the danger within

the danger without………………………..pales compared to the danger within a lasso is always ready to stop the errant thought from jumping the fence into reality decades of experimenting with how much harm can one do to themself resulted in many illusions that continue to peer around corners and whisper gibberish at…

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Ultimate Appraisal

The “Ultimate Appraisal” on ones life is not whether or not you get to heaven….. but how many people you take with you….ttucro

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Recognition is Important

All…….the dogs in the neighborhood know who I am ……ttucro

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Tight lipped

Many a wise person has incorrectly been taken as a fool…… because they refrained from talking about things they knew little about….. ttucro

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Today’s Sponsor

We would like to thank Our Heavenly Father for making today possible and His Son Jesus Christ for giving us Salvation. We are grateful for their continued support. Amen

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When you disappoint me I am resentful….when I disappoint myself I am reminded of how I reacted towards you and that we all make mistakes…..when I judge you the “judge” is reminded of the sentence I imposed on you and he doubles it…… ttucro

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Temporary Fix

When we stop buying things to much us feel better about ourselves…. then we can get honest and work on the real issue….self esteem ttucro

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This Man

I am not “that man”…..I am this man…….this man laughs…….cries…. tell lies…tells a version of the truth …….hurts… hurt…..heals and helps other to heal….is lost and found many times a day…..and sits by the river and laughs at himself for not listening to the water which says…..”keep moving “…. ttucro

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The Hardest Work You Will Ever Do

The hardest work one will every do is the maintenance of a marriage……ttucro

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The Serpent….tongue

The “serpent tongue” after it has stung…..goes on it’s merry way…. what it leaves is a mark that bleeds and loses battles that were won……ttucro

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If I am a victim it is because I was the perpetrator……. ttucro

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Time to Play

Give your mind time to play….or time will take your playfulness…away.    Ttucro

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Tired Soul

people recuperate quickly from a tired body….much slower with a tired soul…. ttucro

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A Faith that Works.

A faith that works….doesn’t trample over people… lifts and consoles….ttucro

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The Old Man and the Boy

The boy listens to the old man and he laughs that the old man is tuckered out after walking down the hill…..the old man sits on a stump and listens to the bird singing overhead…..the boys runs ahead and can only think of his destination across the meadow. The old…

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Sweet Silence

silence me Lord……when I rush to speak…. let the magic of the moment penetrate and let it seep…..deeply into my heart and soul and let these lips be under your divine control…..let me abide in “sweet silence”…….ttucro

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Your “understanding” will fail you… is the sustaining foundation……. ttucro

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I am blessed every time I refrain from being ruled by my emotions…..restraint is respect for  others and myself….ttucro

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Not Everything

Never everything……. but many good things ttucro

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My Choice

I am constantly bombarded with information and opinions……I am shaped by those I entertain…..ttucro

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Living Consciously

A sign of conscious living is a lack of desire for tomorrow…. ttucro

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There is a tree inside of me and I have hindered its growth….. not pruning the tree leaving it to grow on its own left it misshapen and stunted….. but I love my tree and it deserved more from me and I took stock of what needed to be done….…

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The greatest gift

Forgiveness……. ttucro

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Learning to swim

You will never learn to swim until your feet can’t touch the bottom….ttucro

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I accept that many things will not be my preference… however my experience has taught me that everything will work out as it is supposed to ……ttucro

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Instant Debater

Interesting…….I seem to enter into debates over things I am not keen to do…… ttucro AllglorytoGod

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Letting go

Letting go is not giving up……it’s giving it over……ttucro

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Kinda Strange

Most people are more careful whom they let have access to their wallet……then they are to their heart……jus sayin.           Ttucro

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Until it is Gone

It is humanly impossible to truly appreciate something or someone……until it is gone……a reality of the human condition….. ttucro

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It is commonly held that change requires some thing new…..that is a misnomer….change requires some thing used differently….. ttucro

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