
If it isn’t that much trouble I should do what I can to fit in……. doesn’t require me to sacrifice my core personal agreements than part of…… is the way to go…..otherwise it’s my ego striving for uniqueness….. ttucro

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Position yourself for success

In all things give thanks…all things….there is a reason….. trust that all is perfectly arranged to give you the experience of life to the fullest…. ttucro

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Only people involved in behavior modification would understand the importance of eternal vigilance in monitoring our honesty regarding situations as they arise…..

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Next……is coming…..don’t push it

Now is what’s happening……live in the present and “next” will take care of itself…. ttucro

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You cannot be grateful and resentful at the same time……which one would you think works better….just sayin…… ttucro

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The willingness and commitment to be honest about what you And who you are is critical if you sincerely are interested in personal growth… ttucro

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What are we waiting for?

God knows the trials of walking the walk of faith……so being ashamed that weak and frail only separates us from Him……just ask for help and get over yourself…….He already knows….ttucro

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When you realize…….that “they”………is actually you…. you have crossed a major hurdle……. ttucro

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Make God Smile

We make God smile by showing a desire to know Him……ttucro

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Work can be transformed into joy with least amount of inspiration…….your choice.    Ttucro

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They Just Are

You will never hear a deeply spiritual person say that about themselves………they just are…..ttucro

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The best “present” you could ever give yourself is being “present” where you are…… ttucro

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Move over

Often the simplest way to receive a blessing….is to get….out….of… the….way Ttucro

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Remembered for making significant bad choices and having the courage to admit it…..accept it and the willingness and commitment to change……I will be okay with that…. ttucro

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The Gift of Your Smile

She humbly offered…..”I have only a smile of gratitude to offer you”…….to which I replied…..”the beauty and quality of your smile says everything in its magnificent splendor”….. ttucro

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It’s the little things you remember

The notes…….the smiles…..the hugs ……the nodding heads……small things that keep us moving forward…. ttucro

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Hard Chore

Ok Easier to keep someone happy….then to get someone happy…….jus sayin……. ttucro

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Purest Love : Friendship

I have lived long stand been through enough to be certain that the purest form of love is the bond between friends……expectations are low and the exchanges are motivated by no agendas other then concern for the others well being….. ttucro

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Tamper proof

The innermost realization that You have a connection and bond to God is the tether that no ill wind nor violent storm can break sending your vessel drifting out to sea.. ttucro

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“Puff” the vanishing dragon

Cornered I offer the dragon safe passage through the door behind him……funny as I gathered courage to confront him he seemed to fade……as I prodded him to open the door…the light of the morning sun make him evaporate and “Puff”was gone…….that lesson taught me that nothing could have dominion over…

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The Judge

The “Judge” is always ready to pass judgment on others when He or She doesn’t want to deal with problems of their own…….. ttucro

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From a perspective of spiritual growth…….issues or obstacles can be seen as ladders….. giving us opportunities to climb higher in our spiritual walk by trusting in the process …..where we have learned everything is as it should be ……. ttucro

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Keep the ball rolling

With the least amount of effort if I accept what life presents…….and label it a blessing and do not resist then what appeared questionable as a “benefit” turns out to be exactly the piece the puzzle missed…..ttucro

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Making the choice….. opened the door

When I asked Jesus to come into my heart……the blessings of that invitation were instantaneous……I could never earn them only accept and appreciate them …. ttucro

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No contingencies

The peace that comes from the divine spirit of God is never constricted or compromised….is oblivious to circumstances…….ttucro

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The Other Side

Spirituality allows me to turn barriers into assets…… ttucro

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Personal Trainer

Make God bigger instead of making your problems bigger………

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Poetic Justice

I used to smile as I watched the old man with the cane struggle to make his way…..one never knows how things will change…….now that old man is me ….. ttucro

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U cannot know…..what u personally have not experienced

Read about it…talk to others who have been through it …..but you will never be able to fully comprehend until you go through it yourself…….don’t kid yourself.      Ttucro

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Love is Courageous

We humans aren’t neat….considerate…..kind things…. so to commit to love one of us is a courageous thing….ttucro

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