
I would always prefer physical pain as opposed to mental…..the body heals quickly with proper rest ……..the mind has a hard time dealing with problems and moving on……ttucro

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Blessing or hindrance……memories

Weā€™re so smart……really?….we can see into the outer reaches of the universe but we canā€™t see how our resentments poison us…… memories can be blessings or a curse…….let go of the resentments and uncluttered your mind will function better …..make some room and take out the trash…….ttucro

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Step lightly

Step lightly as you approach the dark…..the slightest movements can create sparks and where you merely intended to pass through can quickly become ablaze …..that Ā engulfs you step lightly….as you pass through ttucro

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Transfer. For John F.

The energy you send to me I graciously send back to you …. a connection now exists so love can flow freely…. from me back to you transfer ttucro

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One will only find what they seek …………ttucro

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Never fully mature….not in the cards

We learn… we grow …. but we still have the occasional ā€œ foot ? Ā in the mouth ? and we do what we can to make amends and go on….donā€™t kid yourself…… there may be longer periods in between… but you will always be one card short…. of a full…

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In control

Be ahead of your emotions…….not behind them……ttucro

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One must constantly be under personal evaluation……keeping the pedestal at a reasonable height……ttucro

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Life is like walking a tightrope……the height depends on the risks one is willing to take and that should depend on the confidence one has in their ability to stay focused and stay on the wire…. the problem is many overestimate their abilities or lack the focus to stay the…

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Precipice of tomorrow

Each night before I sleep….I see myself standing on the precipice of tomorrow…. and I always resolve to see it with joy….hope and a willingness to learn and grow…….and I find myself drifting away and resting peacefully…. ttucro

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Box seat in Hell

We are funny lot we humans……it isnā€™t uncommon for us to return to a box seat in hell…..the known…. then to step out in faith…… to the unknown ttucro

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That Frown

That frown on your face is an invitation…..and usually taken as a sign of victim or anger….either donā€™t attract positive people or actions….. ttucro

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Your mind has a destination and it may not be in the cards….. enjoy the times the rudder is in your hand…..and except the destination when itā€™s not …….. or change it if you can……ttucro

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When you ?

A new take on your life and the world around you…….happens….when you stop lying to yourself……..ttucro

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Not going to happen

The approval we all desperately seek may never come from the ones we want it from…..our reprieve is the realization that if we are honestly doing our best….that self acknowledgement is all we need to thrive…..ttucro

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A arduous day and a tasty evening meal found me dozing as I sat by the fire… I wandered through the chambers of my mind…..I found you sitting in a chair by the window eyes focused on the sky……as I came nearer you were aware of my approach and you…

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Gods Pardon

I have admitted I have made mistakes and continue everyday…. but I have been granted a reprieve if I am trying to get better along the way…. Gods Pardon

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Forgiveness is not conditional…

Forgiveness that is conditional is another way of asserting….ā€I was right and you were wrongā€…..ttucro

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Reward in the ā€œdoingā€

There are few rewards greater than service well done……rendered without expectations ….therein lies the joy of giving…..ttucro

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ā€œLike it never even happenedā€…….something we all can strive for….. ttucro

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Pain of honesty

The pain of honesty is healed by the power of truth… will set you free…..but in the process you will probably endure several lumps and bruises….. ttucro

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When I find fault in others….I inadvertently subtract from myself…..ttucro

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Afternoon squib….3:16…21

To be kind when kindness isnā€™t returned….is a gift of spirituality and a sign of maturation……ttucro

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Try it….

You cannot ā€œout give ā€œ God…..try it. ttucro

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And A Recipe for a Great Life

Love like you want to be loved Give with no expectations when in doubt….. bite your tongue and smile speak clearly….softly and only when necessary find the God of your understanding and talk with Him frequently…… that should work nicely ttucro

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Rip woke up

Rip woke up…… a world that was changing right before his eyes……it gave him great concern…..because he didnā€™t care for many of the changes…..then he remembered that he was just a passenger on this train that he boarded when he decided to seek a higher level of consciousness…..that consciousness was…

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Heart Merchant

I will give you a place in my heart….you need not feel like a thief…..because I have learned the more love I give…. the more I get to keep ttucro

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Leaving….turn the page

A melancholy moon looks down as I say goodbye to a place that fueled my dreams…..a tear forms in the corner of my eye…..and it will always have a place in my mind…but now I turn the page and look forward to a new and beautiful sunrise……..goodbye Buckingham…..leaving turn the…

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They say……

They say….many things……that I donā€™t buy anymore. ttucro

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Morning squib: For Today

Thank you God for today… didnā€™t have to be this way…..but it became clear to me ……life without Ā You would be…. misery ttucro

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