………so that i may continue to find………….the love You have showed to me………………..the love that sets me free find in me those hidden things that pollute the flowing streams of Your Mercy and Grace  that others may see the light in me is…

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wrestling match

the better part of me is always in a struggle with my lower nature……… there are two sides to me on a good day……………..and several more on the complicated ones……… torn between dealing with fantasy……………….and accepting the world as it is and being okay with challenges………………… running has lost it’s…

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protect me……from myself

it’s not him………………….it’s not them……………that makes me uncomfortable in my skin…………..i am the one who will do me in……please protect me from myself it’s not the day that challenges me and gets me off the beam………..it is my fears………..my doubts and tears……………….please protect me from myself i often blame the…

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when the sun is cold

when the sun is cold…………………..something is wrong with my soul…………..and i need to be still……………………………….find where the discomfort is……………………………..and if is something i can change or fix…………………………..this is the point where progress can be made……..but only if i am willing to be honest and not afraid……………. not afraid to admit…

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a life without worry

a life without worry lies within our reach……..transcends human tendency and is the condition of total surrender and total dependence on God………………………. to face every moment of every day with the assurance that you are cared for and protected is a life few imagine is possible and fewer yet achieve………………………

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follow the script as best you can………………it will shape a better woman and man……always do more than you feel comfortable doing……………….. it is how we grow………………… there is a path that has been made for each and every day…………….best to stay out of the way…….letting it unfold………………………… reserve your assessment…

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a liitle bit……………..can be a lot

little bit can be a lot……………even if it’s just one drop…………….if it is given with large amonts of love……………. more about the intent than the gift and the manner in which it is bestowed……………… the undeniable………….presence of love is more powerful that words………….and makes it’s way through the hardest hearts…

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styrofoam cup

i watch the cup as it was punched and kicked by the wind to and fro…………………..wherever the wind blew it reminded me that i lived a large part of my life that way no foundation………..nothing that secured me……………nothing that held my place it was a memory that it’s edges have…

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passwords to freedom……’i yield’………………………

i yield to a power that knows i lie to myself i yield to a power that can see the beginning……………and the end i yield to a power that continues to be patient with me as i circle the wagons for the …….time i yield to a power that teaches…

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it is I


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be the best servant of a God…………i can be love as many people as i can stop judging and help never………………..stop reading and studying the Bible practice what i learn that should keep me busy

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now i know why

my Father encouraged me to learn the art of listening……………..but i was remiss……………determined to find my way to the ”Lagom”………………..and easy……….stress free way of life……………………funny but now i realize he was trying to save me a million steps and many tears……………………but i wasn’t listening as i grew older and the…

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not my place

not my place to criticize you                  tell you what to say                    what you should do i am the one who needs to focus on me                 …

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our legacy in the end will most likely be not what we accomplished…………..rather what accomplished with others…………….one voice is muted by the proclaimations of many…….ttucro

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