Wrong place

If I am sitting on the edge of tomorrow then I cannot be living in today……stay in today ttucro

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Afternoon squib…..2/17…21 cancer

When evil men persist…..an good men do not resist……it doesnā€™t take long…..before both hum the same song……cancer. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ttucro

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Afternoon squib….2/17…21

The most challenging and important task you will ever face…..is working on yourself…… ttucro

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Morning squib 2/17….21. Anger

Anger is self cannibalism…ā˜ ļø Ā  Ttucro

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Morning squib….medicine cabinet

The most powerful remedies…are found in your heart ā¤ļø…….ttucro

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Stumbling towards knowledge…2/17…….21

Wise men and women…….are always the last to speak………….hmmm……………guess I should be quiet……… Ā ttucro

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Everybody loves Raymond …….2/17…21

But Iā€™m not Raymond and neither are you…..so be yourself…..and do your best…..the rest is none of your business…..ttucro

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On second thought……2/17…….21

Keep your refrigerator full and feed all you can….keep your mind empty and be careful what you feed it……ttucro

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Be blessed…..and be quiet

After all is said and done……be quiet. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ttucro

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Morning squib: 2:17… 21. Dressing up the truth

ā€œThe phrase… just for looks…. in reality means worthlessā€……….ttucro

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Evening squib…..2:16…21. Perfection

Human nature is such that if one could reach perfection…..we wouldnā€™t be able to leave it alone……. ttucro

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Itā€™s the question

It is the question my friend that takes our mind and makes it spin…..there the cycle begins and a door appears Ā that we never noticed before ….. the answer may not be easy to Apprehend and in the end we may never find it…. but the question has done its…

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Evening squib……Galmatias

Unintelligible talk……… there is something seriously wrong when this becomes more prevalent the intelligent talk…… wake up nap time is over…… ttucro

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Evening squib. 2:16….22. Those things I would rather hide

Those things I would rather hide…..take me for a ride….to places I donā€™t want to go… and surround my mind will all sorts of billboards and signs that bombard me with things I would like to forget……after enough pain I embrace them and they frown realizing this is the beginning…

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Afternoon squib….. prosperity

A truly prosperous person……cannot be greedy…..wealth without charity is ā€œpoverty ā€œ.. ttuco

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Discovery # 7562

Am amazing thing happens when you begin to live consciously……..you enter a new world….a new life………things you have seen for years take on a new light…….people you trusted become questionable and people you assumed were enemies……turn out to be good friends…..open your heart and mind to a new world ?……..reality.…

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Morning squib…..progress 2/16….21

One must scale the peaks of oneā€™s soul before tackling the peaks of this world……ttucro

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Economics of kindness

Be prepared to spend more than you think when doing acts of kindness…..it is rarely an easy affair…..that is the sequence. Ā 1….the feeling of concern…2…..the act of reaching out physically…mentally….financially…..3…the obstacle….there is always an obstacle to test your metal and commitment 4……the blessing….to those who receive it with humility and…

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Evening squib……pursuing knowledge

The pursuit of knowledge…….involves a fair amount of waiting…….you plow through the underbrush as a man chasing the golden goose …..then you hit a wall…..too high to climb so you wait……and wait……..pace and wait……finally you sit down against the wall…..when you awaken…. the wall has been reduced to a mere…

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This world is a plethora of delicious delights…the key is moderation…..many a man Ā has cut short those experiences and the length of his life by succumbing to pleasure…..it is a two edged sword that taken for granted will pierce the armor of the soul and leave one drained and empty…….ttucro

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Morning squib. 2/15…21. Lotta room left

Ok letā€™s say you are fairly intelligent…….and use the analogy that your mind is a bucket where you store things……if you put everything you know in that bucket and you think itā€™s close to being full…. you arenā€™t that smart after all……if you feel you have barely covered the bottom…

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Evening squib…..2:14….21. Weightlifter ?ļøā€ā™€ļø

It is a joy to be a weightlifter you see…..helping to carry anotherā€™s load…..the pay off for me is the ability to see my issues in a different light….and as I go along my way it occurs to me that without lifeā€™s hurdles……I would have missed so much of what…

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When I separate my fears from reality…… I am Ā on the road to clarity…… but only… if I am willing to accept what I find………ttucro

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Afternoon squib..valentine …2/14/21

Fine line Valentine between love and dependence…….we depend on each other for the basics…….but love starts when we accept each other for what we are…….who we are ….and where we are…..I never knew love until I saw your shortcomings and mine….and decided to love Ā you anyway…….giving you a hand isnā€™t…

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Morning squib…..2:14/21

Facts are facts…….the truth maybe hard to swallow but it doesnā€™t stop it from being the truth…….when I want to do something I can justify my wants faster than dominion can change votes in an election……I can only corral my behavior by realizing that left to my own devices I…

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Just learning…….

Better late never……realizing I never had a clue……my ideas above love were as far from the truth……as the Earth ? from the moon……….slow learner

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Evening squib……2….13….21

There is a great deal of logic behind the statement ā€œA penny for your thoughtsā€……much of the time thatā€™s what they are worth……..jus sayin. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ttucro

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domination……………..the constant fight

every artist knows about the constant battle of people trying to dominate and control you……… either they are not naturally creative or they envy your work andĀ  your interaction with life………………….. their efforts will take on many forms…………….the occasional off hand remark………….unenthusiatic comments…………………..or complaints about your preference in use of…

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Afternoon squib…..2/13/21

The world doesnā€™t stand a chance getting me down…….Iā€™m a friend of Godā€™s……ttucro

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Evening squib……galamatias….,liar

I seem to recognize those words but they arenā€™t congruent with your face ……..the words tumble from your lips like water over ice….. they would suggest a pleasant experience had they not struggled with your eyes…….your lips were trying mighty hard but your eyes….,they could not lie:…… i think you…

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