evening squib……………..2…..23……21 the one in the corner

this is for you……………….the forlorn one looking out the window…….watching the birds fly……….what it would be like and what they might be thinking……………..i have entertained those questions and perhaps many more similar to yours…………….we know there is more……….more than what we see…………….more than what we hear…………..more than what we feel……………..and…

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Evening squib. 2/23…..21

You wouldnā€™t go to store and buy chaos….confusion or misery if there was such a place ………but we gladly receive it every day with open arms……..donā€™t catch things that will bring pain…….set aside and let them pass Ā  Ā  Ā Ttucro

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Afternoon squib…..2/23…21

People are more afraid of the truth….then death one thing you can say about time and diarrhea…..both are non negotiable ttucro

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Afternoon squib…….if only. 2:21….21

I would love to fulfill my sexual desires….. if I could only figure out what they are…. ttucro

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Morning squib…..2/21…21

There is no substitute for patience…..either you have it or… you donā€™t…….. check back with Ā me on how Iā€™m doing with that……..ttucro

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Evening squib…….2/20/21. Constant Battle

It is a minute by minute struggle much of the time to keep even close to appropriate behavior and thought……. I thought I would be better by now. I could say the hell with it……but I know what utter confusion that leads to. Ā I struggle because I have a conscience…

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Afternoon squib…..Dad was right. 2/20/21

Most people are so absorbed in their own life that arenā€™t interested in your problems….so keep your issues with a few…it will go better for you……ttucro

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Morning squib/. 2/20…21 maybe the hardest road after all

The self focused and self directed life is constantly challenged with those trying to tie the wanderer to something….people ,places and things..,,…but the wanderer who makes a decision to sacrifice his desires for the benefit and concern of others…..,is he not the strongest…. Ā to forego self for many….caught in the…

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Evening squib…….2/18….21. Ruffled Feathers

Everyone older tells me…ā€ we have been through difficult times before.ā€œ I know we have….but I havenā€™t…..not like these divided times. Their words donā€™t offer much comfort…. just hope…. ttucro

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Evening squib….change

Change is a necessary function in the cycles of life……. yet I am always surprised by it….an so it goes…… ttucro

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Reality #343

No one will ever disappoint me like I disappoint myself…..Ttucro

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Where Poetā€™s Walk

To those whose heartā€™s i broke along the way…please forgive me ……to those who broke mine…..thank you…. it was worth it….. ttucro

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Morning squib…2/19……21. Truce

When I stop ? expecting more from you than I do from myself…. we will have peace… ttucro

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Whatā€™s your preference

You can correct yourself or the world ? will do it for you…..my terms are always better then the worlds….you will learn. Forget the word like and substitute..better…..but you will learn…..it can go easy or it can go hard…..itā€™s up to you. ttucro

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Holding on

Donā€™t kid yourself…. no matter how spiritually fit you think you are……you will not ice skate through hell……live it up…..but you will never live it down…..you can devour and recite the works of masters on living a faith driven life…..profess to believe that Jesus walked on the water……but that human…

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Morning squib….2/19….21. Music of the Mind

The instrument I have the most difficulty mastering….is my mind……..because I am the instructor……. he needs to be replaced and j know a capable replacement….God….a call is the next step. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ttucro

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For I am just a poet on my good days and troublesome ones…..the good news is I will never be any less than that and the reality is I will never be any more than……and that….is more than enough….. ttucro

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Evening squib….pledge

If I should die before i sleep……give my bed to another creep……that seems to have a glimmer of hope ….a playing card attached to his spokes…..and a glimmer of that ā€œlightā€ that tucks me in at night and a wee bit of desire to know a God that hires……everyone. Ttucro

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I owe my pony

I owe my pony? for refusing to stay in the pen……hates to be saddled and ridden and resists going where he is led…..I owe my pony for keeping that path of resistance well trodden and always an option……ttucro

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Heart Garden

The ugly truth is the heart is as pure as you keep it…… the heart has many people under the illusion that it can only manifest good things. The heart must be tended, weeded and raked…….otherwise it becomes overgrown with weeds we have come to call flowers. There is no…

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I know a man who is lost……. I know where Ā he is physically…….. but I canā€™t reach him…..something inside of him keeps the demons fed and they take turns exercising…..I know a man who is lost…. I know where he is physically…. but I canā€™t reach him…….I accept my helplessness….and…

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The Only Place to Be

Getting ā€œright sizeā€ is a hard proposition….but after you get there itā€™s the only place to be……everything else is an illusion….. ttucro

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Iā€™m to blame……we go from here

Born to be a wanderer…. but I let it get away….. by giving my heart to many and playing their silly games……..you must protect your calling as if guarding your life……otherwise you will spend your last years contemplating what it would have been like to be a kite…….I am the…

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Afternoon squib: to my ā€œMistress ā€œ

You wake me up everyday with the potential of ecstasy before me and I open doors that lead me to miraculous experiences and Ā occasionally to impossible heartache ……..I demand an apology for those an you sing this song: ā€œa little rain….a little pain…..without them you would complain……the sun is too…

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Comical thinking / getting real

I cannot expect to be blessed while entertaining mischief…….but often I admit….I do. Ā  Ā  Ā  Getting real. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ttucro

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Noon squib………attack or embrace. 2/18…….

That word/spear in your mouth can heal or hurt….. embrace or wound…….which one will you hurl………think before you speak…….walk before you leap. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Time waiting is rarely wasted……ttucro

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morning squibs…………….2/18….21

addiction: is about 2 things…………….everything else is camouflage …………..lack of regard and respect for self and others…………………………….selfishness   one has a very narrow and limited view of the world until…….the eyes of the heart are opened…..ttucro

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Buried Alive

It is hard to bury a love one……especially when they are still alive…… but often life requires us to do hard things and move on….. life rewards courage ……. ttucro

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ā€œFeyā€ or nay

Be honest enough with yourself to be able to determine if your ā€œfeyā€…..spirituality…… is actually colorful….. bullshit. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ttucro

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Wrong Pilot

Come on………what did you expect……when God stopped flying the plane āœˆļø. Ā It went off course……. Ā  Ttucro

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