New Directions

My goal had alwaysĀ been to satisfy as many of my desires as possible during my life… over time that has evolved to achieving as many tasks as God places before me…… ttucro

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Running ?ā€ā™€ļø to nowhere

The great illusion to many… that quantity of experiences determines quality of life….it is not what you experience…….rather what one….understands….ttucro

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Shared Happiness

Sharing anotherā€™s blessing is added joy….ttucro

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If you find it hard to please yourself….perhaps you should examine your needs as opposed to your wants…… ttucro

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The clouds in the sky give me respite from the sun…….the clouds ā˜ļø inside give me reason to reflect….. ttucro

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The Universe has a coupon that allows you to be free… live every day to its fullest without out restraints from the past……..clip the coupon……it is called ā€œforgivenessā€ ttucro

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The Best

The best never loses its shine….especially if it is given away…..ttucro

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One step up

I have found that more times than not….I am one step up from where I thought I was…. be aware you are generally better off than you think…ttucro

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Punch your ticket

When you cross over to the land of ā€œspiritā€ you punch your ticket to a stratus that is available to everyone……. but sought by a few…..ttucro

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Kindness is never….. bitter ttucro

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Act…… as if……………consistently…….continuously…….anit will be…… ttucro

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The Answer

The answer to the riddle…… God ttucro

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Cookies for the Heart

Compliments are like cookies to the heart….. ttucro

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Inside job

What is going on in the inside is always more important than what is going on the outside..ttucro

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Fishing in a toilet

Spending time trying to determine what is right for someone else is like fishing in a toilet…….ttucro

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Wash between your ears

The world ? is dirty…. very important to wash your mind….ttucro

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Today is perfect………….because I decided it was…ttucro

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Hopscotch: Life

Not really to different than the game of hopscotch…..we pick a spot and attempt to attain it….sometimes with success and often not….. looking back we often see the route we were forced to take was better the the one we would have chosen….and the goal wasnā€™t what we thought it…

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The Longing

There is something…..Iā€™ll call it the ā€œlongingā€ for lack of a better term….within every person there is a sense Ā that there is more…..w have no control over it….it is just there…..and I believe there is…..I donā€™t care to debate what ā€œitā€ is….I am comfortable with your having your belief or…

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No Conditions to Praise

My circumstances do not color nor determine my gratitude to God…..this earthly walk….this human form and condition are apt to lure me into situations and actions that neither magnify nor identify my beliefs…and I waver an stray from the path….. my knowledge and willingness to accept guidance and correction allow…

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I have been faced with denying what is happening and given the choice of dealing with the issue or ignoring it……. the added pain and confusion from not addressing reality has taught me an unsavory situation left unattended….continues to rot…take your pick… ttucro

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The Darkness

I can only be afraid of what Iā€™m not willing to talk about……the light breaks the spell… ttucro

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No power over me

What I am willing to talk about loses its power over me. Ā  Ā  Ā Ttucro

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The ā€œmagicā€ of Pausing

When I am aware that I have a choice in what I say and do….. the outcome never fails to be better for me….and you self-control is the only real goal

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It is your Reflection

I hate to break it to you but what you see….feel… experience is a reflection of yourself….we are magnets for what we are…what we say… how we act…..what we do or donā€™t do…..what we give and what we take is the cake mix that goes into the mixing bowl of…

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Today I Accepted Time

Today I accepted that time has the upper hand….even though I am prone to get in the ring from time to time…..only tone hit by a left hook I never saw coming… my ego and pride keep trying to get me to believe I am still. Kid…but a look in…

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The ā€œspiritā€ intercedes

Entering into a difficult time, I am grateful my ā€œspiritā€ reminds….. that from the beginning and until the end it will be with me through thick and thin…..ttucro

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Pride is only as good as itā€™s trainer……it knows when to walk and when to heel……ttucro

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Part of me

Everything and everyone I have encountered is a part of the fabric of my life….there are pieces of the fabric that I have strong feelings about some positive and some I have learned to accept……those had often been labeled…. Ā but I have removed them in favor of just regarding them…

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Donā€™t argue l

The only way you can lose an argument… if you argue…….ttucro

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