Avoiding the Net

There are so many different issues in this world and it is ever so easy to lose sight of what is really important……to avoid the net we humans construct limit your involvement in what you can affect with positivity……other wise move along and avoid getting caught in the net of…

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Test yourself

To be prepared when the clouds obscure the sun….one neednā€™t tremble….one neednā€™t shake for as you travel along the way examine the trials of others and learn from there good decisions and their mistakes….. ttucro

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Change is inevitable……the quality of the change is the direct reflection of society as a whole……which should give us all pause for concern…….ttucro

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Mentally Stable

One never appreciates being at peace mentally….until one is not…..there are times when the hardest task is to hold captive and dismiss thoughts that go against your core beliefs…..and it happens to everyone….to a few Ā only a few times in their lives to others occasionally and to some moment to…

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Holding on to a twig

Trusting and depending on your own wisdom and understanding is like holding on to a twig…….it is going to break…..you just donā€™t know when…….ttucro

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Eyes of the Heart

The eyes of the body over time get fuzzy and gray……..but the eyes of the heart need never grow old…… ttucro

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Reaction vs Forgiveness

When someone fires a bullet at you….do you step aside and let it pass…or do you grab it and put it in your gun…..ttucro

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The Consistent God

I worship a consistent God who is never far from me ……leaves me to my own devices until I have reached a dead end…. softly ask to let Him drive and we are back on the road of Ā life again…… grateful for a consistent God. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ttucro

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To The Love of Friends

truer than the love displayed by partners, wives and thieves….for friends make a decision to accept you as you are….they know your limitations and they donā€™t focus on your scars….they arenā€™t trying to manipulate you in the direction of things they want…. greet you with a smile and send you…

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Better than nothing

It is becoming apparent to me that those few who might remember me will do so regarding me for what I was not as opposed to what I am….I suppose all things considered…I cold have done worse…… ttucro

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I limit my understanding when I place restrictions upon entertaining thoughts I donā€™t like…….because I donā€™t like them doesnā€™t make them invalid….. ttucro

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Regained Control

There is much freedom to be had in determining the proper order and timing of things that need to be done…….there is only so much time ….. but I must exercise a say in how it is to be spent if I am responsible for my life…. ttucro

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A Slower Walk

I hate to think of the treasures that I have passed because my focus so so intent on arriving at a certain destination but the journey could have been better spent…..a slower walk…..ttucro

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The Eye nor Mind is big enough to comprehend the vastness and omnipotence of God…..but we try in futility all the time… ttucro

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All suffering is accepted pain……when I am in emotional or mental anguish it is because I have made a decision to suffer…..the greatest tormentor in my life has consistently been myself…..ttucro

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The illusion

Self dependency is a tricky thing…..some is good…..too much leads to the illusion that we are independent…..leaving God out. Ā  Ttucro

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I am but a key to a door that is in front of me…..by a willingness to open that door I accept the sunshine and the rain….the laughter and the pain……or I can leave it shut…muddle along is a ā€œforever rutā€ ….have it all my way and never hear a…

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In Great Need

Look past the stares….the gossip…..the snarls…..those are the ones to afraid to ask…….for love give and more will flow around you and more will be revealed….. ttucro

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Leave the details to God…….He is a very good designer….. ttucro

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To go easy

When you realize you are crossing over…. the worst thing would be to think about what you wish you had done……ttucro

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Separation Agreement

I am under banner of ā€œtimeā€ and live without knowing the length of time but I am not controlled by time….what I do it is up to me……time deals the cards but I choose how and when to play them…. ttucro

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Lot of people in the world ? lot of trouble in the world ? lot of joy in the world ? lot of hope in life world ? lot of things in the world ?……. and God has Hand and Eye ? on everything and everyone……..thatā€™s Big….very Big…… ttucro.

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Take Control

Regardless of what you think…. you have more control over your life than you think…… but you have to take it….. reach for what you want….work for your desires and what you glean from the harvest be giving and generous….nothing is ever meant just for us alone …….occupy the space…

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Fellow Travelers

Disappointment and expectations are the best of traveling buddies……expectation sets up the demands and disappointment endlessly complains when they arenā€™t met……hire another transport…..ttucro

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You First

Placing God first and everything else falls into place. Best lists always has God at the top….Ttucro

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Love and Control

Control is not a part of love…..it is domination…..love cannot flow nor grow in a controlled state ……..if you profess to love something or someone and seek to dominate it….perhaps you should check your motives and you thoughts on love….ttucro

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Fretting = hard scrabble

Much effort for little return…….acceptance is the key…..ttucro

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The Language of Love

Nothing can stand in the way….of the language of Love…….kindness and concern are hard to hide…….a smile can speak volumes…..and a touch can feel like a thousand hugs to a person in distress……..the language of love knows no borders…….ttucro

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Slow Start

A slow start is better than no start…… the past is gone and today isnā€™t waiting….ttucro

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The POWER of Silence

You are not obligated to enter into any conversation…….if you choose to enter in you have cut the amount of control you have at least in half and perhaps even more….. words not spoken seldom lead to controversy… ttucro

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