Sweet Silence
silence me Lord……when I rush to speak…. let the magic of the moment penetrate and let it seep…..deeply into my heart and soul and let these lips be under your divine control…..let me abide in âsweet silenceâ…….ttucro
Read MoreUnderstanding…….limited
Your âunderstandingâ will fail you…..faith is the sustaining foundation……. ttucro
Read MoreNot Everything
Never everything……. but many good things ttucro
Read MoreLiving Consciously
A sign of conscious living is a lack of desire for tomorrow…. ttucro
Read MoreThe greatest gift
Forgiveness……. ttucro
Read MoreLearning to swim
You will never learn to swim until your feet canât touch the bottom….ttucro
Read MoreExpectation
I accept that many things will not be my preference… however my experience has taught me that everything will work out as it is supposed to ……ttucro
Read MoreInstant Debater
Interesting…….I seem to enter into debates over things I am not keen to do……..smile ttucro AllglorytoGod
Read MoreLetting go
Letting go is not giving up……itâs giving it over……ttucro
Read MoreKinda Strange
Most people are more careful whom they let have access to their wallet……then they are to their heart……jus sayin. Â Â Â Â Â Ttucro
Read MoreUntil it is Gone
It is humanly impossible to truly appreciate something or someone……until it is gone……a reality of the human condition….. ttucro
Read MoreNew Directions
My goal had always been to satisfy as many of my desires as possible during my life… over time that has evolved to achieving as many tasks as God places before me…… ttucro
Read MoreRunning ?ââď¸ to nowhere
The great illusion to many…..is that quantity of experiences determines quality of life….it is not what you experience…….rather what one….understands….ttucro
Read MoreShared Happiness
Sharing anotherâs blessing is added joy….ttucro
Read MoreOne step up
I have found that more times than not….I am one step up from where I thought I was…. be aware you are generally better off than you think…ttucro
Read MorePunch your ticket
When you cross over to the land of âspiritâ you punch your ticket to a stratus that is available to everyone……. but sought by a few…..ttucro
Read MoreThe Answer
The answer to the riddle……..is God ttucro
Read MoreCookies for the Heart
Compliments are like cookies to the heart….. ttucro
Read MoreInside job
What is going on in the inside is always more important than what is going on the outside..ttucro
Read MoreFishing in a toilet
Spending time trying to determine what is right for someone else is like fishing in a toilet…….ttucro
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