The Worst Enemy
The worst enemy I will ever face ties my shoelaces every morning…ttucro
Read MoreFrom trouble to blessings
Because k can neither comprehend nor understand Your Ways…….I am learning to trust You………and You turn my concerns into blessings many times a day. Blind so I let You lead ttucro
Read MoreHold the rudder firm and steady
Hold the rudder firm and steady there are clouds ☁️ behind the ☀️… not fear or try to avoid them…..they contain lessons to be learned enjoy the storms as you enjoy the calm….for both work together to turn a sailor into the Captain of his fate……. Hold the rudder firm…and…
Read MoreIf you want it
There is a way to play in this world as you are passing through……the instructions that will guide you aren’t difficult and they aren’t new…..but only a few will use them because of their ignorance and their pride ….and while others seem to have it made…..,they do their best to…
Read MoreFeet Speak
Often my feet speak much clearer than my lips ?….. ttucro
Read MoreWell Rounded
A well rounded person is both a good receiver and giver…..both take practice….. ttucro
Read MoreEntelechy…..realizing our potential
There is a seed of potential and desire in every person…..what we do to nurture that seed determines the quality and trajectory of our life……. ttucro
Read MoreDoes it matter
Before you go get all worked up over something you can’t control…….will it matter 5 minutes from now……hour from now… tomorrow… your stress for something you can change…ttucro
Read MoreThe Wheel of Time
The Wheel of Time turns slowly….but it is always turning…….when you try to stop the wheel or hurry the wheel….one always is crushed. Work with the wheel, accept its control and you will save many days of fruitlessly wishing for other circumstances……. ttucro
Read MoreJust a Matter of Time
Sure congratulate those who stop drinking and using but be honest and bold enough to tell them if they don’t work on changing their thinking……just a matter of time before the same person will drink and use again….. starting is great…..finishing is heroic. Ttucro
Read MoreAdmission of Fault
To err is human…. to own it is rare ….. but until this becomes part of your regimen “you ain’t going nowhere” regarding personal growth ….ttucro
Read MoreCount your blessings
Literally………on a daily basis……count your blessings … will help your attitude, awareness and gratitude …..1. Health…2. Home…3. Family… ttucro
Read MoreThe Carrot ?
The carrot dangling in my face is a desire to understand myself….. I cannot pretend to appreciate and grasp the substance of others until I understand those things about myself… ttucro
Read MoreAs long as you like
I stayed asleep for a longggg time…..God let me slumber ignoring my responsibilities and obligations… was my choice…..when I became uncomfortable because of the bedfellows that I had unwittingly let lodge in my space…..I was being squatted and abused….and I was the only one to blame. Having evicted the squatters…
Read MoreThe Order of Things
I am neither informed nor qualified to examine or question the order of things…. my best effort’s are best spent working with what is presented…… ttucro
Read MoreMental Pole Vaulting
When you learn to separate your emotions from rational thought…… have achieved a level of honesty that few come to know……ttucro
Read MoreCareful What You Keep
Rummaging through drawers and boxes looking for the card or paper that has escaped….we uncover mementos of the past hidden in graves and covered in dust….only to give the occasional glimpse into the past….one should be careful what they keep… makes for heavier burden to carry into the future…. ttucro
Read MoreThe Bigger Picture
When the events in the news,that you cannot control, become of more concern than fully living the life in front of you, you have wasted that moment and lost sight of the bigger picture……. ttucro
Read MoreGreatest Responsibility in Life
Ones greatest responsibility in life……is to live it………. ttucro
Read MoreA Step Above
A step above beautiful is….Godly There is no beauty that doesn’t include God Ttucro
Read MoreYour Choice
The only problems God can’t work out are the ones we won’t let Him…..ttucro
Read MoreEverybody Row
The problems in this world ? is that everyone is rowing in different directions…..the beauty of this world ? is that everyone is rowing in different directions… is a matter of perception……..acceptance is the “key” and perception is the paintbrush ?. Ttucro
Read MoreNot worth keeping
If it’s not worth giving away….it’s not worth keeping…. ttucro
Read MoreGreatest waste of Time
The Fretting over something you have no control over..ttucro
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